Oh, technically it has failed. Engine? Just waiting for public declaration of the same as GoI formally acknowledges need for foreign engine for the programme.
It's fine. Kaveri was delinked from LCA back in 2004. The Mk1 and Mk1A will fly with the F404.
HAL has already entered into agreement with Boeing.
That has nothing to do with LCA, MCA etc. HAL, Boeing and Mahindra want to create a JV to build Super Hornets
IF it wins the MMRCA tender. Otherwise the cooperation will dissolve. Saab and Adani have a similar agreement. So does Tata and Lock Mart. The Russians also want to deal with HAL for MMRCA.
But it's not up to HAL or even GoI. In the tendering process a foreign vendor that is shortlisted will have to partner with an Indian company that is shortlisted. The point of all the agreements is to just show to GoI that they are willing to enter such agreements. None of them are binding. So if the Boeing-HAL JV has to materialise, then both Boeing and HAL should get shortlisted first.
That is where I expect the GoI to work on leveraging this relationship to jumpstart mk1A and mk2. Hence my speculation on F-18 coming in navy.
By the time all this works out, Mk1A would have finished production and Mk2 would have already achieved IOC. MMRCA and MRCBF are too far into the future to affect LCA.
Look at the Rafale GTG's timeline. We signed in 2016, but the offsets program has still not started. It's expected to start only after September 2019. It's only after 2019 that Franco-Indian cooperation will really take off. Similarly, any MRCBF tender has to see contract signature first, and then offsets will come into play 3 years later. So if we sign a contract in 2023, offsets will come into play sometime in 2026, well after the Mk1A delivery is over and Mk2 has started delivering.
There's nothing for Boeing to do here. That's why MMRCA is looking to get a partner for AMCA, not LCA.
US will need to be given a share of the 'fighter' pie for the GE-404 and GE-414 which we seek to use in LCA.
We have other contracts signed already for the engines. If the US wants a share of the fighter pie, they have to win the MMRCA tender. Of course, we can always have a separate process for a few squadrons of F-35Bs for the LHDs, I'm game for that, but it's a long shot.
The choice left is only with Gripen E (likely to cover the Mig-21 Bis replacement?).
On what basis will the IAF justify its purchase? Especially when the contract for Mk1A is expected to be signed soon anyway.
IAF can look to the Gripen E only after Mk2 completely fails. By then, F-16 production would have wound down, taking it out of contention. Until then they should focus on Mk1A and getting 2 more Rafale squadrons.
Rafale, I expect at the least 2 squadrons worth more (about 40 aircraft) to replace the Mig-27 UPGs and 02 (40 aircraft) Squadrons worth to replace the Jaguars (the upgrade is severely delayed already).
Yep. More power to the Rafale. But I don't expect anything more than 2 more squadrons until MMRCA kicks in. Even getting 2 more squadrons is a significant change.
If Modi comes, then DRDO will have no choice. There is no scope for delay in future programs.
This has nothing to do with Modi. Modi cannot force foreign participation in the program. Earlier, what Saab wanted is to have the Tejas R&D outsourced to them. That's obviously not going to work out and DRDO rejected it a long time ago. No one else is going to help us develop an aircraft. We are lucky the French are at least giving us their now outdated engine tech that we can put into the Kaveri for AMCA. But that's about it.
We are on our own.
There are political considerations which you are overlooking. Please keep that in mind.
It's too late for politics to come into play for the Mk1A and Mk2. If they want to play politics now, then they will actually have to back out of signed agreements, which will completely destroy their credibility.
I don't see the US doing anything that upsets the LCA program. They are not going to help us, but they won't hinder us either.
The upgrade plan of IAF has potential of billions, US will definitely want a finger in the pie.
Which upgrade? Jaguar engine upgrade? Or something else, like the navy?
There's nothing in it for them in fighter planes. The only fighter aircraft that require upgrades now are the Jaguar and MKI. I don't see them getting involved in anything beyond the Jaguar program, but it doesn't go into the billions though. They are definitely not going to touch the MKI even with a barge pole.
The Americans have no intention of helping us develop an aerospace industry of our own. All they want us to do is buy their aircraft and license produce them. They will be our worst partners for strategic programs like fighter jets. We should just stick to working on non-strategic programs with them, like helicopters, transport planes etc.