Its a simple question : Can China-Pakistan coalition annihilate India? Answer is yes, at a significant cost to Pakistan. If so, that will happen.
The problem with a treaty is, as I pointed out, it only helps the US. So we are not going to have a treaty alliance, like NATO, we are only going to have a cooperative alliance of sorts with a lot of constraints.
Not necessarily. Depends upon how the treaty is negotiated. If you align with US against China on all fronts, then US will likely offer protection from China. What will NOT happen is that India keeps herself out of commitment if Russia is involved. That kind of treaty is impossible. But yes, if we commit to fight against China in a possible entangle even involving Russia or Indonesia then such a treaty is possible.
Noteworthy, Russia will keep on supplying weapons --if needed-- to China, in a China - India conflict. Its our hang-over with Russia that is keeping us from seeing the reality.
You cannot negotiate a treaty that leaves Russia out of equation. Its cold war all over again.
You are overestimating a nuclear war, especially one involving Pakistan.
Can Pakistan launch a massive nuclear attack against India. Yes it can. If it can, then China will find ways to persuade Pakistan to do so.
You haven't considered the significant rate of failure of nukes and their delivery systems, not to mention EW and BMD. And this is not even considering counterforce strikes. And then there's the question of India's sheer size and population. No, a nuclear war won't destroy entire states either.
India does not have any EW or BMD capabilities. None what so ever. If we had, we would not be seeing our DRDO developed radio getting jammed.
Indian BMDs are only science projects. None of them are operational to any degree of certainty. Certainly not against recent Pakistani ballistic missiles.
Counterforce? Pakistan is a suicidal nation which will do anything if China pays off right people with right amount of money. They believe that they came from Allah and there they will return. Counter anything with respect to Pakistan is a lost argument. They don't care if all of Pakistani die. They will be more than happy to do a lethal damage to India, even if in process they kill themselves.
Lastly, if all you have is this : "but nukes can fail". Then I will say this. Fortunately for Pakistan, their nukes and delivery system are not made in Pakistan.
You can't consider the past, India was a lower middle income country then and continues to be the same today. But in 10 years, India will be an upper middle income country. And India will enter the league of rich nations only after 10 more years after that. Becoming an upper middle income country is very important, since that's when India will start competing financially with other rich countries like France, Germany and Japan.
Here is the deal. In case of India, money is not what stops us from gaining any kind of military capabilities. None what so ever. Its the way we have structured our defence procurement, defence production and defence research.
We do our defence research totally divorced from operational need and produce science projects which are too late and too little.
Consider this : Turd-key -- a totally worthless country-- can produce more than decent ALCM like SOM (rivaling likes of Storm Shadow/SCALP) and drones. In India we have been listening about a land launched CMs since 15 years and nothing has happened till date. Lets not even talk about drones. That Rustam drone has been in news since forever. The rub is India only produces science projects and not weapons. And this is when India's defence budget is about twice that of Turd-key.
Hell its 2020 and all we have in airforce are worthless Russian junk that crash each time Beyonce blushes and 5, yes, 5 modern fighters. We took 20 years to procure those 5 fighters.
Let me remind you that we are not even producing a half way decent rifle for our infantry. We have wonderful Insas with magazine made out of same plastic used to make buckets in homes. Our forces prefer AK-47s captured from terrorists than their own standard issue weapons. India first designed this rifle in 80s. Mass produced it in 90s. And in 2020 no one in OFB can produce a working rifle.
None of these are issues of money. None what so ever. These all are signs of something else. Incompetence and absolute corruption. Indian production houses are filled to brim with incompetence and no amount of money can fix that. Its a bucket with hole in it. No amount of water can fill that.
And you expect me to believe that we will be able to amass any kind of working weapon systems in just 10 years? I don't want to debate that India will be a richer country. All I am saying is that it does not matter. Money and competence are not same thing. India is not going to get any kind of competence any time soon in defence production or procurement for that matter. Not in 10 years. Not even in 100 years. Even if India had 400 trillion dollar economy, its defence will be just like what it is today, may be worse. Money after all just amplifies what a system really is. Incompetence will get amplified.