I am sure if someone make a nice video he will RT it with CKMKB.
Ye apna Banda hai ,like @stephencohen he too is raring to go
Ye apna Banda hai ,like @stephencohen he too is raring to go
These are old videos.If iaf is performing CAPs there, we will soon see PLAAF doing the same on their side.
Worth noting, there has been no official word from IAF regarding this.
We now have better connectivity all along LAC compared to China. Please always remember that connectivity is not just about roads but also thru air. Our Helicopters can carry much bigger load into areas along LAC compared to PLA. We can achieve with Helicopters what we lack on surface. PLA does not have such helicopters nor do they have airbases which are at a lower height than India. The problem with aircraft including helicopters is that you need to take off from denser air to be able to lift a large payload but you can land on a much higher ground with such a load as you will burn off fuel in the flight which will make you light or you can do a rolling landing.China had easy access to Aksai Chin due to highway connectivity, both from Tibbet and Hotan side. However as time passes by, India is able to bridge the gaps slowly. India do have plus point in airforce infrastructure, however capabilities should be increased both qualitatively and numerically.
1)We respect your spirit.Dont make fun of me
I was a Soldier in my past life ie previous birth
US is very keen to intervene
Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh speaks with US Defence Secretary over phone;
Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh had a telephonic conversation with US Secretary of Defence Dr Markpib.gov.in
He is very much from India..... Can Confirm that.....
You TRUST Chinese sources for their own wares?
On paper, our Insas looked great in specs. When deployed we came to know about its real issues.
I have never understand our pussyfooting attitude, appeasement never works, it hadn't worked in the past nor will it work in the future.
What do the stars tell?Chinese have become a game for western countries by challenging India along LAC. What we did not have in 1962, will now be available to us. If we have any chinese member on this forum, I will advise him to back off. You have no chance. You will lose everything including your investment in US bonds and investments all across the globe. Your econimy will collapse like a pack of cards.
Indians never lost a war for want of valour or manpower. We lost as we had inferior weapons or strife within. Now we are united as a nation and not divided among small kingdoms which fought against eachother or plotted with invaders to defeat our own. As far as 2.5 front war is concerned, we Hindus will take care of 0.5 front and very very strongly. That is why we have RSS and Bajrang Dal.
They are doing their best to suck us into a military alliance and then force us into wars we have no capability or interest in fighting.
As far as 2.5 front war is concerned, we Hindus will take care of 0.5 front and very very strongly. That is why we have RSS and Bajrang Dal
Good point Sir. I think that loose talk from some netas about taking over Aksai Chin has prompted the Chinese leadership to take this step. If we have lost about 50 sq km then the joke's on us. We should have kept more quiet till we can think of taking on China in an offensive manner.IMHO, the main reason for this standoff is to prevent IA from punishing PA along LOC and to make permanent defence fortifications along LAC to prevent IA from over running the LAC in case of any future war. India Dominates the ingress points along LAC in Aksai Chin...
Why is that ?than it will become a fight in the plateau of Tibet where PLA stands no chance of winning against IA