Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

And yet it was claimed that there was no incursion. Both at MoD and at the highest levels. So what was that? A bar brawl? Personally, there was nothing more insulting to IA soldiers who fought and died than those words : "No one entered, no one is sitting in our borders". The entire event then becomes a "misunderstanding/misadventure" of sorts instead of a military action. Complete with clubs, batons, chains, barb-wires and sticks. This kind of leadership makes me sick to the core.

You need to take some lessons on managing conflict. There are several reasons for not calling "a spade a spade".
IF the decision to retaliate was left to Modi/MoD, rather than the lieutenant Colonel who started the retaliation.. IA would have been asked to suck it up, and stay quiet. But, Modi might still claim some credit of Galwan Katal ki raat.. somewhere down the line.. (although I doubt it, as unlike Pakistan, he treads very lightly when it comes to the chinese.. )
There is no cure for pessimism.
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Dude they ambushed us... Which means they had us outnumbered.. Also we were unarmed.. How did we manage to kill 43 of them? As it was hand to hand combat, there would have definitely been casualiities on both sides, But not as many as 35 on the Chinese side.
Because of my experience with martial arts I can tell you, you don't want to get into a fight with multiple Armed people if you're unarmed.
But that being said IA did stand up to them. 20 bravehearts were martyred.. No doubts about their valour... But govt giving unconfirmed [and most likely fake] casualty reports on other side cannot justify their deaths.

It was a 3-stage brawl spread over the night of the event. Initial causalities were on the Indian side, but when backup reached there, it was mayhem for the five footers.

And let me also tell you about martial arts. I was a super fit athlete, 6' 3'' tall, with every muscle in my body very swiftly responsive. I had no background of Karate. And I was pushed into a competition with a so called karate champ. I took it up. The other guy must be 5' 6". He was simply swinging his arms and legs in the air, but I was very alert and didn't take him head on but used his own momentum to bring him down. Later I realized that, without knowing it and without being taught, I was using Krav Maga. North Indians have the fighting DNA in them, specially the Kshatriyas clan from Rajputs, Sikhs and the Marathas. One has to use his intelligence and common sense which is abundant in the enemy fighting forces of India, because they unnecessarily do not divert their energies into mental gymnastics which most do here on the forum.
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But things do change, in a couple of hours at times. :)
When they do they indeed happen in hours sometimes even less. Trouble is, the way they are "preparing" : Mixing "Atamanirbhar" political stuff in emergency procurement while doing a damn about Rudra, doing massive PR dances for 5 fighters, Doing "Tendoring" for snipers at this moment, Indian govt manufacturing giving 7 year timelines for what essentially is a big spade. These things do not instil confidence in me. This is certainly not Russia of 1940, preparing for war in earnest.

May be I am wrong. I hope I am wrong. I hope I am the pessimistic weed smoking guy the forum calls me.
They definitely lost more soldiers

And above all our sudden attack on their camps at night shocked them

After this incident they did not TRY any further nonsense

Also they have beefed up their strength in the rear areas because they are expecting more damages and losses
IF our Army starts military action

They will remember our Retaliation for a long time , the Broken necks and the smashed faces
Attack on their camps?
Why dont visit the Chinese embassy and file a RTI ,they are a champions of democracy , surely will help you

Democracy precisely means shiv aroor can say whatever he likes. Doesnt means its gospel truth, as I said before, he wasnt there in person to witness how so many people got killed by fists and sticks. Shiv wrote a spicy story for his company, and maybe his bosses were happy and he got a raise.
This is excellent. Please elaborate sir.

Please look at the two maps attached. I have marked five different areas where we have substantial number of PLA presence. The No-1 divides the two Mechnised Divisions with their associated support group and independent Brigades in two areas of responsibility. The lay of the ground is such that it lowers towards east and rises towards west which is India held Aksai Hind. The colour code shows it clearly.
Just west of Kongka La is Gogra and Hot springs area which is strongly held by India. That allows us to enter Aksai Hind plateau which is at a lower height compared to the hills we are occupying. To the east of it lies Lanak La which was an old trading post of India under the Dogra rule. If we have breakthru from Gogra area and take over Kongka La, we can split these two Mech Divs of PLA from mutual support role. We will need to use very heavy precision air/arty strikes to demolish the Brigade holding this area but if do it, it will allow us to side step to the north towards Galwan and Pangang tso which again are held by a brigade each. Our first initiative should be to go like a dagger from Kongka la to Lanak La and separate these two formations from mutually supporting eachother. The second step should be to threaten the rear of Galwan Brigade of PLA. This will ease pressure on DBO as PLA will be forced to defend the area in strength and depth. Its nearly impossible for us to make a breakthru from Galwan river side. It will be suicidal for us.
Next look at No-3. We will need to hit Pangang tso from north to cut off the Brigade in Kongka la area from Pangong tso Brigade and from south to tie them down and create a killing ground and also create a divide between Pangang tso and spanggor tso.
next look at No-4, this is needed to prevent reinforcements from Rutog to either spanggor tso or Pangang tso and cut off the southern supply route from Lhasa for Aksai Hind forces of PLA. The IA forces undertaking these offensive ops will have nearly unhindered air support as the main base for operations for Aksai Hind is going to be Hotan as is now apparant from the air elements that have been deployed there.
next look at No-5, we will need to fight a holding battle till last ditch to hold on to the territory of depsang plains till we are able to breech the G219 from south and IAF destroys the major road bridges of G219 from North. Being an ex fighter pilot myself, I am sure IAF+IN will be able to do it in the opening hours of the battle. Even if it means flying the aircraft into the target. When we fly with "must do" brief, we do it. I dont mind a strong Brigade level airborne attack to the rear of this area to create panic and confusion in enemy ranks when they feel being encircled due to action at No-2 and this airborne assault. The taking over of Kangka La will allow us to do rapid supply and reinforcements and heliborne operations against PLA in Galwan area and also threaten it to the point of extinction.
The net result of success at No-1 will be that the PLA Div and its support elements deployed in South will have only two options, either die fighting or surrender and the PLA Div deployed in North will get encircled with no support, reinforcements, supplies and they will be at our mercy. Once we go thru No-1, we can freely move to hit the international boundary as claimed in our Maps within about ten days. There will be nearly nothing to very light resistance if at all any. Please have a look at the deployment of PLA. They have completely miscalculated. They probably thought that unlike Doklam where they got surprised by us and had to withdraw, this time they can pressurise us with their surprise. Surprise is a very important part of warfare but it makes a difference only in actual battle and not in holding battles which PLA thinks they have achieved by surprising us by occupation of F4 area in Pangang Tso. They have lost the initiative and it now lies with us provided we attack first. The map below is for better understanding of my battle plan. If I have to open up the attack, I will synchronise it with PGM attacks by IAF and IA Arty for max effect in the opening salvo with TOT of the target of PGMs of both to be same to have largest number of casualties within the enemy ranks. Later we can revert to typical arty role of supporting the Inf.
The powerful and rich one has right to bully the weaker and poorer one anytime he pleases and the latter must kow-tow and beg for forgiveness despite being right if he/she doesn't want to get destroyed. This mindset is deeply ingrained in Chinese psyche. Now we of course are poorer than Chinese. Hence all this talk and our clear cut message to them to withdraw is actually annoying the Chinese instead of solving this crisis. If we are serious towards making Chinese withdraw then we have to show that we are more powerful than them despite being poor, as Chinese respect strength over wealth. And only way to show it is a war which imposes unbearable cost to Chinese. After getting a bloody nose they surely will kneel before us and do whatever we ask them to do. But for that we have to show our strength first. IMO GOI knows it too a preparing for it. As for timeline, it is anybody's guess.
The powerful and rich one has right to bully the weaker and poorer one anytime he pleases and the latter must kow-tow and beg for forgiveness despite being right if he/she doesn't want to get destroyed. This mindset is deeply ingrained in Chinese psyche. Now we of course are poorer than Chinese. Hence all this talk and our clear cut message to them to withdraw is actually annoying the Chinese instead of solving this crisis. If we are serious towards making Chinese withdraw then we have to show that we are more powerful than them despite being poor, as Chinese respect strength over wealth. And only way to show it is a war which imposes unbearable cost to Chinese. After getting a bloody nose they surely will kneel before us and do whatever we ask them to do. But for that we have to show our strength first. IMO GOI knows it too a preparing for it. As for timeline, it is anybody's guess.
Result of the century of humiliation that the Chinese went through. And since their erstwhile tormentors are still too powerful , the Chinese are trying to pick on their perceived weaker neighbors. A highly ingrained inferiority complex especially wrt the western world.
The powerful and rich one has right to bully the weaker and poorer one anytime he pleases and the latter must kow-tow and beg for forgiveness despite being right if he/she doesn't want to get destroyed. This mindset is deeply ingrained in Chinese psyche. Now we of course are poorer than Chinese. Hence all this talk and our clear cut message to them to withdraw is actually annoying the Chinese instead of solving this crisis. If we are serious towards making Chinese withdraw then we have to show that we are more powerful than them despite being poor, as Chinese respect strength over wealth. And only way to show it is a war which imposes unbearable cost to Chinese. After getting a bloody nose they surely will kneel before us and do whatever we ask them to do. But for that we have to show our strength first. IMO GOI knows it too a preparing for it. As for timeline, it is anybody's guess.
If we are able to give them yet another bloody nose in Aksai Hind, we will see CCP power struggle resulting in topplling of Xi and China agreeing to demarcate the border with us with border pillars.
People wrongly call Afghanistan to be graveyard of emprires. Actually its India which has been the Graveyard of people like Alexander, Mongols, Turks & the British.
If we are able to give them yet another bloody nose in Aksai Hind, we will see CCP power struggle resulting in topplling of Xi and China agreeing to demarcate the border with us with border pillars.
People wrongly call Afghanistan to be graveyard of emprires. Actually its India which has been the Graveyard of people like Alexander, Mongols, Turks & the British.
And Arabs too. We defeated them repeatedly when they were strongest and most prosperous empire in the world. So much so that the then Khalifa forbade any campaign against India.
Result of the century of humiliation that the Chinese went through. And since their erstwhile tormentors are still too powerful , the Chinese are trying to pick on their perceived weaker neighbors. A highly ingrained inferiority complex especially wrt the western world.
Yeah I think they want to make an example out of us to scare their other enemies. Nevertheless, it would prove to be their fatal mistake.