LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

what are you....ten years old? Nukes on drones?....

India will soon start using Pinaka on the border if the 155mm guns doesn't deter the Pakistanis.

If we use Pinakas, its as good as a full on war.

All the internet warriors, the time may not be far to prove your mettle. How many of us will be willing to sign up to fight for the country in case of a war? Im on the wrong side of 45, but quite fit, and will offer my services the day war breaks out. How many of you are willing to do that.

Count me in, I am on your side too!
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what are you....ten years old? Nukes on drones?....

India will soon start using Pinaka on the border if the 155mm guns doesn't deter the Pakistanis.

If we use Pinakas, its as good as a full on war.

All the internet warriors, the time may not be far to prove your mettle. How many of us will be willing to sign up to fight for the country in case of a war? Im on the wrong side of 45, but quite fit, and will offer my services the day war breaks out. How many of you are willing to do that.

It is not about manpower. We can recruit fighting men by the million if required. But that does not cut it.

The current game, and sorry for using that word for a sordid matter, does not dent India but destabilises the future of our mercinary enemy. The problem is their rulers profit from it immensely so they dont care.

So the real issue is to keep it rational, difficult when u have a failed state involved, with nuclear and chinese guarantees.

We can not fix pakistan, we also do not want war as even that does not fix pakistan. We must keep them busy internally so they suffer from their failed state and are able to bother us as little as possible. Unfortunately this is covert and hence you will not get the pleasure of retribution, but hey did u not hint you are not an internet warrior?
Well So the skirmishes escalated it further, and from outset Pakistan doesnt care about escalation........ I dont remember ATGM being used in LOC for a very long time, (correct me if i missed something).....Look like the casualities across the border seems to be higher than what we assume if not i do not see any reason for such an escalation.......

Interesting times ahead...... Waiting to see IA response....
Indian army did use ATGM, sometimes last year. I'll try to find out that video.
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Well So the skirmishes escalated it further, and from outset Pakistan doesnt care about escalation........ I dont remember ATGM being used in LOC for a very long time, (correct me if i missed something).

ATGM use is normal on the LOC. There were few videos from both the Pak and Indian side last year during the flare up that showed them being used. In addition, India has old tanks that are used as pillboxes. The real escalation is artillery and that can't be far off, in my opinion.
Well So the skirmishes escalated it further, and from outset Pakistan doesnt care about escalation........ I dont remember ATGM being used in LOC for a very long time, (correct me if i missed something).....Look like the casualities across the border seems to be higher than what we assume if not i do not see any reason for such an escalation.......

Interesting times ahead...... Waiting to see IA response....
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The problem is that Pakistan has nothing to lose as it has almost no infrastructure, manufacturing capability, technology or resources. Detroying Pakistan will be very easy. But the real problem comes with the allies of Pakistan - Arabs who hold oil reserves which is needed by entire world to sustain industry, medicines and agriculture. These Arabs will blindly fund Pakistan all the money to ensure that Pakistan doesn't go down.

Till oil runs out, rest of the world will continue to rely on Arabs and hence will be forced to sell arms and weapons to them in return fr oil. Coal liquefaction is an alternative but a difficult one as the amount of coal that ca be extracted annually can't match oil extraction. Coal is a solid and hence it has to be extracted layer by layer and as a result is slowly extracted. Oil has to deplete first
what are you....ten years old? Nukes on drones?....

India will soon start using Pinaka on the border if the 155mm guns doesn't deter the [Mod Edit] Pakistanis.

If we use Pinakas, its as good as a full on war.

All the internet warriors, the time may not be far to prove your mettle. How many of us will be willing to sign up to fight for the country in case of a war? Im on the wrong side of 45, but quite fit, and will offer my services the day war breaks out. How many of you are willing to do that.
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Captain Kapil Kundu martyred in Pakistan firing on LOC. It's a big shock for us. For the shake of nation a 23 years old soldier lost his life for saving us.
I respect your sacrifice.
Well So the skirmishes escalated it further, and from outset Pakistan doesnt care about escalation........ I dont remember ATGM being used in LOC for a very long time, (correct me if i missed something).....Look like the casualities across the border seems to be higher than what we assume if not i do not see any reason for such an escalation.......

Interesting times ahead...... Waiting to see IA response....

and Carl Gustave, 85mm
They are very common
It's light weaponry and every skirmish most of the times include the above.
We have no clue about their causalities, and they notoriously hide from their own govt, forget civilians.......

I don't have to know about their causality. The loss on Indian side is irreversible.
The summon office (Pak High comm.) may do whatever they want but the fact is clear. They can't every time light up the LC and then call for ceasefire and then again light up the LC
I don't have to know about their causality. The loss on Indian side is irreversible.
The summon office (Pak High comm.) may do whatever they want but the fact is clear. They can't every time light up the LC and then call for ceasefire and then again light up the LC
Please be aware this game is played by 2, and we are not saints......In a war like this there are losses on both the sides, it is natural that we are worried about our losses of soldiers, and we are aware what is happening, but since we do not know their casualties which is far higher than ours...we may not understand why they are summoning our ambassador........
.In a war like this there are losses on both the sides,

No that is a wrong assessment. The loses on both sides do happen but the magnitude of loses happens more on the loser's side. Who is losing the skirmish as per you? This is not a number game. It's the game where an inferior country has morale to strike back again after again. And you sit and count who shot more.
Fully disagree!
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Yesterday all most all channels (barring times now) were discussing the attack which costed us 4 jawans...... Arnab was such a disappointment..... he sounded like a third rate internet troll on Twitter or FB....he had print outs of pinaka and asking the the Pakistani guests (who happened to be a brigadier ) Do you what is This????...Then he comes up with a surrender cermoney photo and ask them... Do you remember this???? Frankly it reminded me of those numerous threads and discussions of the forum which I first logged into....

God save India from such jingoistic media....
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Yesterday all most all channels (barring times now) were discussing the attack which costed us 4 jawans...... Arnab was such a disappointment..... he sounded like a third rate internet troll on Twitter or FB....he had print outs of pinaka and asking the the Pakistani guests (who happened to be a brigadier ) Do you what is This????...Then he comes up with a surrender cermoney photo and ask them... Do you remember this???? Frankly it reminded me of those numerous threads and discussions of the forum which I first logged into....

God save India from such jingoistic media....

I am surprised from your description that he didn't simply ask them to take off their jackets and step out of the studio (yes, yes, I know they were actually speaking from Pakistan).

A single-handed force for instability.