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Bloc says move could impact China-EU ties, but rules out taking any action against its major trading partner.
Every country, even when distant and safe from any kind of problem with China is looking for own interests. US obviously is looking for own interests, as rise of China threatens there worldwide domination.
If US is policeman of world our policy makers are trying hard to be Homeguard of the world, power of inflicting damage almost zero unless dragged into a fight yet doing everything to create problems.
If it was Pakistan there will be non stop speeches, statements from Army to politicians. Now when things are serious all bravado is gone and suddenly we are dealing with it "maturely". When you know adversary is not easy why do you go out of your way to provoke?
All these tensions and problem in the middle of a pandemic that is threatening to wipe out a good part of your population, economy is obliterated, earthquake, cyclones, locust attack and it's barely 5 month into 2020.
Strategic thinking Nobel to policy makers, who thinks this is the right time to stand up to Chinese. When time was good these clowns had zero courage to claim what's in their map, now when condition is worst they want to liberate Tibet. Don't have what it takes to teach lesson to Pakistan, run away from fight even when attacked on Army base but they will teach a lesson to China while a pandemic wreak havoc.
What I am saying will hurt fragile ego of lot of ostrich minded people, their sovereignty, izzat, integrity will suddenly feel hurt.