But these are the things we know, have known for ages. Yet this never ending, ad nauseam, point. So this begs the question given the pathetic situation what is to be done? surely going on wolf-howls by all memebers here isn't helping. Whats your perspective? Give some thing that resembles some thing interesting and half feasible. can you ?
Trouble with India is that we have a massive population. So, any kind opinion sinks under that. This cannot be made an election issue because honestly, there are not enough people to raise it. Heck the membership of this forum only is too small. Perhaps the membership of ALL the indian defence forums COMBINED will be smaller than PDF.
Secondly, unlike Pakistan, defence forces are not much of a part of Indian civil life. In Pakistan, "Fauj" is the way a lower or middle class citizen can acquire power in the polity overtime : think Mussharrf. Political power is concentrated with "ruling class" purely. India has no such situation. In India, it is very much possible for a non-political person to gather political power by launching a new regional party. Secondly, Indian bureaucrats hold a quite a bit of power and influence. The result of this situation is that within India, Forces are not capturing the imagination of common Indians. People of UP and Bihar -- the movers and shakers of Indian politics-- are more obsessed with IAS rather than being a General or Admiral or Air Chief Marshall in Indian forces. Hence, too few civilians understand the issues faced by forces, even fewer are interested in analyzing them and still fewer have any power to do anything about them. Meaning, the status quo from License Raj continues in defence procurement, production etc.
Now, once we know what is wrong the solutions are possible...
1. Folks from defence background should encourage their children, their younger siblings, their relatives to fight for IAS jobs, rise to become principal secretaries and join various defence and other ministries in such power. This will help to put forward defense requirement more strongly within Indian civil apparatus.
2. Currently, a common pathway many defence personnels take, post their service tenure is that of getting licenses to operate trades. Like petrol station, gun and ammunition business and so on and so forth. Among forces and veterans, to the best of my knowledge, there is very little incentive to enter enterpenureship arena. I personally know few punjabi families but they are in fringe. Most of them are in repairs and supply businesses. We need to promote enterpenureship among veterans. One simple way will be to encourage kids to go for short service commission with provision to earn college credits while they are still in service. After completion of their service they can take up jobs in defense manufacturing with their college degrees and defense background and then finally start their own businesses. A person who has a first hard experience of how shitty INSAS is and what is required in say Kashmir can design a better gun provided he has a degree and right training in mechanical engineering. It is very very common in US/Europe and a number of defense companies are started like this.
For those of us, who are not even in defense forces, we can start by :-
1. Setting up VC funds to support defense start-ups. In US, there are dedicated funds for this. Mostly run by veterans turned CIA turned MBA turned fund managers.
2. Join the damn forces! If someone is smart enough to figure out or ask question on this, then they may consider joining the forces and take up that path.
3. If you are considering doing a degree in arts/commerce/public administration and later planning to go for IAS, keep the forces in mind. Work you way up in the chain to principal secretary and make a difference.