LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

Pakistan cant use nukes if we walk over LOC. It's practically not Pakistan even by themselves. And even if they use them in pok it would hit their own case on Kashmir. I'm pretty sure that's was everyone meant but saying we'll call Pakistan's nuclear bluff.

Very true, POK is not a part of Pakistan as per their own constitution. And beyond point NJ9842 there is no LOC, rather it's AGPL. Whoevers grabs the land it belongs to him. Under these condition, crossing into GB beyond point nj9842 will not be considered as breach of any agreement except 2003 cease fire which is happening every day due to Pakistan sponsored infiltration.
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Nukes are not as deadly as you claim. The fall out is too minimal to even consider. Most people died due to blast wave knocking off the roofs and walls of their houses (wooden houses) in Japan, not by fallout. Fallout is hyped by these "liberal" cowards.

Wow!! This is a first! (SLOW CLAP) Pls read up about blast radius, shock wave and the destructive capability of even a 10kt nuke.
Why do you think PM is going to Palestine? Past so many years the south block never had guts to make visit to the middle east and this is the reason India remained of low importance in that region even though there are so many Indians working there.
Was there no Oil in 1971 during peak of cold war? Or there was no oil during 1999.

All this fuzz of Oil can easily be countered by Pakistan's own rhetoric of nuclear war. What will petro dollars will do if Pakistan threatens of nuclear exchange?
It's just India's own lack of reluctance when Americans wanted Indian in Afg, well for that era it was a good decision but now? Even Chinese are there.

Come on man.
Rhetoric vs facts. The blood of this industrial world is OIL. Nuclear bomb is just a bigger bomb. There was oil in 1971 too but that time India was not reliant on imports. Also, India was filled with degenerate people who were worse than animals. By all means and standards, in 1947, all muslims must have been expelled to Pakistan as population exchange. In 1971 too, India must have attacked in April itself and must have called for religious warfare. But Nehru and Indira were of flawed character and hence botched up deliberately.

In 1999 there was oil and hence it was not a full scale war. India was pathetically weak and had hopeless military capability because of which India did not react well. The decades of negligence and lack of research had made India weak. So, Pakistan was emboldened. Nevertheless, Pakistan did not escalate beyond a point and hence India too did not escalate. Oil prevented an escalation in 1999 and 2001. India would have launched missiles otherwise and things would have been different.

Palestine trip is an act of diplomacy and there is nothing of substance. India doesn't want to appear overtly hostile and hence gimmicks. As a saying goes: Don't point a gun if you are unwilling to shoot.

The militarisation of the world began in WW2. India has benefited from WW2 as lots of arms manufacturing was done in India by British to help in WW2. India was almost in the same level as other countries in technology, maybe with a lag of 5-10 years. The technology was mostly mechanical and could have been reverse engineered. China developed almost all technology - nuclear submarine, hydrogen bomb, ICBM, Space Launch Vehicle by 1975 despite being destroyed in the war and getting independence in 1949. India could have achieved the same military capability as China but Nehru scuttled it.

Considering all this historical blunders, India was weak till full scale militarisation was begun by Vajpayee. So, Pakistan was alarmed and tried to scuttle it before it took off by 1999 Kargil war and 2001 parliament attack.

Wow!! This is a first! (SLOW CLAP) Pls read up about blast radius, shock wave and the destructive capability of even a 10kt nuke.
Please read it yourself. I have well researched on this nuclear bomb already and I am speaking based on facts. You are speaking on fears and rumours.

Give me source for your claims by real life experience/experiments, not by some cowards spreading rumours or making apps of blast effect.
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Any nuke attack on India or Indian Forces will result in total destruction of the nation which uses them. I wud like to know who in Pakistan is willing to sign the death warrant of each and every Pakistani national? Who has that pen in Pakistan and who is that man who will do it? Use TNWs and other nukes was and is a bluff which they have played till date. This bluff needs to be called and SHOW called.
The blood of this industrial world is OIL.

And I repeat it is controlled by US.
In 1999 there was oil and hence it was not a full scale war. India was pathetically weak and had hopeless military capability because of which India did not react well

You cannot say this is because of oil.
Oil prevented an escalation in 1999 and 2001. India would have launched missiles otherwise and things would have been different.

I would rather call it diplomatic failure.

Today saudi arabi has opened it's airspace for Air India enroute to Israel.
Palestine trip is an act of diplomacy and there is nothing of substance. India doesn't want to appear overtly hostile and hence gimmicks. As a saying goes: Don't point a gun if you are unwilling to shoot.

Palestenian issue must be kept away from Kashmir because Kashmir is territorial issue, and Palestine issue which is more of Jerusalem is religious. This is the fact which Modi wants to tell the world.
China developed almost all technology - nuclear submarine, hydrogen bomb, ICBM, Space Launch Vehicle by 1975 despite being destroyed in the war and getting independence in 1949. India could have achieved the same military capability as China but Nehru scuttled it

What did Pakistan develop on it's own that it takes so much pain in *censored* to counter it. Muslim world? Lol No they are just giving route to Americans in Afghanistan after India rejected this deal.
Considering all this historical blunders, India was weak till full scale militarisation was begun by Vajpayee. So, Pakistan was alarmed and tried to scuttle it before it took off by 1999 Kargil war and 2001 parliament attack.

Because of the so called lobbyist who say there is a threat of nuclear war, the muslim will not vote, there will be international pressure etc etc etc..
And I repeat it is controlled by US.
That is your opinion. The Arabs agreed to sell oil in dollars for USA support. They even took out the atheistic USSR by increasing oil production and bringing down USSR's oil revenue. But, that was when the world had excessive oil capacity. Back then, many countries had oil production and despite high reserves in Arab area, the world had low enough consumption that it could do without Arab oil. So, if Arabs reduce oil supply, they would have lost out on food supply. But, now Arabs have over 50% oil reserves and control major share of oil production. World oil consumption is also rising fast and world will have difficulty in living without Arab oil. USA, Russia is now increasing their oil production and oil production of countries like Libya, Iraq Kazhakhstan which are under the influence of USA. But this is not long lasting and in 5-6 years, the Arabs will again have a major say. So, USA is not controlling oil supply.
Palestenian issue must be kept away from Kashmir because Kashmir is territorial issue, and Palestine issue which is more of Jerusalem is religious. This is the fact which Modi wants to tell the world.
Both are similar issue. Palestine is also about territory, not just religion. Even Kashmir is about land and religion. India doesn't want to openly support Israel as Modi doesn't want open support to Kashmir from Arabs.

Because of the so called lobbyist who say there is a threat of nuclear war, the muslim will not vote, there will be international pressure etc etc etc..
As I said, fighting when oil is flowing is not a good idea unless absolutely necessary. There will be no decisive results in fighting such wars. Limited wars don't give permanent peace. We can't care less for muslim vote. Nothing good can be expected from muslims in any case.

I have explained several times why Oil matters in war. If the war goes full scale, it will trigger WW3. In such case, oil will matter. Islamic brotherhood is very strong. In 1971, Arab countries supplied pakistan and even paid to replace the lost planes. Indonesia offered to capture Andaman islands. So, your hypothesis that ISlamic world won't come to support Pakistan is simply absurd.
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Any nuke attack on India or Indian Forces will result in total destruction of the nation which uses them. I wud like to know who in Pakistan is willing to sign the death warrant of each and every Pakistani national? Who has that pen in Pakistan and who is that man who will do it? Use TNWs and other nukes was and is a bluff which they have played till date. This bluff needs to be called and SHOW called.
They may call the bluff soon, may be that's why they are testing agni 1 and prithvi from the manufactured lot......either to put economic pressure on Pak or to call bluff.
They may call the bluff soon, may be that's why they are testing agni 1 and prithvi from the manufactured lot......either to put economic pressure on Pak or to call bluff.
You dont know what the SFCs are doing. The ability to launch over 200 missiles in simultaneous attack has been practised. Please remember all our missiles are in canister configuration and hermitecally sealed for next ten years.
There is no point getting this summer hot unless we are actually gaining something in return. If whatever that has been mentioned in these pages is true then I probably have a good idea of whats ahead. If its pulled off, Modi will be legend.

Ofcourse I am talking about another Agni test. Bigger and fatter Agni test.
But, now Arabs have over 50% oil reserves and control major share of oil production.
But, now Arabs have over 50% oil reserves and control major share of oil production. World oil consumption is also rising fast and world will have difficulty in living without Arab oil. USA, Russia is now increasing their oil production and oil production of countries like Libya, Iraq Kazhakhstan which are under the influence of USA. But this is not long lasting and in 5-6 years, the Arabs will again have a major say. So, USA is not controlling oil supply.
And under whose name these share float? Please see who are the chairmen and who saved them from Saddam. Also read about Saudi Aramco and Bapco.

Palestine is also about territory, not just religion. Even Kashmir is about land and religion. India doesn't want to openly support Israel as Modi doesn't want open support to Kashmir from Arabs

Now you are arguing unnecessarily. I told you it's India's own diplomatic failure.
There is no point getting this summer hot unless we are actually gaining something in return. If whatever that has been mentioned in these pages is true then I probably have a good idea of whats ahead. If its pulled off, Modi will be legend.

Ofcourse I am talking about another Agni test. Bigger and fatter Agni test.
Yeah right, another agni test, Big fat and ugly Agni test. :D:sneaky:
And under whose name these share float? Please see who are the chairmen and who saved them from Saddam. Also read about Saudi Aramco and Bapco.

Now you are arguing unnecessarily. I told you it's India's own diplomatic failure.
ARAMCO was nationalised in 1979. 100% shares of ARAMCO and the Gulf country oil companies are with Arabs. Iraq, Libya etc where USA intervened, the oil rigs are in the hands of USA/Russia.

India must have solved this problem before liberalising to use foreign resources. After liberalising, Indian control diminished so as to acquire foreign resources and India had to compromise.

USA saved Kuwait because Kuwait had been selling oil in dollars and had a tie up with USA for military protection and arms supply in return. The US dollar was strengthened by oil supply creating international demand for dollar. USA also helped them spread Islam everywhere, especially in USSR where the atheistic policy had suppressed Islam. They waged militancy at several places like Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan etc. They also attacked India in Kashmir. The support for pricing oil in dollar was not free.

However, with the oil reserves depleting everywhere and Arab reserves, being the largest are the last to deplete, Arabs are getting significant powers of late. Now, the USA is losing its control and power while Arab power is rising.
ARAMCO was nationalised in 1979. 100% shares of ARAMCO and the Gulf country oil companies are with Arabs. Iraq, Libya etc where USA intervened, the oil rigs are in the hands of USA/Russia.

India must have solved this problem before liberalising to use foreign resources. After liberalising, Indian control diminished so as to acquire foreign resources and India had to compromise.

USA saved Kuwait because Kuwait had been selling oil in dollars and had a tie up with USA for military protection and arms supply in return. The US dollar was strengthened by oil supply creating international demand for dollar. USA also helped them spread Islam everywhere, especially in USSR where the atheistic policy had suppressed Islam. They waged militancy at several places like Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan etc. They also attacked India in Kashmir. The support for pricing oil in dollar was not free.

However, with the oil reserves depleting everywhere and Arab reserves, being the largest are the last to deplete, Arabs are getting significant powers of late. Now, the USA is losing its control and power while Arab power is rising.

Buddy you are complicating the things. I already told the Baghdad pact/SENTO was formed by US they empowered the Saudi royals and saudi royals are the shareholder/chairmen of the oil companies. It's directly the US influential area. Whether oil depletes or not.

India didn't show it's influence in the middle east having sustaining the second largest muslim population. That's our failure. You were not in good terms with US previously that's the other problem. But now you are.

You repeating what I said, it's the US which has the hold.
Unlike Indian soldiers the Pakistan's soldiers have actual real life combat experience in asymmetric warfare. We been fighting war on terror for the last 18 years.
LOC has become a target killing competition. Mainly sniping competition. Pakistan army soldiers have sniped Terrorists in very difficult terrain under very difficult conditions. It's not Indian army who at best fights some Kalashnikov carrying Kashmiri or hunting rifle carrying Naga/Bodo militants. The terrorists in Pakistan have Artillery, rocket launchers, sniper rifles with sniping experience. Amidst all that Pakistan army fought them.
LOC is comparatively easy environment.
The terrorists in Pakistan have Artillery, rocket launchers, sniper rifles with sniping experience. Amidst all that Pakistan army fought them.
LOC is comparatively easy environment.

LMFAO, that's not something to be proud of or a positive point in your favor; that's demoralizing and shows your military's incompetence. Please keep gaining experience over there though, it's best when you people take care of each other and we just get to sit and watch the show.
LMFAO, that's not something to be proud of or a positive point in your favor; that's demoralizing and shows your military's incompetence. Please keep gaining experience over there though, it's best when you people take care of each other and we just get to sit and watch the show.
We are proud of our performance in WOT.
Don't expect you to understand that .
Unlike Indian soldiers the Pakistan's soldiers have actual real life combat experience in asymmetric warfare. We been fighting war on terror for the last 18 years.
LOC has become a target killing competition. Mainly sniping competition. Pakistan army soldiers have sniped Terrorists in very difficult terrain under very difficult conditions. It's not Indian army who at best fights some Kalashnikov carrying Kashmiri or hunting rifle carrying Naga/Bodo militants. The terrorists in Pakistan have Artillery, rocket launchers, sniper rifles with sniping experience. Amidst all that Pakistan army fought them.
LOC is comparatively easy environment.
I agree. But the problem comes when PA is fighting an actual conventional army. All the experience gained fighting armed unorganized terrorist would come down to nothing when fighting a war with an equal or better-equipped military. That's where you need to draw a line btw PA and IA. In a war, PA won't be going against BSF. For IA, all it needs to kick PA back into its cave is the political will of babus sitting in Delhi. The goal post for babus depends on public perception of the issue, Which is changing drastically day by day.
We are proud of our performance in WOT.
Don't expect you to understand that .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're proud of THIS performance??? Then I don't expect you to be capable of understanding anything at all. Then no wonder you make silly points about how battle hardened your military is and how you're ready to take on India. Thing is, none of this is new, you people always brag and act over-confident like this, and then each time there's an actual conflict, you find new, innovative ways to lose.

But I guess when you lose every single war to the country you are obsessed with defeating, and when you fail on 3 separate occasions to steal a piece of land you are eternally obsessed with, you have to learn to savor the small temporary "victories" over your own terrorists. Even if those "victories" mainly involve bombing mountains with F-16's and displacing thousands of innocent people from their homes so you can pretend to fight terror in front of the world.
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We are proud of our performance in WOT.
Don't expect you to understand that .
Well sadly WOT of Pak army has nothing, absolutely nothing to boast off or be proud of, except changing names of operations and displacing huge number of population there is still no change on ground situation.

You think fewer number of attacks for an year or two somehow makes your War of time pass successful? Think again.

Regarding your comments on Indian army and actual war like situation I can only pity you, I don't consider pak army like you consider indian army even when everytime pak army faced with serious opponents ran away. Wake up wherever you are living.
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