Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

1) Modi said Chinese are not in our territory (which means where ever Chinese stand today is their land)

He's not referring to our claimed land.

2) China say we went to their territory and attacked them,where ever Chinese stand is china.

He's referring to their claims.

That's why the entire area is called disputed.
Such a statement brings the guard down of enemy while we are making concrete plans for victory. Today he is inaugurating schemes for migrant labor in UP and celebrating Yoga day. Hope this is what you were looking for.

No i am looking at Someone who does something compared to someone who does noting . Please choose someone whom you are looking for
I will believe you when some thing happens. To think enemy will believe such things is just our assumption. chinese are masters of deceit what makes you think they will fall for it? I bet they wont lower their guard for next 2-3 months.
Don't underestimate the Indian leader in decieving a enemy. It is just that we Indians who live and practice Sanatan Dharma want to do things in a just way. However, when the opponent is hell bent on playing deception, you will witness in the near future what is the extent of deception we can play. After all when aDharma reached its peak, Krishna played all kind of deception to eliminate the adharmis.

So, wait and watch.
Map for every offical statement.

You can leave it to commander on ground to decide as per situation to evict illegal occupation of invading forces.

But always on map, you never claim an inch less than what's on map, ever because legally you are in very trouble if you do.

You haven't understood, which is nothing surprising. Please continue your hissy fit.
No i am looking at Someone who does something compared to someone who does noting . Please choose someone whom you are looking for
Do you publicize all that you do 24x7? No. Then how do you expect a government leading a nation of 1.38 billion people to make everything public? There are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing as well as enemies waiting to exploit it. After all intelligence is key to winning.
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That's why the entire area is called disputed
That's Indian territory not disputed!!! WTF!

Look hard at that map of India, please tell me where it is shown disputed? How far you'll go?

Please continue your hissy fit.
So no answer? Hissy fit, hysteric, Gafoora, Chinese propaganda falling, anti national... Predictable.
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Such people are actually irrelevant. Most people believe what the military says.

If a credible institution creates Ghafoora like personalities, then the credibility of that institution will suffer in the long run. An established democracy like ours cannot afford to lose credibility by trying to cater to those reacting hysterically to everything that takes them out of their comfort zone.
As if without ghafoora our institutions have any credibility. The indian armed forces have credibility in our eyes but to a foreigners everybody sees it as a third world army. And when you are percieved as a third world army stereotypes are made. The Chinese have been trying to change that image and be equated to the Americans. The Pakistanis revel in it and take advantage of this image. We actually need the adgpi to do his job instead of tweeting poems and patriotic songs and media. A bureaucratic approach has led to weakening of our propaganda. The media raised and exaggerated so much stakes in the viewers mind that everybody was expecting a war. Nothing is going to happen now. I just hope the GoI now captures all leftover grey zones in Ladakh region and make a hard LAC so that we don't face this drama again..
Funny you should say that. Because Pakistan still denies it to this day and the govt didn't release any footage they claimed to have taken of the said strike. And it did not have any far reaching consequences with respect to the situation in the valley.
Also surgical strikes cannot deal with 2000+ entrenched well trained men with strong logistics support.

No strike happened but blackout's happen even when IAF flies within our border . Think about it you will get the answer

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We couldn’t defend one finger that had our presence already and here you are talking about liberating tibet. Uff

What he says is true. India is simply in no position, politically, economically and militarily engage china in a border conflict. There was a definite border intelligence failure, because we should have detected Chinese buildup in Pangong lake and Galwan area and preempted move before it gathered momentum. Like Modi we have to swallow the bitter pill of humiliation and focus on defense modernization and hope that in 10 year time we can prescribe the same medicine to the Chinese....
They seem to have a lot of apprehensions about our infrastructure construction rather than anything else. It's because the more border connectivity we have, the more troops they need to deploy to counter us. Troops that they actually need elsewhere.

No, China has even bigger headaches elsewhere. Pakistan has always been our enemy, but this Nepal issue may not create actual problems on the ground. Just because they have a Chinese stooge running things in Nepal doesn't make much of a difference in the long run. Nepal cannot escape India's sphere of influence.

Look at the news report from Nepal. The Nepal Communist party is now getting mentoring and indoctrination from their counterparts in China on governance and expanding the ideology. Nepal is fast turning into China's Cuba.

Indian people that too on defence forum calling own territory disputed, lying, discrediting everyone questioning, for what?

To manage a politician's blunder?

When you can't even keep sanctity of map of India and justify it's alteration, I don't know where we are headed.

Right from childhood I was taught to love my country beyond everything, that's how kids at my place are shaped. Hearing all this talk from PM to bright, sensible members here validating Chinese claims feels like blasphemy to me. It's heartbreaking to see people taking it lying down instead of raising hell. I really wish there was delete profile button in settings. I don't want to be associated with any such crowd, call it hysterical or whatever, doesn't matter.