Hence the article by Yusuf Unjhawalla is relevant. Though his solutions aren't. By the looks of it, there aren't any solutions worth considering. All of them have pitfalls or are classic Catch 22 situations.Mk2's gonna enter flight testing in 2023 and will see IOC in 2025. That's their plan. So production will begin only after IOC. I also do not agree with that date, so I constantly say IOC in 2027 is more realistic, with squadron induction in 2030. You yourself have read that many times.
And yes, it's considered a new aircraft from the PoV of capability, but not in terms of engineering. Not as much as a whole new aircraft. That's why its flight testing is only 3 or 4 years compared to a full 9 years for AMCA.
Let's consider the following points -
- By 2022-23 we'd be retiring nearly 200 MiG 21 & MiG 27. This is in addition to the nearly 200 - 300 MiG 23 , MiG 21 & MiG 27 , we've already retired in the last 1 decade. That's nearly 400-500 such FA.
- The Jaguar upgrades aren't getting much traction besides DARIN -III. The engine upgradation plans have been killed. The only hope seems to be to keep it going with the Jags we've obtsined from France and possibly the UK & Oman.
- The Super Sukhoi???
- The Mirage Upgrades will be complete within the next 2-3 years.
- In the next 4-5 years, all we'd have is 18 Su 30 MKI and 28-31 MiG 29.
- 36 Rafales
- 40 LCA Mk 1.
- I'm not counting the 8-10 Mk 1a which may or may not be available by 2023-24.
- Which brings me to the same old question I've been posing since 2014-15. Where are the nos going to come from in the interim?
- If we go in for direct imports of F-16 thru the G2G FMS route, we may get a good 30-40 by 2023-24 with the rest to be MII , of what's essentially a decent jet but fast reaching obsolescence FA with not much scope for upgradation & with so many strings attached courtesy an unreliable & totally unscrupulous strategic partner. Not worth it.
- Which leaves us with the Gripen E . Which in essence would be an MWF before the MWF actually materialises, when it does plus / minus a few points. It may also spell the death knell of the MWF.
- Then there are the Ruskies.
- Or we go in for jugaad. Scrounge around the world over for all the M2K & MiG29 worth flying and upgrade them pronto.