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Looks like Photoshop tbh
c. Members are requested to avoid colourful language, lest, moderators need to get colourful by action.
Thank you for following the above on a Sunday and letting moderators have a good and enjoyable weekend.
Looks like Photoshop tbh
The funny thing is that there is a GoI note of 1899 which alluded to accepting Aksai Chin part of China and Mr Nehru, our usual punching bag for all ills, actually claiming it
He earns my respect for this singular act .. and that of annexing NEFA respects to him for these atleast.
The map was put up by the British as part of a solution to Great Game. It was never put up by GOI. But yes, claiming Aksai chin upto Kunlun range was wrong as was putting whole of Aksai chin in Tibet. If we go by past records, even Mt. Kailash and Mansarover lake belong to India. As India is called Jambudweep and it has water all around it. Just look at how Sindhu and Brahmaputra provide us water on North, East and West while sea is on othersides. Even the `893 map of China has put whole of Aksai chin as the area belonging to Ladakh forming a part of Leh tehsil.The funny thing is that there is a GoI note of 1899 which alluded to accepting Aksai Chin part of China and Mr Nehru, our usual punching bag for all ills, actually claiming it
He earns my respect for this singular act .. and that of annexing NEFA respects to him for these atleast.
Those guys are ours in that pic.What ours?
Both the maps do not show whole of Aksai Chin as part of either empire. Moreover the logic of Chinese is that if ever in the past they ruled any part of the world, it is theirs even today. I have used the same logic about our claim to have watershed of Indua and Brahmaputra as the border.Aksai Chin was part of Silk trade route and was used by carvan passing from Tibbet to Xinjiang. There was no other land route to trade with Chinese empire. Read about Dzungar Khanate Empire, then Dalai Lama bestowing of title and then succession by Qing Dynasty empire of China. Maps are already there on internet, do check them if interested. Aksai Chin will be found inside those empires if you carefully check the maps.
File:Mongolia XVII.png - Wikipedia
File:Map of the Dzungar Khanate 18th century.png - Wikipedia
Sir, will you please elaborate on that? Seems to be new angle & piece of information. Thank you.The funny thing is that there is a GoI note of 1899 which alluded to accepting Aksai Chin part of China and Mr Nehru, our usual punching bag for all ills, actually claiming it
He earns my respect for this singular act .. and that of annexing NEFA respects to him for these atleast.
SureDei saamy....enna da idu?
Listen carefully the words used by ITBP jawans.
They are not heard anywhere across the Himalayas. Also why wd our guys hit our own guy? U are nuts if u assume that the injured one being protected by our officer is an Indian jawan to. Also, don't u see the uniform pattern?
Now call him American soldier and completely satiate ur drenched ego. Poda.![]()
Like a true slave , cheering for your masters
We can actually claim whole of China upto Manchria. As per genome of chinese, they have Indian Y-chromosome in them. So they are people of our ethnicity and moved from India to populate China. Let us now publish a new map of India with whole of China as Indian Territory.Well geniuses all over the world make claims to take in new territories but some Indian geniases make claims to let go of own territories.
Why don't they extend the same courtesy to their own family homes for a change. I am sure their neighbours would be more than interested .
Historically we can lay claim upto Yunnan province using same logic which the Chinese use , but here some are hilariously doubting askai chin lol
We can actually claim whole of China upto Manchria. As per genome of chinese, they have Indian Y-chromosome in them. So they are people of our ethnicity and moved from India to populate China. Let us now publish a new map of India with whole of China as Indian Territory.
Peopling of China - Wikipedia
Buddhism originated in India , i dont know why dont we use it for our benefits. Like forming an alliance of Dharmic countries.Well that would be too much , they will be left without a home lol , though personally I would not mind
3 to 4 centuries preceding the Christian era, Hindu dynasties established by adventurers, claiming descent from the Kshatriya potentates of northern India, ruling in upper Burma, in Siam and Laos, in Yunnan and Tonkin, and even in most parts of southeastern China.
Among these colonies Tagong and upper Pugan were called Mayura, Prome was Sriksetra, Sen-wi (Theinni) was Sivirastra, Muang Hang, Chieng Rung and Muang Khwan were the three divisions of Ching Rung kingdom, which the prince of Yong, named Sunandakumara, united under Mahiyagananagara, Luang P’hrah Bang was Dasarna; Hanoi was Agranagara, Tagaung was Brahmadesa (P’o,o-men), where a Sanskrit inscription, dated in Gupta era 108 – 426 A.D. refers to Hastinapura, situated in that country; and, of course, Yunana was Purvavideha or Gandhara. Thus, from Arakan, where the Mrohaung inscriptions attest the efflorescence of Indian culture, language and literature, to Yunnan China.
Ruins of Hindu temples in Southeast China provided further evidence of Hinduism in China.
In the 6th century A.D. the Chinese royal family was Hindu for two generations. How many Indians know this ?
The following Tang dynasty (7th to the 9th century A.D.) also patronized both Hinduism and Buddhism because the latter was but a branch of Hinduism.
But self loathing and self defeatists Indians who can't read beyond books published by colonials and leftists with dubious agenda will scream nonsense .
But since such individuals like foreigners opinions so much , I leave this one for them
Hu Shih (1891-1962), former Chinese Ambassador to USA famously said "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."
The biggest curse of Indians was not the foreigners but some of the Indians themselves who self loathed so much that they rather be slaves than stand up in support of their countrymen and their country. Nothing has changed till date .
70 years of so called independence we are still following history written by leftists and foreigners with an agenda . While the Chinese rewrote their history to suit their needs. Atleast we have the proofs , they don't even have them .
Buddhism originated in India , i dont know why dont we use it for our benefits. Like forming an alliance of Dharmic countries.
We dont use our culture and heritage for our benefit
Historically we can lay claim upto Yunnan province using same logic which the Chinese use , but here some are hilariously doubting aksai chin lol
See this..I wonder if any of our personnel lost their life.
Me too wondering the same , could be unconscious too , but then why tied
Why the fuk the Indian army hid this ?
Has it become like the por...... army hiding casualties