Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

A small look at what IA has done. The lessons learnt from Siachin have been very well applied in the present situation. Instead of going for spurs called fingers in PT area, we went in for the ridgelines like we did in saltoro range. Dominating the ridgeline, allows us to dominate each and every spur emanating from that ridgeline and allows us to rapidly move our forces from one spur to another while maintaining the height. This allows us to dominate all spurs at the sametime. PLA thought that we will try to dislodge them from the F4 spur, but we moved in from north and have occupied the ridgeline from which these spurs originate from. We are now dominating the area upto sirijap.
View attachment 17532
In the map above I have shown the ridgelines being occupied/dominated by India and likely future movement of IA. Next place of importance is the Kongka la. If we can break out from there and reach in between Galwan garrison and kongka la garrison, we will be able to decimate both the divisions of PLA deployed in the Aksai Hind area with hardly any PLA soldier being able to get out alive.
It was the practice of British to define borders along ridgelines, middle of valleys and middle of rivers. Chinese were busy occupying ground and we occupied the ridgelines.

The line in the south looks a bit off at the point that goes up to our claim line. There's a river blocking the path to the east of Rezang La. Soldiers would have to go across the river to make it to the end of the line.
China's perception of LAC and India's perception of LAC are different.
Both should reach a compromise,some give and take and finalise LAC.
All because of British colonial ruler's failure.
In the map posted by me, you can see that F1 to F5 are part of different ridgeline while F6 to F8 are part of different ridgeline. PLA has made bunkers on the F4 spur and are maintaining a big base on the flat ground around F6. In one swift move, we have cut off F4, F5 and threatened everything along the north bank of PT. We have managed to separate the fingers into two different killing zones.
View attachment 17533

There is no clarity on the fingers. Can you tell us which one is the correct one?



Based on Col Dinny's words, Sirijap is east of Finger 8 and does not go up to our claim line at Khurnak.
The Chinese are at Sirijap, which is 8 km east of Finger 8.

So I consider the first image as the correct one.
I will again ask you guys to go thru my post of two maps about how I would have played it. IA is doing exactly as per my plan but in reverse order. Next you will find Gogra/Hot Springs being dominated. It was important to first get the PT garrison in Gun sights from south bank of PT and then move in from North. I am really delighted that I can still think the way I could as a young officer regarding tactical planning and offensive ops.
Now we have trapped one full Brigade+ forces of PLA and these forces have no escape in case full fight starts. Next You will see IA moving in from the top of F8 from Gogra/Hot springs area to cut the road joining Konga La to F8 thru sirijap. IA is dividing the areas into small killing fields for PLA.
I loved the way Jaishanker and gang pretended helplessness and created a very big diversion to mask our real intentions. Masters of the game in deception.


Let more analysis come. I am eagerly awaiting.
The BILLION dollar Question is
WHY has Pakistan not yet made any
Aggressive maneuvers
They did move some troops during June, but was defensive..... Because our troops were ready to receive them in red carpet. They saw the carpet and stayed back....... That doesnt mean that they wont try again, in case the current clash esclates to an armed conflict. But be rest assuared we have covered them militarily if needed diplomatically too.
To all : Be cautious when you consume the news out in twitter. Use your own logical reasoning before believing anything. I am not saying people are lieng or creating fact, but the informations are so scarce that things can be totally different from what is been reported.

But one thing is for sure, today IA can negotiate/talk with Chinese from a equal level of strength if not higher. Thats how IA manuvered/readjusted ( oh yeh fav official word these days) themselves in both side of Pangong Tso lake.
Why SFF is being used? Well they are designed for this purpose only, and who else can take on chinese than tibatians themselves?

Talks will go on for few more days, as the cinese are caught off guarded...... Now its time for them to recoup

Why is India Obliged to give them time to regroup?
Why is India Obliged to give them time to regroup?
No amount of time will be helpful if PLA cant give the fight in close combat. Heights were preemptive and thinly manned by PLA understood , but how come PLA troopers allow IA to "Readjust" position in highly contested F4. Readjust here in all sense means taking tactical advantage. Is PLA too much dependent on Arti, Rockets, Armored thrust ?(Seen @Falcon mocking them due to narrow valley restricting movement)
Why SFF is being used? Well they are designed for this purpose only, and who else can take on chinese than tibatians themselves?

Talks will go on for few more days, as the cinese are caught off guarded...... Now its time for them to recoup

Or we can keep tightening the screw.
Talks are used as a cover here, by both the countries.
Talks, till now, did not achieve a single damn thing. GoI and IA should be aggressive here on. The idea should be to create such a situation where in case the pyrotechnics start, IA should be in a position to dominate.

The situation should be made such, where China can in no way save face. This is of utmost importance. That's one thing that allows a bully to continue bullying, his reputation.

If we can destroy that and show the world, and most importantly the rest of Asia, that they are paper dragons, they will be shaken to the core.

That is what our primary objective should now be.
China's perception of LAC and India's perception of LAC are different.
Both should reach a compromise,some give and take and finalise LAC.
All because of British colonial ruler's failure.

What should happen to akshai hind, part ceded by Pakistan and China Occupied Tibet?
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