That's your rebuttal for advocating loss of territories and perpetuating outright lies in name of preserving face?
No wonder with people drawn from population like yours we got Neheru, Gandhi and other leaders.
It's not a babu, politician problem. It's this holier than thou because I can think rolling over and selling my self respect is a good choice that's the problem.
Please, I don't want to engage with you any further. You have a... rather atrophied mind. Good lord, I pray I never become as adult as you to advocate selling self dignity and present it as a win.
Or it's a calibrated information release to show they're doing something. Like the app ban. It's just news articles released to shunt public anger.
Conflict with China will be a long term game
We have just started this journey
Kinetic Action is one aspect of it
You have just One Tool in your Tool Box
That is a Hammer
We have to use All available tools
as and when required