LCA Tejas Mk1 & Mk1A - News and discussions


He explained it was internationally acknowledged that the learning curve for aerospace manufacturing has a coefficient of 1.79. In other words, if building a fighter requires 179 man-hours at the start of production, that reduces to 100 man-hours when production stabilises.

Applied to the Rafale, if building in India requires 2.7 times as many man-hours at the start of production as building in France, that figure would come down to 1.5 times the French figure, once production stabilises. Then, if production continues, it would match, and then surpass, the French figure.

HAL executives point out that the Hawk trainer began being built at a slow pace, but then matched, and then surpassed, the speed it was built in the UK by BAE Systems.
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Tracking The Tejas: The Design Evolution Of An Indian Fighter Part-I | Delhi Defence Review

Tracking The Tejas: The Design Evolution Of An Indian Fighter Part-I

Indranil Roy & Nilesh Rane

February 22, 2019

It is no overstatement to say that the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) program has made significant progress of late with the Mk1 variant being officially granted Final Operational Clearance (FOC) on February 20, 2019 and its production picking up pace at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). Seven of the thirteen Initial Operational Clearance (IOC) standard Tejas Mk1 already in service with No. 45 squadron or the Flying Daggers of the Indian Air Force (IAF) were handed over in the last 11 months alone. The remaining three IOC-standard single-seater aircraft meant for the Flying Daggers are slated to join the squadron by the end of April 2019. The Tejas MK1 is now also a regular at IAF air exercises, raking up high range scores and generally winning the confidence of its users. As such, the focus has now shifted to the development and production of the Tejas Mk1A variant since India’s Defence Acquisition Council has accorded approval for the acquisition of 83 units of the type by the IAF. Before we turn to analyzing developments related to the Mk1A and further evolution of the Tejas platform, it is important to profile the current capabilities of the baseline Mk1 itself.

LCA Tejas Mk1
Tejas Mk1 is a ‘fourth-generation lightweight, single-engine, multi-role, tactical fighter aircraft. It employs an unstable tailless compound delta-wing configuration, optimized primarily for maneuverability and agility’. Over 90 percent of its surface, and over 45 percent of its airframe by weight is made of composite structures. This is one of the highest usage of composites in an aircraft of any kind, anywhere in the world. This extensive use of composites has lowered the aircraft’s weight by 21 percent and reduced its part count by 40 percent, as opposed to what would have been the case had it been of all-metal construction.

The aircraft has intentionally been made longitudinally unstable to enhance maneuverability. In fact, its static margin, i.e. a measure of its instability (and hence maneuverability) is also one of the highest for any modern fighter aircraft [18]. To recover stability and provide good handling qualities, it is equipped with a fully redundant quadruplex digital fly-by-wire flight control system (FCS). This FCS is one of the biggest accomplishments of the LCA program. Its robustness has ensured an accident-free test record of over 4,300 test flights. The aircraft has also been equipped with advanced autopilot capabilities like auto-level (in case of pilot disorientation), safe altitude recovery (which automatically pulls up the aircraft if it comes too close to the ground) and auto navigation modes.

In-service aircraft are certified to fly from -3.5 to +8.0 Gs, up to an altitude of 50,000 feet, a top speed of Mach 1.6, and an angle of attack (AoA) of up to 24 degrees. The test pilots have stretched the prototypes even further, up to 8.5 Gs, and 26 degrees AoA. At the 2016 Bahrain Air Show, the Mk1 had even demonstrated a low speed pass at 110 knots. The FCS has now been updated to lower the minimum speed to 100 knots, at which point auto recovery is initiated. The 2016 demonstration at Bahrain also showcased another important feature: Following the above-mentioned low speed pass the aircraft immediately proceeded to accomplish a vertical climb. The ability to accelerate while in a climb is a virtue that only fighters with a thrust to weight ratio (TWR) of above 1.0 possess. At Bahrain, the Mk1 also showcased an instantaneous turn rate (ITR) of near 30 degrees per second and a sustained turn rate (STR) of between 15 to 16 degrees per second. A minimum radius turn of 350 metres (m) radius was also exhibited. All of these are extremely respectable numbers for air to air (A2A) combat roles.

The Mk1 is equipped with a powerful MultiMode Radar (MMR) which has A2A, air to sea, and air to ground (A2G) target detection modes. In A2A, the Tejas Mk1 is currently capable of firing R-73 close combat missiles (CCMs) and Derby beyond visual range A2A missiles (BVRAAMs). In the future, the Mk1 is likely to be integrated with India’s Astra BVRAAM as well. Together, with state-of-the-art helmet mounted display and sight (HMDS) and hands on throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls, and coupled with navigation aides like Very High-Frequency (VHF) Omnidirectional Range (VOR) / Instrument Landing System (ILS) and tactical air navigation system (TACAN), Tejas Mk1 allows the pilot to concentrate on “head-down” mission-critical requirements rather than worry about basic flying.

One of the Tejas’s greatest strengths is its A2G weapon delivery accuracy. In all flight tests and air exercises so far, the Mk1 has consistently garnered some of the highest range scores of all the aircraft in the IAF’s inventory. Not only can it carry 250 kg and 450 kg dumb bombs, but also laser guided bombs (LGBs) which are guided to their targets using a Litening laser designation pod (LDP). A single LGB can be carried on either the center-fuselage, wing-inboard or midboard weapon stations. For dumb bombs, two can be carried in tandem in the wing-inboard pylons, whereas one each can be carried in the center-fuselage and wing-midboard locations.

The Mk1’s all-weather and day/night capability has been proven in various extreme hot and cold weather trials, from Jaisalmer to Leh. For example, in Leh, the aircraft was successfully started after a cold soak of 42 hours where the temperature reached near -20°C . In each of the three attempts, the aircraft started effortlessly even on a partially drained battery. The reader might be reminded that a few Multi-Medium Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) contestants had actually failed this test during trials for that tender. Similarly, in hot and high trials, the aircraft took off with 1.9 tons (50 percent) of its max payload, which is an astounding feet given its highly swept delta wings.

The Tejas Mk1 has a total of five ‘wet’ points: one underneath the fuselage and two underneath each wing. The hardpoint underneath the fuselage can carry a 725 litre (L) subsonic drop tank or a 710 L supersonic tank (still under development). The wing inboard pylon can carry a subsonic drop tank of 1200 L while the midboard can carry a drop tank of 800 L. Although the MK-1’s developer, the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) publishes a conservative ferry range of 1750 km, ferry flights of ranges of nearly 2100 km have been completed in the past. The FOC version of the Tejas MK-1 has also been fitted with a fixed refueling probe which can be used to refill all of it internal and external fuel tanks, effectively doubling its range and endurance.

Enter the Tejas Mk1A
Now even while ADA was developing the Tejas Mk2 for the IAF, HAL proposed a simpler interim upgrade. Thus emerged the Tejas Mk1A which will be equipped with an ELTA EL/M- 2052 active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar along with a compatible electronic warfare suite, which would include a self protection jammer (SPJ) pod carried on the outboard wing pylon. This position was found to derive maximum performance out of the pod. On the the outboard pylon, two CCMs would be carried on a dual-rack pylon as shown in Figure 1. This configuration was found to have lowest drag penalties among a variety of studied configurations [19].

In addition to the above changes, HAL would upgrade some line replacement units (LRUs) to cater to obsolescence management, weight reduction, ease of manufacture and maintenance. The aircraft would also be fitted with an Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS) which would allow pilots to undertake long endurance flights. The turnaround time of the aircraft has also been reduced by means of hot refueling, a feature that SAAB wanted to showcase on its Gripen fighter during the MMRCA competition. At the time, the permission was denied by the IAF since it did not have a standard operational procedure (SOP) set up for the same. This hot refueling capability has now been showcased on a Tejas test aircraft.


Figure 1: One jammer and a twin-assembly of two CCMs at the O/B stations of the aircraft [19].

The initial road to the Mk2
However, to meet the IAF’s stringent air staff qualitative requirements (ASQR) for the LCA project, ADA knew that substantial changes to the basic Mk1/Mk1A airframe were required and that is where the genesis of the Tejas Mk2 development program lies. There were two primary concerns: the IAF wanted a fighter that had faster transonic acceleration and a higher STR of about 18 degrees per second. As late as Aero India 2017, ADA displayed scale models that aimed to achieve this by extending the Mk1 with a 0.5 m fuselage plug and fitting a more powerful F414 engine with a maximum rated thrust of 98kN. The plug was to be inserted just behind the canopy where the area curve had the highest discontinuity (see Area curve in Figure 2). In addition to the plug, ADA studied a bulged canopy to improve area ruling even further. The combined effect was 6 percent lower supersonic drag, which in turn led to a 20 percent improvement in transonic acceleration and 2 percent improvement in maximum speed [4]. The fuselage plug and bulged spine would also provide space for more internal fuel and LRUs.


Figure 2: Canopy optimization study shows a bulged canopy improving the area ruling results in 6% reduction in drag, 20% increase in transonic acceleration and 2% increase in max speed[4].

Similarly, it was observed that there was a sudden kink in the aft bottom of the fuselage in Mk1 as shown in Figure 3. By eliminating this kink and identifying an optimized smoothened aft fuselage, an improvement of 4.9 percent was predicted in the supersonic drag on the aft body region.


Figure 3: Assessment of aft body optimization for supersonic drag reduction. Comparison of Surface Cp contours near the aft region for base configuration and that of optimized aft region at M=1.2, AoA= 3 [cite].

Besides clean configurations, studies were also conducted to decrease the drag of loaded configurations. For example, it was realized early that by replacing the current ‘blunt’ pylons on Mk1 with more aerodynamically shaped pylons, significant drag reduction could be affected in supersonic regimes[18]. Figure 4 shows the inboard pylons before and after the reshaping. These new pylons have already been realized and are expected to even become a part of the MK1/1A platforms. One such pylon for the center fuselage has been put on display in Aero India 2019.


Figure 4: wing inboard pylon: before and after reshaping for better supersonic drag [18].

Credits & Thanks to Indranil & JayS from BR

to read more : Tracking The Tejas: The Design Evolution Of An Indian Fighter Part-I | Delhi Defence Review
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Tracking The Tejas: The Design Evolution Of An Indian Fighter Part-I | Delhi Defence Review

Tracking The Tejas: The Design Evolution Of An Indian Fighter Part-I

Indranil Roy & Nilesh Rane

February 22, 2019

It is no overstatement to say that the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) program has made significant progress of late with the Mk1 variant being officially granted Final Operational Clearance (FOC) on February 20, 2019 and its production picking up pace at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). Seven of the thirteen Initial Operational Clearance (IOC) standard Tejas Mk1 already in service with No. 45 squadron or the Flying Daggers of the Indian Air Force (IAF) were handed over in the last 11 months alone. The remaining three IOC-standard single-seater aircraft meant for the Flying Daggers are slated to join the squadron by the end of April 2019. The Tejas MK1 is now also a regular at IAF air exercises, raking up high range scores and generally winning the confidence of its users. As such, the focus has now shifted to the development and production of the Tejas Mk1A variant since India’s Defence Acquisition Council has accorded approval for the acquisition of 83 units of the type by the IAF. Before we turn to analyzing developments related to the Mk1A and further evolution of the Tejas platform, it is important to profile the current capabilities of the baseline Mk1 itself.

LCA Tejas Mk1
Tejas Mk1 is a ‘fourth-generation lightweight, single-engine, multi-role, tactical fighter aircraft. It employs an unstable tailless compound delta-wing configuration, optimized primarily for maneuverability and agility’. Over 90 percent of its surface, and over 45 percent of its airframe by weight is made of composite structures. This is one of the highest usage of composites in an aircraft of any kind, anywhere in the world. This extensive use of composites has lowered the aircraft’s weight by 21 percent and reduced its part count by 40 percent, as opposed to what would have been the case had it been of all-metal construction.

The aircraft has intentionally been made longitudinally unstable to enhance maneuverability. In fact, its static margin, i.e. a measure of its instability (and hence maneuverability) is also one of the highest for any modern fighter aircraft [18]. To recover stability and provide good handling qualities, it is equipped with a fully redundant quadruplex digital fly-by-wire flight control system (FCS). This FCS is one of the biggest accomplishments of the LCA program. Its robustness has ensured an accident-free test record of over 4,300 test flights. The aircraft has also been equipped with advanced autopilot capabilities like auto-level (in case of pilot disorientation), safe altitude recovery (which automatically pulls up the aircraft if it comes too close to the ground) and auto navigation modes.

In-service aircraft are certified to fly from -3.5 to +8.0 Gs, up to an altitude of 50,000 feet, a top speed of Mach 1.6, and an angle of attack (AoA) of up to 24 degrees. The test pilots have stretched the prototypes even further, up to 8.5 Gs, and 26 degrees AoA. At the 2016 Bahrain Air Show, the Mk1 had even demonstrated a low speed pass at 110 knots. The FCS has now been updated to lower the minimum speed to 100 knots, at which point auto recovery is initiated. The 2016 demonstration at Bahrain also showcased another important feature: Following the above-mentioned low speed pass the aircraft immediately proceeded to accomplish a vertical climb. The ability to accelerate while in a climb is a virtue that only fighters with a thrust to weight ratio (TWR) of above 1.0 possess. At Bahrain, the Mk1 also showcased an instantaneous turn rate (ITR) of near 30 degrees per second and a sustained turn rate (STR) of between 15 to 16 degrees per second. A minimum radius turn of 350 metres (m) radius was also exhibited. All of these are extremely respectable numbers for air to air (A2A) combat roles.

The Mk1 is equipped with a powerful MultiMode Radar (MMR) which has A2A, air to sea, and air to ground (A2G) target detection modes. In A2A, the Tejas Mk1 is currently capable of firing R-73 close combat missiles (CCMs) and Derby beyond visual range A2A missiles (BVRAAMs). In the future, the Mk1 is likely to be integrated with India’s Astra BVRAAM as well. Together, with state-of-the-art helmet mounted display and sight (HMDS) and hands on throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls, and coupled with navigation aides like Very High-Frequency (VHF) Omnidirectional Range (VOR) / Instrument Landing System (ILS) and tactical air navigation system (TACAN), Tejas Mk1 allows the pilot to concentrate on “head-down” mission-critical requirements rather than worry about basic flying.

One of the Tejas’s greatest strengths is its A2G weapon delivery accuracy. In all flight tests and air exercises so far, the Mk1 has consistently garnered some of the highest range scores of all the aircraft in the IAF’s inventory. Not only can it carry 250 kg and 450 kg dumb bombs, but also laser guided bombs (LGBs) which are guided to their targets using a Litening laser designation pod (LDP). A single LGB can be carried on either the center-fuselage, wing-inboard or midboard weapon stations. For dumb bombs, two can be carried in tandem in the wing-inboard pylons, whereas one each can be carried in the center-fuselage and wing-midboard locations.

The Mk1’s all-weather and day/night capability has been proven in various extreme hot and cold weather trials, from Jaisalmer to Leh. For example, in Leh, the aircraft was successfully started after a cold soak of 42 hours where the temperature reached near -20°C . In each of the three attempts, the aircraft started effortlessly even on a partially drained battery. The reader might be reminded that a few Multi-Medium Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) contestants had actually failed this test during trials for that tender. Similarly, in hot and high trials, the aircraft took off with 1.9 tons (50 percent) of its max payload, which is an astounding feet given its highly swept delta wings.

The Tejas Mk1 has a total of five ‘wet’ points: one underneath the fuselage and two underneath each wing. The hardpoint underneath the fuselage can carry a 725 litre (L) subsonic drop tank or a 710 L supersonic tank (still under development). The wing inboard pylon can carry a subsonic drop tank of 1200 L while the midboard can carry a drop tank of 800 L. Although the MK-1’s developer, the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) publishes a conservative ferry range of 1750 km, ferry flights of ranges of nearly 2100 km have been completed in the past. The FOC version of the Tejas MK-1 has also been fitted with a fixed refueling probe which can be used to refill all of it internal and external fuel tanks, effectively doubling its range and endurance.

Enter the Tejas Mk1A
Now even while ADA was developing the Tejas Mk2 for the IAF, HAL proposed a simpler interim upgrade. Thus emerged the Tejas Mk1A which will be equipped with an ELTA EL/M- 2052 active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar along with a compatible electronic warfare suite, which would include a self protection jammer (SPJ) pod carried on the outboard wing pylon. This position was found to derive maximum performance out of the pod. On the the outboard pylon, two CCMs would be carried on a dual-rack pylon as shown in Figure 1. This configuration was found to have lowest drag penalties among a variety of studied configurations [19].

In addition to the above changes, HAL would upgrade some line replacement units (LRUs) to cater to obsolescence management, weight reduction, ease of manufacture and maintenance. The aircraft would also be fitted with an Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS) which would allow pilots to undertake long endurance flights. The turnaround time of the aircraft has also been reduced by means of hot refueling, a feature that SAAB wanted to showcase on its Gripen fighter during the MMRCA competition. At the time, the permission was denied by the IAF since it did not have a standard operational procedure (SOP) set up for the same. This hot refueling capability has now been showcased on a Tejas test aircraft.


Figure 1: One jammer and a twin-assembly of two CCMs at the O/B stations of the aircraft [19].

The initial road to the Mk2
However, to meet the IAF’s stringent air staff qualitative requirements (ASQR) for the LCA project, ADA knew that substantial changes to the basic Mk1/Mk1A airframe were required and that is where the genesis of the Tejas Mk2 development program lies. There were two primary concerns: the IAF wanted a fighter that had faster transonic acceleration and a higher STR of about 18 degrees per second. As late as Aero India 2017, ADA displayed scale models that aimed to achieve this by extending the Mk1 with a 0.5 m fuselage plug and fitting a more powerful F414 engine with a maximum rated thrust of 98kN. The plug was to be inserted just behind the canopy where the area curve had the highest discontinuity (see Area curve in Figure 2). In addition to the plug, ADA studied a bulged canopy to improve area ruling even further. The combined effect was 6 percent lower supersonic drag, which in turn led to a 20 percent improvement in transonic acceleration and 2 percent improvement in maximum speed [4]. The fuselage plug and bulged spine would also provide space for more internal fuel and LRUs.


Figure 2: Canopy optimization study shows a bulged canopy improving the area ruling results in 6% reduction in drag, 20% increase in transonic acceleration and 2% increase in max speed[4].

Similarly, it was observed that there was a sudden kink in the aft bottom of the fuselage in Mk1 as shown in Figure 3. By eliminating this kink and identifying an optimized smoothened aft fuselage, an improvement of 4.9 percent was predicted in the supersonic drag on the aft body region.


Figure 3: Assessment of aft body optimization for supersonic drag reduction. Comparison of Surface Cp contours near the aft region for base configuration and that of optimized aft region at M=1.2, AoA= 3 [cite].

Besides clean configurations, studies were also conducted to decrease the drag of loaded configurations. For example, it was realized early that by replacing the current ‘blunt’ pylons on Mk1 with more aerodynamically shaped pylons, significant drag reduction could be affected in supersonic regimes[18]. Figure 4 shows the inboard pylons before and after the reshaping. These new pylons have already been realized and are expected to even become a part of the MK1/1A platforms. One such pylon for the center fuselage has been put on display in Aero India 2019.


Figure 4: wing inboard pylon: before and after reshaping for better supersonic drag [18].

Credits & Thanks to Indranil & JayS from BR

to read more : Tracking The Tejas: The Design Evolution Of An Indian Fighter Part-I | Delhi Defence Review
Very interesting!
Tracking The Tejas: The Tejas Mk2 ‘Grows A Pair’ & Becomes The Medium Weight Fighter

With the Indian Air Force’s (IAF’s) MMRCA program getting serially delayed and recast more than once, there was a feeling in various quarters that the Tejas Mk2 design should perhaps evolve further than what was initially envisaged to provide an indigenous option for the IAF’s requirements. Thus, the IAF and the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) sat down to redefine the Tejas Mk2 with more elaborate modification such that it could function as a medium weight fighter for ground attack roles while continuing to be nimble in the air to air (A2A) role. In fact, the version of the Tejas Mk2 currently envisaged has been rebadged as the Medium Weight Fighter or (MWF) and is being designed as a replacement for the Mirage 2000 with a view to surpassing its capabilities in almost every respect [13],[14].

The most eye-catching change is the addition of canards. Although, ADA had considered Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) configurations with canards as one the short-selected design concepts in the 1980s, it decided to drop the canards after careful wind tunnel studies. At the time, the advantages offered by the canard configuration were deemed to be minor in comparison to the added complexities of having an extra control surface. Afterall, this was the first time that a flight control system (FCS) was being designed for a fighter within India, let alone a highly unstable one. And SAAB’s experience with the Gripen in the 1990s has shown that this was a swise decision. Instead, ADA went with the iconic double delta wing with lower sweep inboard section.

However, now that a stable and robust FCS has already been designed, tested and validated, the addition of the canards is an incremental development which ADA is confident of undertaking. The canards in MWF are positioned below the avionics bay cover, just behind the cockpit. They are in close-coupled configuration and are positioned slightly ahead and above the wing plane for optimal aerodynamics. Close-coupled canards significantly affect the wing aerodynamics by helping to stabilize the wing leading edge (LE) vortices for medium to high angle of attack (AoA), thereby improving lift capability. In addition, they also produces significant lift by decreasing the wing loading, and provide better area ruling for reduced wave drag. In the air, they can act as an extra control surfaces for pitch and roll control, and on the ground, as air-brakes. In contrast, long coupled canards (as seen on Eurofighter Typhoon) are only meant to be control surfaces and they do not contribute much to the overall lift.


Figure 11: Front fuselage section showing Close-Coupled canards adopted for LCA Mk2 (MWF). The front fuselage is elongated by approximately 1.5m using two plugs and has increased height. The width remains same as that in MK1. [2].

In order to overcome the internal space constraints of Mk1, the MWF has been lengthened to 14.65 m, a sweet spot for a modern single engine multirole fighter. This allows the fighter enough internal space for carrying the necessary systems internally while having enough fuel for the range, endurance and performance requirements. This increase in length is achieved using two plugs, one in the nose, and another behind the cockpit. As both of these plugs are ahead of the wing, the centre of gravity (CG) shifts forward with respect to the centre of lift, reducing the static stability margin, or in general terms, the maneuverability of an aircraft. Canards help to compensate for this by shifting the centre of lift forward proportionally to maintain the same static margin.

The canards also help smooth out the discontinuity in area ruling curve ahead of the wing that exists for Mk1 (see Area curve in Figure 11). By employing a canard and fatter spine, the MWF no longer needs as bulged a canopy as recommended by earlier studies. While those studies predicted a 6 percent supersonic wave drag resulting in a 20 percent improvement in transonic acceleration and 2 percent improvement in maximum speed, the MWF is expected to have even greater transonic and supersonic performance given a near perfect area ruling through the changes such as the addition of a nose plug, elongated and fattened front fuselage, optimized canopy shape and rear fuselage. The canards lower the trim drag across the flight envelope, further enhancing overall aircraft performance. As a matter of fact, the MWF is expected to have a top speed of Mach 1.8 in level flight with two CCMs, which is a 12.5 percent increase over its existing performance.

The shape of the canard was chosen after carefully studying a variety of geometries. Based on published CFD studies, the LE sweep is expected to be equal to 50°. At this angle, the LE sweep provided an optimal increase in the lift coefficient with a smooth and desirable linear variation in the pitching coefficient at high AoA regimes.

In summary, a pair of closed coupled canards offer the following advantages to the Tejas Mk2 MWF:

  • Maintain low wing loading by generating additional lift from canards
  • Improved wing lift and better aerodynamic stability of wing vortices
  • Reduced trim drag
  • Better area ruling for reduction in transonic and supersonic wave drag
  • Additional control surface for longitudinal control
  • Allows considerable increase in fuselage length, which is one of the key changes helping MWF completely fulfill the IAF’s original ASQR.
  • Could be used as air brakes during landing reducing landing roll. Canards also help reduce Take-off distance (Short Take-Off and Landing capability)

Figure 11: CFD Study showing effect of Canard LE sweep angle on overall aerodynamic performance of LCA. A canard with 50° sweep provides optimal lift increase and more desirable pitch moment characteristics in the high AoA regime [3].

The MWF retains the main wing from MK1. The aerofoil design, dimensions and the upper interface with the fuselage also show no noticeable changes. On the other hand, the lower wing join shows better wing body blending which should lead to lower interference drag. The wingspan of the design has been increased slightly to 8.5 m on account of the addition of wingtip mounted CCM pylons (see figure 12). The wing starts further aft of cockpit due to the addition of the two fuselage plugs in the front fuselage section. On the other hand, the air intakes have been slightly moved aft, proportional only to the significantly smaller nose plug. This has resulted in a configuration where the intakes are no longer shielded by the wing, as is the case with the Mk1. However, the introduction of the canards should provide this shielding effect which helps straighten and redirect airflow to the intakes during high angle of attack maneuvers, to some extent.

Recently, some Request for Information (RFI) documents were issued related to the manufacture of assembly jigs for the fore, mid and aft fuselage sections of the MWF. Figure 12 shows a composite diagram obtained by joining three sections from the tenders.


Figure 12: LCA Mk2 fuselage CAD images from reference [2]. Images of the three fuselage sections are scaled correctly and fused together.

Figure 13 shows the above composite CAD image scaled with respect to an image of Tejas Mk1. This image allows us to compare feature of the MWF with respect to the Mk1. As stated above, the length of the fuselage has been increased to 14.65 m. The spine is slightly more bulged for better area ruling. The vertical tail sits on a lifted spine, increasing total height by an estimated 0.25m. The tail itself is expected to be extended by about 0.25 m due to elongated fuselage. Hence the total height has increased to 4.86 m.


Figure 13: Comparison of LCA Mk2 (MWF) fuselage CAD image with LCA MK1. Red dotted profile of Mk1 is superimposed on MK2’s fuselage. Approximate measurements highlighting changes in the fuselage length and some key features.

Small strake or leading edge root extension (LERX) has been added ahead of the wing which extends till the point where the wing starts with respect to the cockpit in Mk1. The addition of LERX has a positive impact on the wing aerodynamics stability. Coupled with the canards, aerodynamic refinements, and enhance engine power, the MWF is designed to reach the IAF’s Mk1 ASQR requirement of a sustained turn rate (STR) of 18 degrees per second. The splitter plate as well as the air intake are canted backwards. This is expected to result in an optimal shock structure in the local vicinity and better intake performance at supersonic speeds. The improved intake cowl contours and the new 3-door auxiliary intake design will also be incorporated. All these modifications improve intake aerodynamics by improving pressure recovery and better uniformity of the flow at low speed, high Angle of Attack (AoA) regimes. This will lead to augmented thrust and reduced chances of engine stall. The low energy boundary layer flow separated by the splitter plate is redirected under the fuselage now. The slot which redirects some of this air over the wing in Tejas Mk1 is eliminated in the MWF. Other drag reduction features in the aft fuselage as envisioned in the original Mk2 design can also be seen on the optimized fuselage of MWF.

MWF will be a multirole aircraft capable of carrying R-73 (and possibly ASRAAM) CCMs, Derby and Astra BVRs, 250 kg and 500 kg dumb and laser guided bombs, heavy precision glide bombs of standoff ranges, India’s New Generation Anti-Radiation Missile besides lightweight cruise missiles. It will sport an active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar with an integral Unified Electronic Warfare Suite (UEWS) and a dual color Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS) along with an upgraded glass cockpit with larger MFDs. With enhanced network centric warfare capability, the MWF represents a multifold increase in capability over the Mk1.

Screenshot_2019-02-24 Tracking The Tejas The Tejas Mk2 ‘Grows A Pair’ Becomes The Medium W...png

The expected features of the MWF are listed in Table 1 above and compared to that of Tejas Mk1, Mirage 2000 and Gripen E. The payload capacity of MWF is anticipated to be over six tons as compared to the Mk1’s 3.9 tons. To carry this increased payload, the number of pylons have been increased from 8 to 11. The gun has been moved to a shoulder mounted position which has freed up space below the right intake for an additional pylon. Each wing also features four stations instead of the current three. ADA is also developing multi-rack pylons for carrying two BVR AAMs. The addition of the nose plug has also afforded space for an infra-red search and track (IRST) system, and the fuselage plugs facilitate the availability of space for an internal self-protection jammer and significantly higher internal fuel. Cumulatively, these changes not only enhance mission capability of the aircraft, but add greatly to its flexibility.

Every successful fighter aircraft till date has evolved and refined over many tranches and iterations to reach its final optimized version. The process of development itself leads to an increase in the knowledge and confidence of the designers and the associated manufacturing group. This allows the shortening of development time of not only the next iteration of the aircraft, but also for next generation aircraft as well. The Tejas story is no exception to this fundamental fact and on its shoulders stand the development of India’s future generation of fighter aircraft. Therefore, the evolution of the Tejas can rightly be called the evolution of India’s fighter aircraft industry.

Indranil Roy is an aircraft enthusiast and a part time processor chip designer.

Nilesh J. Rane is an aviation geek by passion and aerospace engineer by profession.
Why rear fuselage sir? Dimensions of ge 404 an Ge 414 are exactly same.

Actually, No they are not the same dimension. While both have a total length of 154 inch , the inlet diameter of F414 is 31 inch compared to 28 inch for the F404 which results in a need for a wider tail section. The F414 is heavier than the 404 which means you will need to strengthen the rear fuselage section and engine mounts. Another important factor is that F414 has an increased air flow, therefore the intakes will need to be redesigned and made wider. It's a significant redesign effort with more testing requirements, something the Mk1A is supposed to avoid. The whole idea of Mk1A is that testing time will be minimal, compared to MWF which will have a longer testing cycle.

Good Day!
weight diff and size is abt 1 inch bigger for F414. Plus the airflow is much higher.
Specifications (F404-GE-402)
General characteristics
  • Type: Afterburning turbofan
  • Length: 154 in (391 cm)
  • Diameter: 35 in (89 cm)
  • Dry weight: 2,282 lb (1,036 kg)
Specifications (F414-400)
Data from GE Aviation[27] and[28]

General characteristics
  • Type: Afterburning turbofan
  • Length: 154 in (391 cm)
  • Diameter: 35 in (89 cm)
  • Dry weight: 2,445 lb (1,110 kg) max weight
As per Wikipedia, the dimensions are same but yes! Weight is 74 kg more. Now I know that Wiki ka gyan adhura gyan.