What about Rafale
Our Mirage 2000 I and Mig 29 UPG after Upgradation
Were called as the Best versions of themselves
And in case of Su 30 upgradation , why cannot we install whatever latest is available
Well if you see when modi came to power he also tried to make peace with the Pakistanis but when the situation remaine same the GoI took an extremely anti Pakistani stance. Now in case of China the Chinese do not try to play a clear anti Indian narrative unlike Pakistan and the border arrangement is such that chances of kinetic war is reduced and it's just border management. Now the Chinese have actually faced a failure during doklam and so this time they wanted to up the ante. The situation has changed and escalated rapidly to which the GoI has adapted quite swiftly in my opinion. I would partially agree of not taking a more proactive stance on equipping the armed forces with more riot gears post Doklam considering the Chinese felt that they could exploit no firearms rule. The failure of handling the border situation seems more to be created by the media than actually happening on ground. Also you couldn't suddenly shift your entire arms line to indigenous manufacturers in under 6 years. The UPA regime was effectively de-arming our military to make it easier for invasion. Now a lot of weapons are indigenous so stop seeing the glass half empty. A majority of our weapons are Russian so there is nothing wrong for the defence minister to go to Russia. We should not waste time in acting like Chinese and be obsessed with face saving. Defense of our territory should be are priority and desperation shown in these regards according to me is fine. It's better that our political class actually show desperation rather than our armed forces. The lack of desperation by the political class in the initial stages of 1962 is what led to us getting our asses kicked. We should know our weaknesses.The previous governments were horrid, blatantly anti nation.
This government isn't. But that doesn't make them stellar. They're surely the better of the lot but that's a bit like choosing which pig is less filthy to wrestle with.
I do not believe for a moment that there was Intelligence failure. Heck, amateurs could see things with free maps and GoI couldn't? It was a failure of decision making. All the Jhula action between Modi and Xi made the former too trusting of his Chinese paramour. The decision making lobby was just hoping for the best, while having confidence to fool the nation.
Those technological dinosaurs forgot the world has moved on while they're still stuck in their old modes to hoodwink public. Now not a single of their obfuscations wrt China can pass with people tearing them apart. Now they're in catch 22, they banked on good luck and Modi-Xi chum chum chumma and didn't even acquire weapons to fight. Now that they're caught buck naked in the headlight fleeing from their lover's window, they're running off to send riot gear, to Russia to get weapons.
If that's not short sightedness, what is?
So why is it 'nations fault' for politicising national security when things go wrong, and BJP's a achievement something goes right?
I really hate it how we as a nation just cannot stop politicising an issue of national security.
Whatever happened in the past cannot be changed but what happens from now can be.
For that we need to show some damn unity.
I was only 6 years old when the Kargil war took place but still have good memory of that war as somehow I was every emotional with it even at that age. Two things I remember is people were saner and didn't think of war as instant noodles. 2ndly people had way higher pain and casualty tolerance. For 2 months all we had on newspaper front pages were how many of our Jawans were martyred. Compare that to the 26th Feb, one visual of a PoW and people here are on their knees. Another example is people hyperventilating now especially on a govt that did all it could to expedite our defence up-gradation. Have some patience. Learn from the Chinese, the journey to where they are today came with a lot of compromise and patience. They did not arrive here in a day.
Nepal?Of course. I do not flip flop. However, I'll not be very impressed if the call to war is against Nepal instead of China.
When Kargil happened ,I was a bit older than you and knows a lot at that time.
Including one SF nearer to our area who was martyred .
Nepal is not our enemy.
Dont know why some people are too emotional.
That people sacrificed a lots for us
Did they ask for support when they claimed China has not intruded? Government has been using nationalism and armed forces for its political gain lately, and were able to against a weaker opponent but suddenly find herself in soup when it has to deal with superior force in China.
Captive of its own rhetoric and false image.
So why is it 'nations fault' for politicising national security when things go wrong, and BJP's a achievement something goes right?
Of course. I do not flip flop. However, I'll not be very impressed if the call to war is against Nepal instead of China.
You're forgetting the most important bit. India will have to be willing to fight for all this to happen.
I don't see the deluge of sinophobic content, or statements that should flood media to prepare public for any war. I see only limp noodle statements that is as passive as possible wrt China and a scampering GOI to buy shit they should have 5 summers ago.
Does any of that show any intention to fight?
In this Saurav Jha has been extremely unreliable it's better if he is ignored. He is continuously making incoherent claims since the start of the galwan drama. Ajai Shukla is more credible than him right now...18KM, is he serious!
This is now highly doubtful.
Not sure whether you are expecting modi to come with an AK-47 to the media and provide a detailed action plan on how he is gonna tackle china . If you are not expecting the above the below link can help your understand the intentions both the government and IA
After bloodshed, Army engineers toil 72 hours to finish Galwan bridge that triggered China
Just hours after the brutal June 15 night brawl in the Galwan Valley, Indian Army's combat engineers received orders to leave no stone unturned to accelerate and finish the construction of a bridge over the Galwan River.www.indiatoday.in
DBO itself is just 17 kms from LAC so how can anyone intrude 18kms?18KM, is he serious!
This is now highly doubtful.
The article doesn't claim what S Jha is claiming. Wonder why's he being alarmist?
I seriously can't comment on NDA-1s Pakistan love because in 2013, neither had I voting rights, nor was I interested in politics/affairs of the nation. But, what I say very clearly that this isn't the first Pathankot style watershed moment the Chinese gave Modi, they did it in earlier in 2017, Doklam. He should have got the memo then.Well if you see when modi came to power he also tried to make peace with the Pakistanis but when the situation remaine same the GoI took an extremely anti Pakistani stance. Now in case of China the Chinese do not try to play a clear anti Indian narrative unlike Pakistan and the border arrangement is such that chances of kinetic war is reduced and it's just border management. Now the Chinese have actually faced a failure during doklam and so this time they wanted to up the ante. The situation has changed and escalated rapidly to which the GoI has adapted quite swiftly in my opinion. I would partially agree of not taking a more proactive stance on equipping the armed forces with more riot gears post Doklam considering the Chinese felt that they could exploit no firearms rule. The failure of handling the border situation seems more to be created by the media than actually happening on ground. Also you couldn't suddenly shift your entire arms line to indigenous manufacturers in under 6 years. The UPA regime was effectively de-arming our military to make it easier for invasion. Now a lot of weapons are indigenous so stop seeing the glass half empty. A majority of our weapons are Russian so there is nothing wrong for the defence minister to go to Russia. We should not waste time in acting like Chinese and be obsessed with face saving. Defense of our territory should be are priority and desperation shown in these regards according to me is fine. It's better that our political class actually show desperation rather than our armed forces. The lack of desperation by the political class in the initial stages of 1962 is what led to us getting our asses kicked. We should know our weaknesses.
What idea? Attacking Nepal? I'm case you didn't catch my drift, I'm saying the exact opposite. What I'm saying is, if the current government's idea turns out to be punishing Nepal (because we can) instead of China, that's just awful.Not sure whether you are looking for a advisor role to rahul gandhi , Incase if you are , Just keep in mind that even he wont agree with the idea you have come up with .
No, I'm expecting GoI to start the social engineering needed for a war. Readying army is one thing, which they've been...lacking at times. Why the heck did they run to Russia now instead of two summers ago for missiles?Not sure whether you are expecting modi to come with an AK-47 to the media and provide a detailed action plan on how he is gonna tackle china . If you are not expecting the above the below link can help your understand the intentions both the government and IA
After bloodshed, Army engineers toil 72 hours to finish Galwan bridge that triggered China
Just hours after the brutal June 15 night brawl in the Galwan Valley, Indian Army's combat engineers received orders to leave no stone unturned to accelerate and finish the construction of a bridge over the Galwan River.www.indiatoday.in