LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

Sir if PAF has really been pushed back in the depth , what is the harm in dropping
Spice Bombs on their Valuable Targets

Artillery causes limited damage on hard targets

Secondly they cannot Hide bombs being dropped , so all their false bravado of Feb 27 will be exposed

We must have mapped out the LY 80 positions , it is time to Light them up

Why use a hammer for killing an ant?

Also, there are hardly any "hardened" structures in the area. Most of the stuff is CGI sheet
That's why I like coming to this website..
The Indian complex of grandeur and superiority is on a level with mental disease and funny at the same time 😂
If capturing own territory after creating a whole nation is mental disease where does that put Pakistan and Pakistanis?

The fools with 100gm atom bum and 1 Pakistani = 10 Hindus, celebrating defence day when Indian forces reached Lahore or Air Force day where Ruhani missiles killed 5 Aircraft within 1 minute!

But nothing takes the cake when some insecure clowns celebrate Independence day on 14th August, that's best one. Even after the offical declaration of Indian Independence Act, which is still available in original form these clowns got independent on 14th so that they feel older to India. They named JF '17' seventeen because they wanted it to feel superior to F16.

From your identity, ethnicity, religion, country, everything, you people have defrauded yourself so much that I can go on and on and strip you naked to your bare bones.

Incest marriages were never good idea.

No PGMS used.
Regular ammo ? What was it ? A base bleed, boat tail or VLAP ?

If capturing own territory after creating a whole nation is mental disease where does that put Pakistan and Pakistanis?

The fools with 100gm atom bum and 1 Pakistani = 10 Hindus, celebrating defence day when Indian forces reached Lahore or Air Force day where Ruhani missiles killed 5 Aircraft within 1 minute!

But nothing takes the cake when some insecure clowns celebrate Independence day on 14th August, that's best one. Even after the offical declaration of Indian Independence Act, which is still available in original form these clowns got independent on 14th so that they feel older to India. They named JF '17' seventeen because they wanted it to feel superior to F16.

From your identity, ethnicity, religion, country, everything, you people have defrauded yourself so much that I can go on and on and strip you naked to your bare bones.

Incest marriages were never good idea.
Soltams are again proving to be useful. 38 kilometres range coming quite handy. Hitting out deep while itself being quite safe. I hope the upgraded M46s from OFB and Dhanush start coming in greater numbers once the lockdown is lifted.

And they literally cannot do anything against our batteries. They have chinese M46 copies and M198, but they will need to position them extremely close to action in order to harm our batteries or roads infrastructure or important structures. And if they do, we will be taking out them like sitting ducks. And no, despite having 350+ M109s, they're not that useful there too. Their Panters which match the range, are too heavy to be bought so near.
This year Indian army fired at Pakistan in 702 incidents.
Only 10 Pakistani soldiers list theirs lives.
That's how "effective" indian army is 😅
If capturing own territory after creating a whole nation is mental disease where does that put Pakistan and Pakistanis?

The fools with 100gm atom bum and 1 Pakistani = 10 Hindus, celebrating defence day when Indian forces reached Lahore or Air Force day where Ruhani missiles killed 5 Aircraft within 1 minute!

But nothing takes the cake when some insecure clowns celebrate Independence day on 14th August, that's best one. Even after the offical declaration of Indian Independence Act, which is still available in original form these clowns got independent on 14th so that they feel older to India. They named JF '17' seventeen because they wanted it to feel superior to F16.

From your identity, ethnicity, religion, country, everything, you people have defrauded yourself so much that I can go on and on and strip you naked to your bare bones.

Incest marriages were never good idea.
That's exactly the type of entertainment I come here for..
Pure gold 😂😂😂
This year Indian army fired at Pakistan in 702 incidents.
Only 10 Pakistani soldiers list theirs lives.
That's how "effective" indian army is 😅

Pray tell, what are the 'numbers' declared by PA to the Pakistani Parliament? Oops, sorry they did not.

That alone should answer your query regarding effectiveness. Anyways, nothings happened. The IA can keep missing targets and hit crows and trees. Should not lead to any tensions, then.
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This year Indian army fired at Pakistan in 702 incidents.
Only 10 Pakistani soldiers list theirs lives.
That's how "effective" indian army is 😅
These numbers are from the Pakistan Army's Mouthpiece, the Same ones that were printing "on the verge of Victory in Dhaka in 71", and later constituted the ISPR, remember Qureshi lying through his butt about your Fancy dress mujahideen's in kargil? Lets not even go to your twitter generals these days. You gullible people lapped up this crap back then, you continue to do the same till date.
This year Indian army fired at Pakistan in 702 incidents.
Only 10 Pakistani soldiers list theirs lives.
That's how "effective" indian army is 😅
Actually Indian Army killed only a few crows and uprooted some trees. It is the generosity of PA that they awarded 10 deaths to IA of the soldiers who died in road accidents.
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Let's see. Things are way too complicated. But there is only one way to get PoJ&K back and that is by the region itself choosing to break away. Militarily not much can be done.

I see the merit in what you say. But haven't we been at the same spot before? After 71, even the Kashmiri political elite had to suck it up and bow to Delhi and the Pundits in power gleefully claimed that "Pakistan has to live with the new reality". Everyone proclaimed it was the end of the Pakistani Kashmir campaign

It only gave them more reasons to change the status quo. Zia did it with his Operation Topaz in 89 and it took a lot of money, time and lives before we got a handle on things

We have boxed them in real nice this time as well. How long do you think before they try to change the status quo.
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Let's see. Things are way too complicated. But there is only one way to get PoJ&K back and that is by the region itself choosing to break away. Militarily not much can be done.
In that case out entire effort should be to remove Hostile Kashmiri muslims from Kashmirs (Indian part).

Actually there is another thing that I have been studying for quite some time. Its the nature of the beast called Islam. There is Islam and there is Mullah-mediated-Islam. We need to hit the mullah part. Stealthly. Its the mullahs who have been the bane of Muslims and for India as well. Entire machinery of Islamic terror begins and ends there. Actually its not unique to Islam. It happens in Christianity as well.

There are few flavours of christianity :

1. Catholic, 2. Protestents, 3. Engelicals and 4. Independent churches. Out of these, Indpendent churches seems to have most extreme and outlandish form of Christianity.

Islam as practiced in India is similar, it does not have strict heirarchy of Catholic or Protestant like structure. It is as preached by local mullahs. Thats what we need to change. We need to centralize Islam under authority of a controllable central mosque. And meanwhile, stealthly, the mullahs. Mullahs are on ground workers of terror outfits. They need to be simply taken out. Meanwhile large scale mosques under known good leadership need to replace Islam in India. That will finally integrate Muslims in India.
This year Indian army fired at Pakistan in 702 incidents.
Only 10 Pakistani soldiers list theirs lives.
That's how "effective" indian army is 😅
Well you wont be knowing the effectiveness of Indian army, Forget you, your PM or the elected representative (selected by army and elected by you ) will never come to know......

When your Army asked your Parliament to Shut up when asked about the causality figures thats the day you should have started suspecting your army's figures.......

Here in Indian Army, 5 SF men loss was all over the news.... That gives you an idea what happens when an Army is answerable to an elected representative of people (not the other way around)

You can still believe your army figures and their blatant lies.....
Pakistan is a dying state.

1.Its economy is permanently compromised.Huge near irreedemable debt,begging bowl politics,agro dependant economy with ever decreasing returns,population explosion.The army controls the economy and wont let go,with retired army generals in charge of its industrial and scientific institutions there is zero chance for free market growth and competence in innovation.The second problem is islam by nature is designed to provide unity and cohesion to tribal societies of arabia ( a model that worked well in middle ages),what islam is totally unsuited to do is develop modern scientific temper.The central virtue in islamic society is submission and blind faith,which is the exact opposite of questioning,the bedrock of scientific method.Thus islamic societies can't produce any modern science(individual muslims in non -islamic social setting might do so) and can only survive in technological dependancy on non muslim cultures,or try to leech science off them.Allah as you know 'does not like those who question'.

2.Pakistan is fundamentally a theocratic feudal garrison state,with the ruling class composed of pakjabi landlord cum soldiers,who control both the army,the bureaucracy(with the mohajirs now kicked out of this stronghold) as well as investing their surplus from control over land into industrial activity and offshore assets.The other components of the ruling class are sindhi feudal lords and army pashtuns settled in punjab.Frontier areas are generally tribal cannon fodder.The final component of the ruling class is the ulema who conduct religious indoctrination and provide legitimacy to the army rule.They are held together by their economic interests,feudal pride and hatred of 'hindu' india.

3.It has a huge growing young population but they are a burden because the ruling class is not interested in investing in science,industry,health or education nor is capable because of the need to support the army expenditure.It needs the ulema and propaganda to keep this mass in check.

4.Its agro economy faces a crisis.Food prices will only go down as food production has become extremely efficient.The bigger problem is water crisis with Pakistani groundwater almost dry,its water conservation infrastructure non existent,afghans are building dams on the kabul river and that is catastrophe for the frontier areas.Climate change ended the indus valley civilization,it will devastate pakistan.

5.Pakistan's last major source of revenue is remittances.This is where we have to wait for 1-2 decades for this last thread to snap.Main sources are europe and gulf.Gulf will be finished in 1-2 decades with the end of oil.All those workers will return instead of sending billions.In europe in the next 2 decades we are tragically going to see a mass deportation at best,china model incarceration or worst holocaust.Anyone that thinks the europeans will allow sub saharan and south-west asian muslim hordes to grow to a point where they rule over them is delusional and unaware of just how ruthless they can be .Europe is only slowly waking up,still with a benign face - but the jackboot and the swastika are in the closet.Centrist-conservatives will not be able to hold back the populist right tide back for much longer.Macron and merkel are the last of their kind.There will be a mass flight of muslims(sadly it might extend to non-muslim coloured people as well if it gets out of control) within next 2-3 decades as their pop percentage increases and so does civil strife in european cities.

6.Internally they are fighting 2 insurgencies in balochistan and FATA,with sindhis ,mohajirs and gilgit-baltis also fed up.This is a drain on their manpower and resources and the instability will prevent economic development.

7.With the us withdrawal from afghanistan pakistan will lose its last strategic ace- the ability to make themselves useful to usa due to supply line.Without leverage USA will increasingly treat them as the chinese vassal they have become,and usa is coming for china now.Pakistanis have no choice but to stay in china camp with no flexibility because they are too indebted to the chinese due to CPEC lemon.USA will make things hard for pak in global economic institutions.

We are already 10 times the pakistani economy,the sole reason the weight of that is not fully felt at military level yet is the 10 wasted years under UPA,that is now being corrected.By 2025 the 1st phase of our modernization will be complete,and suffice to dominate pak militarily completely.But in reality the indo-pak 'rivalry' will end not with a bang but a whimper.As budget goes higher and more tech and drones becomes available the LOC will become ever more impregnable and our military disparity ever more pronounced.Balakot is only the beginning,and the new norm for skirmishes.

By mid to late 2020s we will be 5 trillion,by mid to late 2030s 10 trillion.Pakistan will be simply insignificant and eclipsed totally by sheer economic strength.All India needs to do is keep growing and have a nationalist government with no illusions about the pakistani deep state.And we win automatically 1-2 decades at best.Though i am of the opinion that taking POK maybe a waste of time altogether,just adding more waste of space jihadis.
Pakistan is a dying state.

1.Its economy is permanently compromised.Huge near irreedemable debt,begging bowl politics,agro dependant economy with ever decreasing returns,population explosion.The army controls the economy and wont let go,with retired army generals in charge of its industrial and scientific institutions there is zero chance for free market growth and competence in innovation.The second problem is islam by nature is designed to provide unity and cohesion to tribal societies of arabia ( a model that worked well in middle ages),what islam is totally unsuited to do is develop modern scientific temper.The central virtue in islamic society is submission and blind faith,which is the exact opposite of questioning,the bedrock of scientific method.Thus islamic societies can't produce any modern science(individual muslims in non -islamic social setting might do so) and can only survive in technological dependancy on non muslim cultures,or try to leech science off them.Allah as you know 'does not like those who question'.

2.Pakistan is fundamentally a theocratic feudal garrison state,with the ruling class composed of pakjabi landlord cum soldiers,who control both the army,the bureaucracy(with the mohajirs now kicked out of this stronghold) as well as investing their surplus from control over land into industrial activity and offshore assets.The other components of the ruling class are sindhi feudal lords and army pashtuns settled in punjab.Frontier areas are generally tribal cannon fodder.The final component of the ruling class is the ulema who conduct religious indoctrination and provide legitimacy to the army rule.They are held together by their economic interests,feudal pride and hatred of 'hindu' india.

3.It has a huge growing young population but they are a burden because the ruling class is not interested in investing in science,industry,health or education nor is capable because of the need to support the army expenditure.It needs the ulema and propaganda to keep this mass in check.

4.Its agro economy faces a crisis.Food prices will only go down as food production has become extremely efficient.The bigger problem is water crisis with Pakistani groundwater almost dry,its water conservation infrastructure non existent,afghans are building dams on the kabul river and that is catastrophe for the frontier areas.Climate change ended the indus valley civilization,it will devastate pakistan.

5.Pakistan's last major source of revenue is remittances.This is where we have to wait for 1-2 decades for this last thread to snap.Main sources are europe and gulf.Gulf will be finished in 1-2 decades with the end of oil.All those workers will return instead of sending billions.In europe in the next 2 decades we are tragically going to see a mass deportation at best,china model incarceration or worst holocaust.Anyone that thinks the europeans will allow sub saharan and south-west asian muslim hordes to grow to a point where they rule over them is delusional and unaware of just how ruthless they can be .Europe is only slowly waking up,still with a benign face - but the jackboot and the swastika are in the closet.Centrist-conservatives will not be able to hold back the populist right tide back for much longer.Macron and merkel are the last of their kind.There will be a mass flight of muslims(sadly it might extend to non-muslim coloured people as well if it gets out of control) within next 2-3 decades as their pop percentage increases and so does civil strife in european cities.

6.Internally they are fighting 2 insurgencies in balochistan and FATA,with sindhis ,mohajirs and gilgit-baltis also fed up.This is a drain on their manpower and resources and the instability will prevent economic development.

7.With the us withdrawal from afghanistan pakistan will lose its last strategic ace- the ability to make themselves useful to usa due to supply line.Without leverage USA will increasingly treat them as the chinese vassal they have become,and usa is coming for china now.Pakistanis have no choice but to stay in china camp with no flexibility because they are too indebted to the chinese due to CPEC lemon.USA will make things hard for pak in global economic institutions.

We are already 10 times the pakistani economy,the sole reason the weight of that is not fully felt at military level yet is the 10 wasted years under UPA,that is now being corrected.By 2025 the 1st phase of our modernization will be complete,and suffice to dominate pak militarily completely.But in reality the indo-pak 'rivalry' will end not with a bang but a whimper.As budget goes higher and more tech and drones becomes available the LOC will become ever more impregnable and our military disparity ever more pronounced.Balakot is only the beginning,and the new norm for skirmishes.

By mid to late 2020s we will be 5 trillion,by mid to late 2030s 10 trillion.Pakistan will be simply insignificant and eclipsed totally by sheer economic strength.All India needs to do is keep growing and have a nationalist government with no illusions about the pakistani deep state.And we win automatically 1-2 decades at best.Though i am of the opinion that taking POK maybe a waste of time altogether,just adding more waste of space jihadis.
Welcome back.... Its been long....
Another Indian "Cheeni drone" bites the dust 😅

View attachment 15227

Looks like omar abdullah is wokring on your DGISPR's promotion after his release
