'India is being a coward in lion's skin': Chinese mouthpiece on Ladakh standoff
"If India dares to fire the first shot, it will have no chance to fire a second one"www.google.com
Honestly I am disappointed with the chinks. So far they have acted like a bunch of pu$$ies and just shouting through the global times. I might be proven wrong in future. But in spite of having such numerical superiority if they can’t start a fight and teach us a lesson, what exactly that vast army is meant for ?? Parade on national day ??As of now their claim to fame is grabbing a piece of land by sneaking in like thieves while our folks were sleeping. At best they can be termed as “ Glorified Chindi Chor “ !!We have to commend on the stamina of the chinese barking Dog.
Let's just hope it doesn't escalate like the armenia-azerbaijan conflict, that is such a shitshow...Honestly I am disappointed with the chinks. So far they have acted like a bunch of pu$$ies and just shouting through the global times. I might be proven wrong in future. But in spite of having such numerical superiority if they can’t start a fight and teach us a lesson, what exactly that vast army is meant for ?? Parade on national day ??As of now their claim to fame is grabbing a piece of land by sneaking in like thieves while our folks were sleeping. At best they can be termed as “ Glorified Chindi Chor “ !!
'India is being a coward in lion's skin': Chinese mouthpiece on Ladakh standoff
"If India dares to fire the first shot, it will have no chance to fire a second one"www.google.com
China is not a fool irrespective of these juvenile articles. It may attempt to start a skirmish and keep it local to check effectiveness of PLA. Infact, CCP realizes PLA's inexperience. Their real motive is to detest India from escalation beyond local gunfight, mortars and arty duels.
PLA shall try their highly trained troops to throw out IA from dominating heights and it's looking for a guarantee to save its face like Galwan. If they win, they win, if not then "doosra banda", "crows and trees", and all synonyms of their soldiers/militias arbitrarily applies.
Agreed.Let's just hope it doesn't escalate like the armenia-azerbaijan conflict, that is such a shitshow...
I doubt if we even have 20-30 Nirbhays in our inventory. Due to it's initial failed tests, it didn't clear IOC/FOC and the forces are still requesting trails. The ones deployed must've been those produced for trails which I assume would be in limited numbers
Another source confirming the deployment of Nirbhay.
How can a missile system be deployed without user trials ? I guess there were Army trials post the last successful Development trial in 2019.. Dont think DRDO scientists would be manning the systems on the LAC.. Something is quite shady here..I doubt if we even have 20-30 Nirbhays in our inventory. Due to it's initial failed tests, it didn't clear IOC/FOC and the forces are still requesting trails. The ones deployed must've been those produced for trails which I assume would be in limited numbers
This is similar to the 2-3 DRDO/Tata WhAP that has been deployed in Ladakh recently
I doubt if we even have 20-30 Nirbhays in our inventory. Due to it's initial failed tests, it didn't clear IOC/FOC and the forces are still requesting trails. The ones deployed must've been those produced for trails which I assume would be in limited numbers
This is similar to the 2-3 DRDO/Tata WhAP that has been deployed in Ladakh recently
Rarely does GT get it right.
Honestly I am disappointed with the chinks. So far they have acted like a bunch of pu$$ies and just shouting through the global times. I might be proven wrong in future. But in spite of having such numerical superiority if they can’t start a fight and teach us a lesson, what exactly that vast army is meant for ?? Parade on national day ??As of now their claim to fame is grabbing a piece of land by sneaking in like thieves while our folks were sleeping. At best they can be termed as “ Glorified Chindi Chor “ !!
Question -
Drones are a force multiplier, using swarms of food delivery drones with explosives will be a nightmare scenario. How do you defend against something like that? Even if you have Helicopters with AAMs, imagine the number of helicopters needed to shoot down a swarm of 100 drones!
Also, it is very easy to overwhelm the opposite side if you have truck loads of drone with you for use.
What's the solution? At present, how can IAF counter this?
@Falcon @vstol Jockey