LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

No that is a wrong assessment. The loses on both sides do happen but the magnitude of loses happens more on the loser's side. Who is losing the skirmish as per you? This is not a number game. It's the game where an inferior country has morale to strike back again after again. And you sit and count who shot more.
Fully disagree!

What a brave man, at the cost of others' lives.
What a brave man, at the cost of others' lives.

Other's life?
Those soldiers are being hit during peace time and you talk about lives. Well the lives are being lost every day there. I will be the last to justify war. War is bad thing but when you see those terrorists are disturbing every one's life and playing number games then government of any country has right to take all measures.
Other's life?
Those soldiers are being hit during peace time and you talk about lives. Well the lives are being lost every day there. I will be the last to justify war. War is bad thing but when you see those terrorists are disturbing every one's life and playing number games then government of any country has right to take all measures.

The Government.

Not you.

At best you and I can support our servicemen, and our government (even if we oppose its policies politically, as I do). We can't jump up and down and ask for lives to be taken.

This is not war; this is a display of macho strength by two sets of complete idiots in power, who are sacrificing the lives of simple soldiers.
No that is a wrong assessment. The loses on both sides do happen but the magnitude of loses happens more on the loser's side. Who is losing the skirmish as per you? This is not a number game. It's the game where an inferior country has morale to strike back again after again. And you sit and count who shot more.
Fully disagree!

Pakistan is supported by Arabs, have poor technology and is incapable of waging full scale war. They knoe thw importance of oil to India and hence understand that India and the world won't initiate a full scale war until oil supply is flowing as that will destroy the industry and global economy by disrupting oil trade.

As long as Pakistan has support of oil producers, it is not weak. Oil is a natural resource, not Pakistan or Arab's doing. So, one has to be a bit more patient
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Pakistan is supported by Arabs, have poor technology and is incapable of waging full scale war. They knoe thw importance of oil to India and hence understand that India and the world won't initiate a full scale war until oil supply is flowing as that will destroy the industry and global economy by disrupting oil trade.

As long as Pakistan has support of oil producers, it is not weak. Oil is a natural resource, not Pakistan or Arab's doing. So, one has to be a bit more patient

The best analysis i have ever come across in my life thru out my stay in 4 different forums
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Wow.... What a suggestion...... Then what????

We both know both militaries do it anyway, tell me why put soldiers lives at risk ?

what are you....ten years old? Nukes on drones?....
Exaggeration, bomb their forward posts using drones & bunkers .
India will soon start using Pinaka on the border if the 155mm guns doesn't deter the [Mod Edit]
Pakistan fights using guerilla tactics ,they don't fight with raw numbers like India, They use snipers & units for industrial sabotage , Because india has way more men on patrol & has far more infrastructure on its side of LOC . Only way to stop it is to hit them so hard with maximum fatality .

If we use Pinakas, its as good as a full on war.

I would call blowing up military posts with artillery & bazookas as a full on war. Yet dozens get blown up no on in central gov bats a eye.
All the internet warriors, the time may not be far to prove your mettle. How many of us will be willing to sign up to fight for the country in case of a war? Im on the wrong side of 45, but quite fit, and will offer my services the day war breaks out. How many of you are willing to do that.

All i read was a pointless rant ,so you are ok with indian soldiers going into Pakistan risking their lives to sabotage pak posts but a military drone that does the same minus the fatality triggers you ?
In the month of June, the airflow over India will change and by end June, whole of India gets covered by Monsoon currents. This will ensure that radiation fall outs are blown towards Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan will be in very serious trouble from June onwards.
In the month of June, the airflow over India will change and by end June, whole of India gets covered by Monsoon currents. This will ensure that radiation fall outs are blown towards Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan will be in very serious trouble from June onwards.
Did I just read that right? Are you suggesting India will use a nuke this summer in pak? ?
If pak uses nukes, even battlefield nukes, I doubt India is going to sit around waiting for the weather to impact Pakistan. We may see a salvo of nuke tipped Brahmos raining over major pak cities
Yes and the fallout of both will be more on Pakisthan side.
If pak uses nukes, even battlefield nukes, I doubt India is going to sit around waiting for the weather to impact Pakistan. We may see a salvo of nuke tipped Brahmos raining over major pak cities
Nukes are not as deadly as you claim. The fall out is too minimal to even consider. Most people died due to blast wave knocking off the roofs and walls of their houses (wooden houses) in Japan, not by fallout. Fallout is hyped by these "liberal" cowards.

The real reason for lack of war and Mutually Assured Destruction is "OIL". Oil has the power to win wars by powering weapons like tanks, planes etc. So, combined with technology, the war if started will rage on for very long time as the fighting is done by machines and not people. Machines will be continually built and use oil to fight. The large quantity of oil present means that there will be long wars lasting several decades and hence mutually assured destruction. In WW2, Hitler invaded Russia for oil and Germany eventually lost after its coal liquefaction facility was destroyed and oil supplies cut. Japan lost when its oil shipping routes were captured. So, the calculation is all about Petroleum oil, not Nuclear bomb when it comes to MAD
Pakistan is supported by Arabs,

I would have agreed to you if it was 2015, but since trump came things have reversed.
And arabs oil are controlled by US
All the oil companies which basically sell oil are americans. Because Arabs never had petroleum technology.
Why there is a blockade or oil price manipulation in international market? This is because they want to inflict loss to Russian oil suppliers. Why would arabs want it?
No one gives a F*** about Pakistan except americans. Because they want a route to Afghanistan hence americans tell the arabis please take care of Porkis.

This is not the problem. Pakistan is not a bigger market for Arab it's India. This is all due to lack of backbone and BSitting going on in South Block!
@vstol Jockey I don't know if it's important but a few weeks back BJP contacts from marketing branch for campaigns approached certain Market trend analytics firm to analysis public perception on a specific topic " what if India adventured into a limited localized conflict how would the numbers go down in the next elections". The firm is located in Bangalore.
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In the month of June, the airflow over India will change and by end June, whole of India gets covered by Monsoon currents. This will ensure that radiation fall outs are blown towards Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan will be in very serious trouble from June onwards.

@vstol Jockey I don't know if it's important but a few weeks back BJP contacts from marketing branch for campaigns approached certain Market trend analytics firm to analysis public perception on a specific topic " what if India adventured into a limited localized conflict how would the numbers go down in the next elections". The firm is located in Bangalore.

As Parikrama said, "Summer is going to get very very hot" and a "bluff will be called." I think there's going to be a conflict this summer and Pakistan's tactical nuke bluff will be called, and if they do use them, any fallout will hurt them instead of us.
As Parikrama said, "Summer is going to get very very hot" and a "bluff will be called." I think there's going to be a conflict this summer and Pakistan's tactical nuke bluff will be called, and if they do use them, any fallout will hurt them instead of us.
Pakistan cant use nukes if we walk over LOC. It's practically not Pakistan even by themselves. And even if they use them in pok it would hit their own case on Kashmir. I'm pretty sure that's was everyone meant but saying we'll call Pakistan's nuclear bluff.

But it will only go through if BJP thinks it is absolutely necessary to win the elections. Don't expect anything more than the hype created during the surgical strike. Indians are happy until their own butt is not on fire, the minute it affects their daily lives theyll throw BJP out of the window.
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al reason for lack of war and Mutually Assured Destruction is "OIL". Oil has the power to win wars by powering weapons like tanks, planes etc.

Why do you think PM is going to Palestine? Past so many years the south block never had guts to make visit to the middle east and this is the reason India remained of low importance in that region even though there are so many Indians working there.
Was there no Oil in 1971 during peak of cold war? Or there was no oil during 1999.

All this fuzz of Oil can easily be countered by Pakistan's own rhetoric of nuclear war. What will petro dollars will do if Pakistan threatens of nuclear exchange?
It's just India's own lack of reluctance when Americans wanted Indian in Afg, well for that era it was a good decision but now? Even Chinese are there.

Come on man.
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As Parikrama said, "Summer is going to get very very hot" and a "bluff will be called." I think there's going to be a conflict this summer and Pakistan's tactical nuke bluff will be called, and if they do use them, any fallout will hurt them instead of us.

Not going to happen, summer is the worst time to initiate any skirmish in mountainous region.
1. Over flowing rivers
2. More visibility

If you want to thrust in then you cannot do that in summer.
By the way there won't be any war.
Pakistan cant use nukes if we walk over LOC. It's practically not Pakistan even by themselves. And even if they use them in pok it would hit their own case on Kashmir. I'm pretty that's was everyone meant but saying we'll call Pakistan's nuclear bluff.

But it will only go through if BJP thinks it is absolutely necessary to win the elections. Don't expect anything more than the hype created during the surgical strike. Indians are happy until their own butt is not on fire, the minute it affects their daily lives theyll throw BJP out of the window.
Not really. Any war across LoC is not going to affect majority of Indians. Stock market will certainly be affected, but apart from that in most sectors it will be business as usual. In case India goes for a war with Pakisthan, BJP will win hands down!!
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