Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

India today is where the US was before WW2, a rising power, and the US is where the UK was before WW2, a declining power. The Americans understand very well that they have no hopes of competing with China in the long term, hence they are hyping up India's stature globally in a semi-artificial manner. Better a democratic India without a stick up its *censored* running the world than an authoritative China born with a built-in unremovable stick.
India is now what pre WW2 era watered down USSR without dictatorship. Mediocre industry base, and slow progress in that area.

China is pre WW2 USA with dictatorship
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The best the US will offer is the F-15.16.18. There may be some tech transfer. This is what India actually wants from a supplier. Like China with Russia. I can't see the F-35 being offered and if it was, there would be no tech transfer.
I can assure you pops , come what may irrespective of what anyone here claims IN won't consider the F-35 for it's present requirements come Hell or High Water .

Few reasons : F-35B is a problematic model & IN doesn't exactly like the concept of STOVL given their experiences with the Sea Harrier earlier . I've read that while the initial performance was dream like , they posed quite a number of challenges later on towards the end of their service life .

F-35C is still WiP . So that kind of rules out both . F-35A won't even feature for the IAF come what may as we've got Russian equipment like Su-30MKIs , MiG-29s still flying & the big elephant in the room - S-400. Hence the US won't offer it .

If we do see the F-35 it'd be for the next gen of aircraft carriers but they'd come by the end of next decade by which time the F-35s would be dated though not obsolete but the USN would be flying their 6th Gen FAs .

You can bookmark this post . I'm so confident that I can wager a bet - if I lose I'd Judas kiss & make up with sweetie & it'd be for no 30 pieces of silver too . @Innominate
No chance. This was a proper competitve tender. The 36-jet deal was out of the blue, and it was initiated while MMRCA was still active, hence the controversy. If Congress makes a big deal out of an IN deal that followed procedure, they will get laughed at by their own people.

We should either see an announcement in Aero India, or possibly after a month or two, after the IN sees everything else the US has to offer. There is an element of risk for Dassault concerning the F-35C, but it's a long shot for the Americans. Billie Flynn was recently talking about how India cannot absorb the technology. :ROFLMAO:

Yes the focus will be to Adani :ROFLMAO:
2014 was Ambani (Sr) and Adani, 2019 was Ambani (Jr), opposition’s campaign in 2024 is going to be focused on Adani, will this strategy finally work?
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These US 4th gen fighters avionics are more capable than Rafale. Better radar and two of these fighters a much better EW capability.
We now have the proof of your mental illness.
Do you have a link to what was actually said about supercruise? As I said, the frogs say, just the IR pod pulls it back to M1.4 in afterburner.
Found on Le Bourget meeting.
Capture spec Rafale.PNG
If thats the case, price negotiations will start only after election, ie 2024. And we are insane on negotiation, probably deal will be signed around 2027 only.
Negotiations can start secretly and the result can be announced after the elections. SAAB had signed its contract with Brazil 6 months before announcing it...
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Modi rule has been so efficient that Congress has no ammo to go into the elections with.

They have nothing to criticise the govt for, so they have to go with strawman attacks on Ambani and Adani, since the majority of the voter base is not very well informed about Corporate India. To top that off, the people have very little confidence in Congress leadership.
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Modi rule has been so efficient that Congress has no ammo to go into the elections with.

They have nothing to criticise the govt for, so they have to go with strawman attacks on Ambani and Adani, since the majority of the voter base is not very well informed about Corporate India. To top that off, the people have very little confidence in Congress leadership.
Fortune for this government is that people here in India are completely ignorant about defence matters,don't care about the LAC integrity.
Indian Navy with F-35 would be good. A stealth fighter for STOVL isn't worth designing when the B is right there.

I never had much faith in the Super Hornet to win.

It appears the F-35 offer is still in the exploration stage, it's not yet an alternative offer for the MRCBF. But you never know, this is pretty much the last chance for the US to sell a fighter jet to India this decade. But it's definitely a better option than the SH. Far more competitive with the Rafale.

MMRCA was quite clear cut, pretty much everybody knew Rafale would win, with only the Typhoon being the dark horse. At worst, vice versa. MRCBF has way too much uncertainty.
Fortune for this government is that people here in India are completely ignorant about defence matters,don't care about the LAC integrity.

Foreign policy and defence aren't very big issues for the general public yet. Going nuclear and winning Kargil War didn't help Vajpayee win either.

In hindsight, it was a good decision. Let's leave China to the Americans for the next 15 years. The US is facing multiple airspace breaches, so are Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines, it's obvious the Chinese are actively preparing for war.
I don't support F-35 for IAF at all(my picks for IAF 5th gen jets are Su-57M/AMCA). However, F-35C for Indian Navy sounds good to me.

But the problem is, will US allow us to integrate our weapons on F-35? Dassault allowed us to just do that. So ASTRA1/2/3 and Brahmos-NG are going to be integrated with Rafale-I. Until US allows us that along with full sovereignty to use these planes as we wish, no US plane is going to be bought by India, period.
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I don't support F-35 for IAF at all(my picks for IAF 5th gen jets are Su-57M/AMCA). However, F-35C for Indian Navy sounds good to me.

But the problem is, will US allow us to integrate our weapons on F-35? Dassault allowed us to just do that. So ASTRA1/2/3 and Brahmos-NG are going to be integrated with Rafale-I. Until US allows us that along with full sovereignty to use these planes as we wish, no US plane is going to be bought by India, period.
I wouldn't touch Su-57 in current state nor that cardboard CHECKMATE fantasy with even a long pole.

CHECKMATE is being proposed by Russia to suck money out of Indian economy at expense of Indian MICs and to the sole benifit Russian MICs, and in long run to Russian armed forces.

Su-57 had the greater chance but they blew it quite spectacularly, same with French friends. They could had offered whole package involving ground, arial & naval platforms instead of piecemeal jet platform offer.
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Give us proof, as you pretend to be so well informed.
They make all these claims about the RBE2 except for one... guess which that is?

You telling me a Rafaile expert like yourself had no clue?
I wouldn't touch Su-57 in current state nor that cardboard CHECKMATE fantasy with even a long pole.

CHECKMATE is being proposed by Russia to suck money out of Indian economy at expense of Indian MICs and to the sole benifit Russian MICs, and in long run to Russian armed forces.

Su-57 had the greater chance but they blew it quite spectacularly, same with French friends. They could had offered whole package involving ground, arial & naval platforms instead of piecemeal jet platform offer.
Checkmate has no chance in IAF. Why would we buy a medium category stealth plane that is under development when our AMCA is going to be better than it in every which way:)

Su-57M and more Rafale are required to kick the dragon's a s s. Without Su-57M we wouldn't have anything to fight J-20 and J-31 upto 2030-35. That's too big a gap in air power between IAF and PLAAF.

And we need more Rafale because IAF needs at least 126 fighters of this class. Just imagine 126 Rafale with Meteor. Enemy is going to p** its pants.

Russians/French/Israelis none are perfect, but all three are our reliable all-weather friends/defense partners. So we should continue our collaboration with them rather than falling for the game Uncle SAM is trying to play.
We now have the proof of your mental illness.

Found on Le Bourget meeting.
View attachment 26490

That is a claim they made back during the A model days. Isn't funny that there's no date when this happened? No numbers how long it took to reach mach 1.4 without burners and how much fuel it had left when it reached mach 1.4? How far it went in mach 1.4? All that sht is available, somewhat, when it comes to the F-22.
That is a claim they made back during the A model days. Isn't funny that there's no date when this happened? No numbers how long it took to reach mach 1.4 without burners and how much fuel it had left when it reached mach 1.4? How far it went in mach 1.4? All that sht is available, somewhat, when it comes to the F-22.
The dates are there if you care to see & know how to read data sheets. It's a mandatory part of any technical data sheet . The details you're asking for may well be redacted as it's confidential. Frankly the document Bon Plan shared is confidential too . I don't know how did he manage to get his hands on it .

As far as the F-22 goes I'd like you to share such a technical data sheet . Go on . I dare you. Put your money where your mouth is . Or hold your peace . You can't keep asking for evidence & question it's quality when you're making claims without substantiating them .