Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

Let's wait for source or offical/semi offical claim, it's just a photo by trolls, we don't know context or anything. We don't even know who are in picture is it Indian Army and Chinese Army or something else.

Anyone good with camo can shed more light on it.
It is Indian army. Some are saying that this was leaked in response to the video of us beating the shit of the Chinks
These guys do not seem Indians. Have a look at their haircut. They look more like Uihigers or from some place in Afghanistan.

Umm, the uniform sure looks like IA. And if it's a photoshop work, the work is damn good..
But, I think it is not wise to adress whatever is coming from the other end as horse shit. Every thing has its share of truth to it.
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Watcg closely , looks photoshopped
I was searching the story is pretty inconsistent for that photo. Some are saying that an IA vehicle experienced an accident near the pagong tso and the han overlords saved them. Some are saying it is from the "75 soldiers" detention claim that was going around . It seems older though. The Chinese propaganda seems pretty clear to show that IA is barbaric while pla is a saviour army that is fair and good. That's how the chinks on Twitter seem to be spreading their propaganda
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I was searching the story is pretty inconsistent for that photo. Some are saying that an IA vehicle experienced an accident near the pagong tso and the han overlords saved them. Some are saying it is from the "75 soldiers" detention claim that was going around . It seems older though. The Chinese propaganda seems pretty clear to show that IA is barbaric while pla is a saviour army that is fair and good. That's how the chinks on Twitter seem to be spreading their propaganda
They could have easily leaked a video instead of a photo. That is a give away
The issue isn't as simple as you're making it out to be. Leaving aside any historical claims before the British in India or the Sino Tibetan historical claims there were 3 lines proposed by the British of which the Johnson line was the oldest & most extensive & expansive from India's PoV. That territory even then in Aksai Chin was effectively no man's land .

Subsequent to the Johnson line proposed in the mid 1890's based on surveys conducted by the British in the mid 1860's , there was the McDonald line proposed by the British to the Qing Empire officials immediately after they proposed the Johnson line as the boundaries between India & Tibet, this time the line being brought further west to the Johnson line thus favouring the Sino Tibetan position more. The Chinese didn't respond to either claims of the British & with the British not pressing the issue with the Chinese, the maps were drawn by the British reverting to the Johnson line. The matter lay dormant till 1947 with the British not exercising any sovereignty in Aksai Chin till 1947 except for its claims on the map.

A newly independent county can hardly ever be expected to immediately concede to the demands if it's neighbors on the matter of unsettled borders as that sets a bad precedent with other neighbors immediately jumping into the fray to forward their claims - justified or not, to test the waters thus opening up the proverbial can of worms.

That's the reason why Pakistan didn't respond to Afghanistan's claims of rejection of the Durand Line since Pakistan achieved independence . That's one of the reasons Nehru didn't respond when CCP thru the PLA invaded Tibet in 1950 as prior to the invasion the Tibetans were rather vociferously demanding India hand over AP, Ladakh, Bhutan & Sikkim once India became independent based on "historical" claims much like how Nepal is jumping up & down with their claims. Of course, there were other reasons as well.

If Aksai Chin didn't belong to Ladakh & consequently India, there's zero evidence it belonged to Tibet & consequently to China too. Nehru's only blunder was to map his claim & not enforce it on the ground thru the IA. The Chinese seized the initiative . The rest is bitter history from our perspective.
I was stating the facts which are already in open domain, however still so many countrymen are oblivious to the hard facts. I agree with what you said except last paragraphs. Please allow me to explain why.

About second last paragraph first, Tibbet(which was already under Chinese empire) was ruling over Tawang region as a matter of history. British empire was ruling till Assam region. During second world war when Japan was moving forward, British empire sought to defend its territory by adding the border region as a means of buffer state. Since then India administers the region except brief period during 1962 war. Hence the demand of Tawang region specifically by Tibetans.

Now coming to last paragraph, area of Aksai Chin was ruled by Chinese empires, it's historically documented, that was basis taking which under consideration British empire wanted to demarcate the border, mate.

That's all. Thank you.
IN has MARCOS and also Sagar Prahari Bal. They can completely dominate Pangong Tso and also use that as a road to reach behind PLA in south and central Aksai Chin. This will put us just to the eastern slope of Karakoram range and help us encircle all forward deployed PLA units. The area in front of DBO is flat ground which offers us entry to northern Aksai Chin and is best suited for highly mobile warfare.

Your Knowledge is wrong. Aksai chin was never a part of Tibet. It was ruled by a muslim king till it was snatched from him and made part of Dogra kingdom in 1841. That muslim king was of Laddakhi lineage.
Except that Dogra empire never won that land, neither ruled or administored over those lands, and was claiming over those lands on the basis of British empire maps which were neither officially recognised between British and Chinese empire of the time & nor demarcated by themselves as Chinese authorities never entertained such requests from British side. Same British empire could not demarcate Sino-British Indian border in east well as British empire accepted the ruling of China over Tibbet and until China & Tibbet both signed the agreement, formal border agreement couldn't be signed. Though athority based in India did sign on agreement with Tibbet, but as per British policy it didn't receive the official backing, neither from British nor from Chinese Authorities. Some food for thought... Thank you.
Or may be, work out a treaty with B'desh to allow a corridor to NE, guarded by indian security personnels. In return, let BD get electricity from Nepal and a path to China via Nathu La Pass. Give and take.
Or try to get land on long term lease from Myanmar to connect to sea or even outright purchase like US purchase of Alaska?
Then you know the aircraft situation aside, NE is absolutely built like a fortress now. If you head towards Chinese borders, esp Sikkim you'll see just much the buildup is, even in peace times.
During Doklam situation, brother had been to border meeting in AP. Even nowadays deployment cycle is on higher side just for generic knowledge.
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It may or may not be photoshopped. There was a report on 70+ IA personal got injured by Chinese. So it's clear that something has happened,the world sofar not know anything about IA beating Chinese army till yesterday.

Attack retaliation is bound happen among soldiers, nothing new. But my concern is Chinese has intruded in to 4-5 km inside our territory and captured around 65 sq km area, wether we have any plan to recapture it? If no plans to recapture,it's fine but we must avoid such incidents in future,goi should stop being a sissy boi against Chinese and goi India must destroy it's phobia on modernization of military.
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I know some extant of military situation,but question is wether we can defend NE without using chicken neck? What I want NE does require a military which can sustain war with out any help from Indian mainland.
Chicken neck is saturated, if that's what you want to know. Defend against what & whom? Who will be our ally, who might ally with our enemy? Conventional, sub-conventional or ultimately nuclear? When these elements are known, rest people can figure it out themselves.
Something terrible has happened :(

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These might be the four five soldiers who were reported lost? Just guessing?
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