LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

Guys when India will invade to free our POK from Pakistan you'll wake up with headlines like "India invades Pakistan" not "India removes fencing" ;)

Wait for the first headline, artillery duels will become normal by that time so as not to give away the element of surprise.
Question for the better informed folks.

There can be 2 cases - one where we adjust the LoC to make infiltration harder and enforcement easier for us. Other where we are going in deep like to open a land border with Afghanistan ( far fetched but bear with me please)

Which one is a likelier scenario?
If we go for option 2, how will the China factor be handled. As we speak India China border talks are going on. My guess is India will offer guarantees on not hitting any Chinese infra and keeping CPEC route open, maybe more but definitely not less.

We can take PoJnK if we want to... But the cost would be enormous and the question is are we ready to pay that price......

There are likely chance of a skirmish and we may redraw the LOC to a level where there are not many dominating heights with Pak ....

But time line would be a 21 may be.....

This is my assessment and I feel VSTOL and falcon would be having better idea
We may attempt to do that in case of a terrorist attack or a successful narrative built up internationally about terror activities directed against us from across the LoC. So redrawing the LoC comes under the ambit of repulsing terror activities though @Falcon has said otherwise in a post here. I wonder what @Falcon means.
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Question for the better informed folks.

There can be 2 cases - one where we adjust the LoC to make infiltration harder and enforcement easier for us. Other where we are going in deep like to open a land border with Afghanistan ( far fetched but bear with me please)

Which one is a likelier scenario?
If we go for option 2, how will the China factor be handled. As we speak India China border talks are going on. My guess is India will offer guarantees on not hitting any Chinese infra and keeping CPEC route open, maybe more but definitely not less.

Modi is like - Hum jo kehetain hai, woh karte nahin; aur hum jo karte hain, woh kehete nahin :)
It is surprising large number of messages are going around giving impetus to fake news. The national policy should be central and Indian Defence Forces has adhered to it in letter and spirit. Defence forces ensure no infiltration of insurgents or ant transgression of borders. The retaliatory actions are primarily by heavy fire to cause attrition and destruction.
Please do not put imaginary acts to feed the ANEs and enemies to quote acts which become hilarious.
India is clear sanctity will be maintained on LoC and only talks would be on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. This is Government of India's stand.
Why did we squander our advantage? Very simple. Post the liberation & independence of East Pakistan, the action was to shift to West Pakistan. Kissinger & Nixon who was frothing st his mouth from being unable to prevent the vivisection of Pakistan nor influence China to open up a new front threatened the USSR with a N war if India did anything to West Pakistan. Since the USSR was our Godfather then, IG couldn't ignore the power politics at play then.

That she let Bhutto get away lightly without formalising thr border was more due to her Kashmiri group of leftist advisors like Kaul, Haksar etc. Something Haksar later justified as not imposing a Treaty of Versailles so as to lay the seeds of a future conflict.In some ways this was a blessing in disguise. For the border would've been formalised at exactly where the LoC stands now give or take a few features or exchange of territory.

Where she ought to be faulted is by not prosecuting a war in 1975 when she was besieged internally. By the time she regained power in the early 80's , the Punjab problem intensified. Though there have been persistent rumours of her considering a final solution to Pakistan . The Russians too were goading her to take on Pakistan due to overt Pakistani support to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan which the Russians couldn't confront due to explicit US threats of initiating a war on the USSR should it attack Pakistan. In the interim operation Blue Star occured followed by the assassination of IG. In come RaGa Sr & a wasted 2/3rd mandate as well as 5 years.

Why we squandered our advantage then? We were weak. Nothing else.

And the same thing's happening now.