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WSJ News Exclusive | Possible Chinese Nuclear Testing Stirs U.S. Concern

Possible Chinese Nuclear Testing Stirs U.S. Concern
Beijing might secretly be conducting small nuclear tests at its Lop Nur site, report says

A formation of antitank missile units took part in a parade in Beijing in 2019.
Michael R. Gordon

April 15, 2020 1:07 pm ET
  • TEXT
China might be secretly conducting nuclear tests with very low explosive power despite Beijing’s assertions that it is strictly adhering to an international accord banning all nuclear tests, according to a new arms-control report to be made public by the State Department.

The coming report doesn’t present proof that China is violating its promise to uphold the agreement, but it cites an array of activities that “raise concerns” that Beijing might not be complying with the “zero-yield” nuclear-weapons testing ban.

The concerns stem from the high tempo of activity at China’s Lop Nur test site, extensive excavations at the site, and Beijing’s purported use of special chambers to contain explosions.

Another factor feeding U.S. suspicions is the interruption in past years of data transmissions from monitoring stations on Chinese territory that are designed to detect radioactive emissions and seismic tremors.

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The Trump administration’s allegation is included in an unclassified summary of an annual review of international compliance with arms-control accords. The review has been in preparation for some time and is likely to add to existing strains over China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, its militarization of the South China Sea and trade disputes.

It also comes as President Trump is seeking to open nuclear-arms talks with Beijing in the hope of negotiating a new nuclear deal that also includes Russia and covers all nuclear weapons.

China’s Embassy in Washington didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Some former arms-control officials said that the Trump administration appeared to be more concerned with scoring points against China than resolving potential disputes through diplomacy.

“If the United States has concerns that nuclear-yield producing testing has been done by China, we should discuss our concerns with Beijing—and discuss ways to build confidence that such tests are not happening,” said Steven Andreasen, who was the top National Security Council official on arms control during the Clinton administration.

The agreement at the core of the dispute is the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which was concluded in 1996. The accord allows a range of activities to assure the safety and reliability of nuclear weapons, including experiments involving fissile material, as long as they don’t produce a nuclear-explosive yield.

The treaty isn’t legally in force because not enough nations have ratified it, though major powers, including the U.S. and China, say they are abiding by its terms. While the U.S. and China have signed the agreement, neither has ratified it.

One activity that has fed U.S. suspicions has been interruptions in the flow of data in past years from monitoring stations in China that measure radioactive particles and seismic tremors.

The stations are part of an international network of hundreds of sites set up to verify compliance with the test-ban treaty. Participating nations are responsible for running the stations and have been voluntarily transmitting data to the Vienna-based organization that is to oversee the accord as the agreement has yet to formally go into effect.

A spokeswoman for the body—the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization—said there has been virtually no interruption in the data transmissions by the Chinese since September 2019.

Data transmissions were interrupted previously, she said, but that was the result of the negotiating process between the CTBT organization and the Chinese government on arrangements for putting the stations in operation.

“Data transmission from all certified stations was interrupted in 2018 after the testing and evaluation and certification process was completed,” she said. “In August 2019, ongoing negotiations on post-certification activity contracts with Chinese station operators were concluded and data transmission resumed for all five certified stations.”

In contrast, the administration’s report accuses China of “blocking the flow of data from the monitoring stations.”

China likely will double the size of its nuclear stockpile over the next decade, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley Jr., the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, said in a May 2019 appearance at the Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank.

Gen. Ashley noted then that progress China was making “raised questions” whether it was strictly adhering to the test ban treaty. China’s arsenal is estimated to be about 300 nuclear warheads, according to the Federation of American Scientists. The U.S. has a stockpile of a 3,800 nuclear warheads that could be carried on long-range and short-range delivery systems, but only 1,700 are deployed, the group says.

Daryl Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, a nongovernmental group, said activity at Lop Nur isn’t proof the Chinese have been engaging in low-yield testing.

“The most effective way to resolve concerns about very low-yield nuclear explosions and enforce compliance with the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is for the United States—and China—to ratify the treaty and help bring it into force,” Mr. Kimball said. “When it does, states have the option to demand intrusive, short-notice on-site inspections.”

The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency asserted last year that Russia had violated the zero-yield standard at its nuclear test site in Novaya Zemlya, a remote archipelago above the Arctic Circle, though it didn’t say when this might have occurred.

The new State Department report, which is based on U.S. intelligence, says that the U.S. doesn’t know if this occurred in 2019. But it asserts that some Russian’s activities since 1996 “have demonstrated a failure to adhere to the U.S. ‘zero-yield’ standard, which would prohibit supercritical tests.”
what was the tweet? Can't see it now.

So Pakistan army has lost a few high ranking officers. Sounds true since pak-is were planning something Big for retaliation but backed off seeing and fearing India's posture.....
Frontalfire (@Frontalfire) Tweeted:
If only 1 Hen died in 11th April strikes, why Pak accounts & trolls are talking about a 'response' & 'retaliation'. Pain is real & while the country doesnt know much, it was at a level where many senior crows & trees were also uprooted. Frontalfire on Twitter https://t.co/y27c0JXIvQ attachFull45768

There were several screen shots of many Pakistanis demanding of retaliation and several handles mostly from PA responding of assured retaliation...
The PoK Campaign & the Virus Outbreak: India's Two Front War
Date: 16-Apr-2020
Vinay J

Written By
Vinay Joshi || Shrutikar Abhijit

Stupidity, jingoism, warmongering or a bellicose attitude; despite the term we choose, the military campaign for recapturing Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) has emerged as an urgent strategical need of India to ensure its internal security and territorial integrity.


Image source: Scroll.in

The situation in the Af-Pak region is worsening every day, and following the US- Taliban peace deal, Indian interests in the region have received a severe setback. If India shies away from taking up the PoK campaign citing the ongoing Corona outbreak; it would forever loose diplomatic, strategic and perceptional advantage achieved post abrogation of Article 370. To understand the gravity of the arising situation and urgency to retake PoK, We will discuss the present scenario in this article.

Many Indians might have missed or failed to sense the significance of the news related to a gruesome attack on Sikhs in Kabul. For Global human rights watchdogs, such assaults on the religious minorities of Afghanistan and Pakistan don't attract their attention anymore. But the recent Kabul attack is severe and unique in nature as far as India's domestic and international security issues are concerned. It must have sent alarm bells ringing in Indian security and intelligence agencies. The biggest reason for worry in Indian establishment is, one of the four attackers of the Kabul Gurudwara attack is from Kerala's Kasargod district, who fled India 4 years ago along with two dozen other indoctrinated youths to fight in Syria as ISIS fighters.

An upshot is seen in incidents of recruitment of radicalised youth from within the Indian territory. Besides, there are thousands of Indian Muslims working in various Arab countries, which are a premier catchment area of recruitment for Al Qaida/ ISIS. Even middle-class Indian Muslims youths with no prior connections to terrorist organisations in India are getting radicalised while working in these Gulf Countries. No agency within India and abroad have precise data on the figures of missing or absconding ISIS recruits from the Indian expatriate community living in the Gulf. These recruits, active cadres, their over ground workers (OGW) and radical preachers residing within the community have created a perfect blend for the terror recruitment ecosystem in the Gulf region.

Why is the PoK Campaign a need of the hour?

Emboldened by the US- Taliban deal and a future withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan; Pakistani Army and ISI would leave no stone unturned to avenge India for the complete integration of Jammu and Kashmir. Passage of CAA and violent protests by Muslims within India has already provided ISI with a window to poke their nose in India's internal matters. The fertile Jihadi recruitment from Indian expatriates in Gulf Region, Pakistan would exploit Afghanistan situation to point indoctrinated Indians towards India, feeding them fake narratives and using much sellable anti- Modi, anti- Shah emotional fuel. Worsening internal political and social instability in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, rapidly alienating Pashtuns from the concept of Jinnah's Pakistan and already marginalised Baloch masses have exerted tremendous pressure on Pakistan's military establishment which is compelling GHQ to fire up situation somewhere else.

Followed by deteriorating financial condition and skyrocketing loan/ interest has put Pakistan in a grave situation to which the rogue Islamic Military junta has no other way out, but to heat up the Indo-Pak border. The entire existence of Pakistan depends on its ability to keep alive its malice against India. In the coming days, repetition of incidents like 26/11, attempts against vital defence installations, and attempts of Infiltration into India will see a spike with the help from overground Workers within India. PoK provides terror organisations like Taliban and ISIS with the required strategical ground for launching infiltration into India. Subsequently, if India has to secure its citizens, it has no other option but to consider the campaign.

Retaking PoK: A Silver bullet for peace?

"An Army Marches on its stomach"- Napolean Bonaparte

The War on terror in Afganistan was a necessity to secure free societies from being dominated by Islamic terrorists, But as the maxim by Napoleam goes, no force in the world can survive or win a war on an empty stomach. The US & NATO forces are facing a similar dilemma right from the day they had set foot on the Afgan Soil.


(Afghanistan-bound NATO oil tankers set on fire by alleged militants
at the Pakistani border post of Torkham: Source Washington Post)

Afghanistan, a landlocked country, had made it difficult for the US & the NATO forces to have a secured supply route to sustain and replenish its forces. The US & NATO-led International Security Task Force are mostly dependent on two routes Via Pakistan, one that runs through the Khyber Pass and the second through Baluchistan. At the same time, any Cargo passing through these roads are an easy target for the Al-Qaida and its affiliate organisations, and in several instances, entire cargo consignment carrying essential supplies for the forces were either destroyed or looted in transit.

An alternative route, known as the Northern Distribution Network, available for the troops is long and expensive and traverses through Russia and the Northern neighbours of Afganistan namely, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan etc. Hence, on the one hand, the route Via Pakistan puts up a serious security risk and the Route via Russia and Central Asia, on the other hand, stretches the Cost of War on Terror. Although a much cheaper and shorter route exists through the Chabahar port of Iran, yet it is unusable for the Allies in Afghanistan for apparent reasons.

Nevertheless, there exists an alternative that can be the silver bullet capable of ensuring peace and stability in the region and at the same time provide a cheaper, efficient and secured route for the US and its NATO allies. The Wakhan corridor in Gilgit Baltistan, which is approximately 10-40 miles wide and currently under the wrongful occupation of Pakistan can serve the Allies with the much-needed alternative. Accordingly, to help sustain the war on terror in Afganistan and secure India form a possible tsunami of infiltration of Al-Qaida, ISIS terrorists in the post-US withdrawal scenario. India must make the tough call and launch the campaign to retake PoK. For the Corona Virus outbreak cannot be an alibi for India to avoid its campaign on PoK, nor India can afford to avoid one war at the expense of the other.
However, there are a few factors that India needs to consider before commencing the campaign. The most significant factor that India has to deal during the campaign of PoK will be assessing the possible reaction of China, as huge investments were already made in CPEC projects that run through PoK despite New Delhi's strong oppositions.

In the next part we will analyse an obvious fierce military reaction from China for Indian intervention in PoK; China's rapidly changing internal political dynamics after global outrage against CCP and shaky ground on which Xi Jinping stands today while facing brewing rebellion from disgruntled elements of PLA and CCP.

To be cont...
In that case out entire effort should be to remove Hostile Kashmiri muslims from Kashmirs (Indian part).

Actually there is another thing that I have been studying for quite some time. Its the nature of the beast called Islam. There is Islam and there is Mullah-mediated-Islam. We need to hit the mullah part. Stealthly. Its the mullahs who have been the bane of Muslims and for India as well. Entire machinery of Islamic terror begins and ends there. Actually its not unique to Islam. It happens in Christianity as well.

There are few flavours of christianity :

1. Catholic, 2. Protestents, 3. Engelicals and 4. Independent churches. Out of these, Indpendent churches seems to have most extreme and outlandish form of Christianity.

Islam as practiced in India is similar, it does not have strict heirarchy of Catholic or Protestant like structure. It is as preached by local mullahs. Thats what we need to change. We need to centralize Islam under authority of a controllable central mosque. And meanwhile, stealthly, the mullahs. Mullahs are on ground workers of terror outfits. They need to be simply taken out. Meanwhile large scale mosques under known good leadership need to replace Islam in India. That will finally integrate Muslims in India.

Will reply in detail on this ...

$60 Billion vs $11 Billion.

Enemy can still conduct raid inside Indian territory, occupy comfortably PoK, Terrorist attacks at will with impunity.

We really need to take a hard look at defence expenditure now when it had consistently proven to be ineffective to achieve it's goal.

A poor country like us sacrificing on Health, Education and other basic amenities because of cancerous state of Pakistan. Buying those fancy toys by spending absurdly higher than enemy yet when it comes to battle field it's stalemate. India need to relook at this strategy, it's clearly not working.
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$60 Billion vs $11 Billion.

Enemy can still conduct raid inside Indian territory, occupy comfortably PoK, Terrorist attacks at will with impunity.

We really need to take a hard look at defence expenditure now when it had consistently proven to be ineffective to achieve it's goal.

A poor country like us sacrificing on Health, Education and other basic amenities because of cancerous state of Pakistan. Buying those fancy toys by spending absurdly higher than enemy yet when it comes to battle field it's stalemate. India need to relook at this strategy, it's clearly not working.
Agree to a large extent , our purchase is more geared towards fighting war on a large scale while the basic needs of foot soldiers are overlooked. We should focus on equipping the forces who are on front-lines to produce the max result. Our infantry units are equipped in bits & pieces , buy a sniper rifle order a bullet proof vest ...etc every now and then instead of making it standardized equipment. Problem is until the shit hits the fan no one bothers about it.

Second is that the current conflict mechanism favors pakistan a low intensity one which is cheap does not threaten their economy much. We need to start putting pressure on their sea lanes or air corridors to make them burn more cash. Take out their critical infra like power, telecom, transport infra like bridges which cause greater impact. We should actually set the pace and fight to our advantage instead of playing catch up with them.

$60 Billion vs $11 Billion.

Enemy can still conduct raid inside Indian territory, occupy comfortably PoK, Terrorist attacks at will with impunity.

We really need to take a hard look at defence expenditure now when it had consistently proven to be ineffective to achieve it's goal.

A poor country like us sacrificing on Health, Education and other basic amenities because of cancerous state of Pakistan. Buying those fancy toys by spending absurdly higher than enemy yet when it comes to battle field it's stalemate. India need to relook at this strategy, it's clearly not working.

The figure is not accurate. Pak spends more than 11 Billion. The pensions are covered under other headers. Out of our 60Billion, a large chunk goes into Pensions and salaries leaving little for Capex.
The figure is not accurate. Pak spends more than 11 Billion. The pensions are covered under other headers. Out of our 60Billion, a large chunk goes into Pensions and salaries leaving little for Capex.
How much will be pension budget? $3 billion? $4 billion?

You do know that Indian figure also does not cover expenditure on Paramilitary, which is as large as Army?

Also what's the logic of keeping 27 lakh armed forces when you don't have to fight and keep taking blows biding your time. Same humiliation and insult can be achieved with 10Lakh unless generating employment has become the main aim for keeping this large military.
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