Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

one could arrive at such conclusions via comparison. which is typically how we arrive at conclusions of what is "best" . we compare them. If I am going too fast for you my friend, I can find ways to help.

I do not know how you can say things like:

How do you measure "seriousness" again? is that somehow quantifiable? not only is it a stupid emotional appeal, it simply does hold up under its own logic. The Greeks are buying F-35s and Rafales. The Israeli's don't operate any Rafales, nor do the Pakistans for that matter so I guess they are not a serious threat. the UAE is buying 80 Rafales to India's 36 Rafales (excluding the navy for a moment) so I guess the UAE is just more serious compared to India? What if the Indian navy had bought Super Hornet? would the Indian air force be more "serious" than the Indian Navy? Rafale is still a small fleet in a big Indian air force so are they not serious? shouldn't they be replacing the Flanker MKIs? or are Flankers serious too?

Speaking of serious, if one wanted to actually look at what aircraft operated to a real war it would probably be F-16s, Mig-29s and Flankers. The last 2 especially recently, and I will note India has more Mig-29s and Flankers.

If one wants to make some kind of scale of "seriousness" then they are welcome to it but the scale should at least make some sense. UAE is more likely to go war than Pakistan? I hate to tell you this my friend but a lot of middle eastern air forces are not all that serious. they exist so the princes can have a hobby and they can show off once or twice a year. It is simply not believable that buying Rafales suddenly means an air force is serious or makes an air force serious and I notice that many air forces rarely rely on the Rafale alone. do you actually believe that the years long struggle to get the Rafale to India meant the Indian Air Force was not serious in the meanwhile?

attributes are quantifiable as well, you seem to "forget" that part. and more to the point its not a matter of 1 or 0. System with bugs don't mean "doesn't work" and the Rafale has bugs too darling, don't let them fool you. No system is perfect. The engine has to be replaced more often than was hoped, its annoying but its not the end of the world and a small price to pay for what is offered. I hate to tell you this my friend, but everyone poops. all aircraft have problems even Gripens, the idea is to have fewer problems. The Rafale has 2 engines, so you get to replace engines more often. Twin engine fighters are like that. its what is called a "trade off" rather than declaring that the Rafale "doesn't work" for example we understand that each aircraft has its own unique issues.

My friend you can not keep using this excuse however it is a bankrupt model. Imagine i had a friend from India and she said "The Indian air force is the worst thing ever, I served in it for 10 years and its a joke. its a mistake"

Could I then take what she says, post it here on this forum and then step back and say "its not me saying it! already admitted by the Indians"

this is much like your previous "USAF says, but its not me saying it, but the USAF is lying when they say it this time because I say so" incident from earlier

The F-35 production opinions vary widely. you are again taking one sample and applying it to the whole. Some say production was too fast, some say too slow, some say it was a good pace but needed more spares support. It can go on forever because there are pros and cons. some say it has created too many "mistake jets" others say that the "mistake jets" were critical to getting the production going to get to the rate things are now and operational squadrons needed to be begin transitioning sooner rather than later.

its pretty clear that with the F-35 one can seek and find just about any opinion they please from world beating ultra-fighter, to the greatest boondoggle in human history and every example in between, to say nothing of US politics in the F-35 which is of course highly political. even Donald Trump had opinions on the F-35. You can "shop around" and find what you need easily enough.

I agree on this for the most part which is exactly what I am saying; The US has insisted on endless computer solutions. once upon a time declared aircraft operationally ready in various ways without the JSE for decades and will do so with the F-15EX, and we will not require any other aircraft already in service to pass JSE. , but someone had the "bright idea" that the F-35 should be tested in a simulation that is so complicated they can't even make it capable enough to test the F-35 so we are now stuck harvesting the seeds we have sown. The Australians are just declaring Full operational capability. The US is more stuffy and bureaucratic.

my point is that if the F-35 was held to the same operational standards as the Rafale and nearly every other aircraft out there (including the Gripen) it would have been cleared operationally long ago and we wouldn't have to hear people crying about "prototype" jets and "still in development" here we should have done it like the French! the second the F-35 could take off and fire an AAM we declare it operational (Rafale F1) and then spend the next 20 years fixing it, instead of spending 20 years fixing it and the declaring F-35 operational. I am saying my friend that again here is just a matter of perception. The perception of the Rafale early on was that it was struggling to get sales and some had given up on it entirely in terms of exports.

this is how we get into a strange world where you keep telling me we won't have a real F-35 until 2030, but the Rafale works, it just needs basic SEAD/DEAD and should get it by 2030. meanwhile the "broken" and "not working" and "Prototype" F-35 has SEAD/DEAD from the start.

the US created very high standards for the F-35. everytime it fails to meet them its declared a "failure" but then when compared to other aircraft it does very well often much better. The F-35 has better readiness numbers than a lot of other aircraft. Not Gripen of course, but you understand.

it wasn't a glitch in the FBW. herciv posted the report and then tried to say the failure was in the FBW without knowing how to read. (we are hoping herciv learns to read soon, the report was simple and straightforward, but he struggles) F-35 already flying in "real world" conditions and has been for years.

I hope you can read.

The report itself says this is the first time in over 600,000 hours of flight that such a thing has occurred. if the pilot stays further back and avoids the wake turbulence the entire crash is avoided. that is not a FBW problem, or an aircraft problem. that is a pilot problem. When the way the pilot handles an aircraft leads to a crash, we do not blame the aircraft. A working aircraft does what the pilot says, for better or worse. Rafales crash too my brother.

all aircraft fly with restrictions the F-35 is no different. Growlers are not supposed to fly in lightning either. most aircraft are advised to avoid lightning when possible as it is especially those with sophisticated electronics. a Rafale can pull 13G but they are still operationally restricted to much less for longevity and safety reasons. All aircraft are like that. the game at play here is taking things that all aircraft struggle with and then painting them as unique to the F-35. The Rafale has operational restrictions I can assure you, ask any of the pilots who decided to take the Rafale "off roading" because they failed to keep the Rafale within its landing limits or worse.

Confidence, another intangible emotional appeal from Mr. Merit. it would seem that mass producing prototypes and the huge list of 17 buyers means there is actually a lot of confidence in the aircraft. 150 built a year is "low confidence" I would be interested to see what "high confidence" looks like. its funny how you decide to interpret things. before you say "but America!" most of the competitions featured other American options to pick from besides F-35s so they could still buy American, and not buy F-35s, yet they always bought F-35s?

what happened to the 126 Rafales that were supposed to be ordered BTW? loss of confidence?

Neither the Rafale of the F-35 are exactly world beating in terms of readiness and ease of matinatince compared to things like Gripen. The numbers for both don't look all that dissimilar from here in fact once one actually dives into the various numbers. the difference is the F-35 has a reputation of being difficult and the French simply don't mention it:


This is much like the "Expensive" F-35

yes let us compare.

36 F-35 6.25 billion dollars (swiss)

36 gripen E 4.7 billion dollars (brasil)

36 Rafale 8.7 billion dollars (india)

The great thing that I learned about the Rafale after the cancelation of the MMRCA contract is that the F-35 was the bad kind of massive cost overruns and broken promises and the Rafale was the good kind of massive cost overruns and broken promises.

my friend you must forgive us, your narrative changes from post to post and often contradict because you clearly make things up and then your imagination fills in the blanks. one moment you say "its not me saying it or the French-- but the USAF!" And then when I say "yes, brother but the USAF also says this" ---- and here I must remind you, that it is not me saying it, but the USAF---- and then you suddenly say "Yes but the USAF says things that are not true" clearly they can't be trusted unless you have tossed a coin and decided what is believable and what is not.

you can understand our confusion yes? many of your posts are not factual too and often immeasurable. the USAF site I sent is even called FACT sheet and you called it advertising, and now you say "they are allergic to facts!"

You do not even seem to read your own previous posts but instead cause very much confusion by introducing new posts that do not connect and even say the opposite of previous posts. This points to a desire to simply "win" rather than play by any established rules including your own posts. There are many bizarre leaps of logic that do not really hold up to any basic scrutiny like that India is "unbiased" that Rafale is somehow indicative of a more "warlike" military or a higher probability of conflict. There are questionable leaps of logic abounding that when looked at for even a small second don't connect with reality.

your posts are confusing and don't even make sense in their own realm. randomradio posts do not even agree with randomradio posts! it is as if there are 3 or 4 of you and none of you can decide what is true! even you are often confused it seems. and it is only natural for that confusion to spread and you must forgive us. Even if I was an ardent believer in everything you post and everything you believe I would quickly find myself confused by all the "black is white, until I say white is black" styles. For Allah's sake, you actually tried to argue that "Robbery" is different from "Stealing". madness. please pick an argument and stick to it or at least consider medication. I say this as a friend trying to explain why so many are having a hard time keeping up with your "logic" and then you get upset with them when even you cannot keep track

That's 'cause you don't know the difference between advertisements and congressional and research reports.
one could arrive at such conclusions via comparison. which is typically how we arrive at conclusions of what is "best" . we compare them. If I am going too fast for you my friend, I can find ways to help.

I do not know how you can say things like:

How do you measure "seriousness" again? is that somehow quantifiable? not only is it a stupid emotional appeal, it simply does hold up under its own logic. The Greeks are buying F-35s and Rafales. The Israeli's don't operate any Rafales, nor do the Pakistans for that matter so I guess they are not a serious threat. the UAE is buying 80 Rafales to India's 36 Rafales (excluding the navy for a moment) so I guess the UAE is just more serious compared to India? What if the Indian navy had bought Super Hornet? would the Indian air force be more "serious" than the Indian Navy? Rafale is still a small fleet in a big Indian air force so are they not serious? shouldn't they be replacing the Flanker MKIs? or are Flankers serious too?

Speaking of serious, if one wanted to actually look at what aircraft operated to a real war it would probably be F-16s, Mig-29s and Flankers. The last 2 especially recently, and I will note India has more Mig-29s and Flankers.

If one wants to make some kind of scale of "seriousness" then they are welcome to it but the scale should at least make some sense. UAE is more likely to go war than Pakistan? I hate to tell you this my friend but a lot of middle eastern air forces are not all that serious. they exist so the princes can have a hobby and they can show off once or twice a year. It is simply not believable that buying Rafales suddenly means an air force is serious or makes an air force serious and I notice that many air forces rarely rely on the Rafale alone. do you actually believe that the years long struggle to get the Rafale to India meant the Indian Air Force was not serious in the meanwhile?

attributes are quantifiable as well, you seem to "forget" that part. and more to the point its not a matter of 1 or 0. System with bugs don't mean "doesn't work" and the Rafale has bugs too darling, don't let them fool you. No system is perfect. The engine has to be replaced more often than was hoped, its annoying but its not the end of the world and a small price to pay for what is offered. I hate to tell you this my friend, but everyone poops. all aircraft have problems even Gripens, the idea is to have fewer problems. The Rafale has 2 engines, so you get to replace engines more often. Twin engine fighters are like that. its what is called a "trade off" rather than declaring that the Rafale "doesn't work" for example we understand that each aircraft has its own unique issues.

My friend you can not keep using this excuse however it is a bankrupt model. Imagine i had a friend from India and she said "The Indian air force is the worst thing ever, I served in it for 10 years and its a joke. its a mistake"

Could I then take what she says, post it here on this forum and then step back and say "its not me saying it! already admitted by the Indians"

this is much like your previous "USAF says, but its not me saying it, but the USAF is lying when they say it this time because I say so" incident from earlier

The F-35 production opinions vary widely. you are again taking one sample and applying it to the whole. Some say production was too fast, some say too slow, some say it was a good pace but needed more spares support. It can go on forever because there are pros and cons. some say it has created too many "mistake jets" others say that the "mistake jets" were critical to getting the production going to get to the rate things are now and operational squadrons needed to be begin transitioning sooner rather than later.

its pretty clear that with the F-35 one can seek and find just about any opinion they please from world beating ultra-fighter, to the greatest boondoggle in human history and every example in between, to say nothing of US politics in the F-35 which is of course highly political. even Donald Trump had opinions on the F-35. You can "shop around" and find what you need easily enough.

I agree on this for the most part which is exactly what I am saying; The US has insisted on endless computer solutions. once upon a time declared aircraft operationally ready in various ways without the JSE for decades and will do so with the F-15EX, and we will not require any other aircraft already in service to pass JSE. , but someone had the "bright idea" that the F-35 should be tested in a simulation that is so complicated they can't even make it capable enough to test the F-35 so we are now stuck harvesting the seeds we have sown. The Australians are just declaring Full operational capability. The US is more stuffy and bureaucratic.

my point is that if the F-35 was held to the same operational standards as the Rafale and nearly every other aircraft out there (including the Gripen) it would have been cleared operationally long ago and we wouldn't have to hear people crying about "prototype" jets and "still in development" here we should have done it like the French! the second the F-35 could take off and fire an AAM we declare it operational (Rafale F1) and then spend the next 20 years fixing it, instead of spending 20 years fixing it and the declaring F-35 operational. I am saying my friend that again here is just a matter of perception. The perception of the Rafale early on was that it was struggling to get sales and some had given up on it entirely in terms of exports.

this is how we get into a strange world where you keep telling me we won't have a real F-35 until 2030, but the Rafale works, it just needs basic SEAD/DEAD and should get it by 2030. meanwhile the "broken" and "not working" and "Prototype" F-35 has SEAD/DEAD from the start.

the US created very high standards for the F-35. everytime it fails to meet them its declared a "failure" but then when compared to other aircraft it does very well often much better. The F-35 has better readiness numbers than a lot of other aircraft. Not Gripen of course, but you understand.

it wasn't a glitch in the FBW. herciv posted the report and then tried to say the failure was in the FBW without knowing how to read. (we are hoping herciv learns to read soon, the report was simple and straightforward, but he struggles) F-35 already flying in "real world" conditions and has been for years.

I hope you can read.

The report itself says this is the first time in over 600,000 hours of flight that such a thing has occurred. if the pilot stays further back and avoids the wake turbulence the entire crash is avoided. that is not a FBW problem, or an aircraft problem. that is a pilot problem. When the way the pilot handles an aircraft leads to a crash, we do not blame the aircraft. A working aircraft does what the pilot says, for better or worse. Rafales crash too my brother.

all aircraft fly with restrictions the F-35 is no different. Growlers are not supposed to fly in lightning either. most aircraft are advised to avoid lightning when possible as it is especially those with sophisticated electronics. a Rafale can pull 13G but they are still operationally restricted to much less for longevity and safety reasons. All aircraft are like that. the game at play here is taking things that all aircraft struggle with and then painting them as unique to the F-35. The Rafale has operational restrictions I can assure you, ask any of the pilots who decided to take the Rafale "off roading" because they failed to keep the Rafale within its landing limits or worse.

Confidence, another intangible emotional appeal from Mr. Merit. it would seem that mass producing prototypes and the huge list of 17 buyers means there is actually a lot of confidence in the aircraft. 150 built a year is "low confidence" I would be interested to see what "high confidence" looks like. its funny how you decide to interpret things. before you say "but America!" most of the competitions featured other American options to pick from besides F-35s so they could still buy American, and not buy F-35s, yet they always bought F-35s?

what happened to the 126 Rafales that were supposed to be ordered BTW? loss of confidence?

Neither the Rafale of the F-35 are exactly world beating in terms of readiness and ease of matinatince compared to things like Gripen. The numbers for both don't look all that dissimilar from here in fact once one actually dives into the various numbers. the difference is the F-35 has a reputation of being difficult and the French simply don't mention it:


This is much like the "Expensive" F-35

yes let us compare.

36 F-35 6.25 billion dollars (swiss)

36 gripen E 4.7 billion dollars (brasil)

36 Rafale 8.7 billion dollars (india)

The great thing that I learned about the Rafale after the cancelation of the MMRCA contract is that the F-35 was the bad kind of massive cost overruns and broken promises and the Rafale was the good kind of massive cost overruns and broken promises.

Do you know you haven't provided any rebuttal to my posts? Just LM marketing and personal attacks...

All you presented is zombie-level fanatiscism.

No TR-3, no FRP, no B4, no FOC. That's the F-35's current status.

Anyway, the paper F-35's costs are cheaper than the Rafale's. We know the Rafale's costs already 'cause it's established. But we don't yet have information on the F-35's real world costs. They are just figuring out the engine has to be upgraded or replaced. So all F-35 customers will have to pay for these upgrades, not counted in the initial costs. And if the engine is replaced, then all the currently operational jets are screwed, that's pretty much all partners. Many of them have already contracted it with the old engines, and they are yet to pay for the upgrade.

The F-35's cost also doesn't take into account that some of the more serious air forces within the F-35 ecosystem have to also spend money on alternative capabilities, like GCAP, TFX, KFX etc. For the French, just one type is enough to perform all missions.
36 F-35 6.25 billion dollars (swiss)

36 gripen E 4.7 billion dollars (brasil)

36 Rafale 8.7 billion dollars (india)
35 F-35 10 billions euros (Germany)
50 F-35, 18 MQ-9 23 billions dollars (UAE)
88 F-35 14,5 billion US dollars (Canada)
382 F-35 JPO

382 machines to be delivered with a few spares for $32.5 billion.
129 for lot 15 without TR3 (N0001920C0009 P00016)
127 for lot 16 with TR3 (N0001920C0009 P00019)
126 for lot 17 with TR3 (N0001920C0009 P00026)

The actual price of the F-35 in LRIPs 15, 16 and 17 is $84 million without engines:

USAspending.gov (without LRIP 17 yet to be contracted and without TR3 UPDATE, which was just contracted yesterday) for $22.5 billion, plus N0001920C0009 P00021 to P00025 for $500 million perhaps more perhaps less.
add N0001920C0009 P00026 for $7.8 billion for LRIP 17.
Add the $1.4 billion for the TR3 update (P00027 ???). Contracts for May 2, 2023

For engines

This is contract N0001920C0011 USAspending.gov.
currently worth $5.1 billion and still in progress. We don't know how many engines are to be manufactured.
5.1 /381 = 13 million (on average).
But the last addition was made in January before the LRIP17 contract with LM. I think we'll have to wait a while to get a complete picture of the F135 price for LRIP15 16 and 17.

Currently, on this incomplete vision, we're already at 97 million with the engine.
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Gotta put this in as a reminder.

No TR-3.
“As we reported to Congress in March, we still see risk of TR-3 delivery slipping until the December 2023-April 2024 timeframe. Delivering combat capable aircraft to our warfighters is our #1 priority and TR-3 provides the computational horsepower that ensures the F-35 remains superior to potential adversaries for decades to come,” JPO spokesman Russ Goemaere said in a statement.

“Starting later this summer, F-35 aircraft coming off the production line with TR-3 hardware will not be accepted (DD250) until relevant combat capability is validated in accordance with our users’ expectations. The JPO and Lockheed Martin will ensure these aircraft are safely and securely stored until DD250 occurs,” he added.

In fiscal 2024, the Air Force requests 48 F-35As, and the service wants to sustain that rate in the next few years. DoD has been buying the tri-variant F-35 for more than 17 years–the first F-35A rolled out of Lockheed Martin’s Ft. Worth plant on Feb. 19, 2006, but DoD has yet to approve full-rate production for the fighter–an approval that could mean a rate of 80 F-35As per year for the Air Force.

The “F-35 is currently planning to achieve full operational capability status after the full TR-3 and block 4 capabilities of the aircraft are fielded in 2028 — 27 years after the program began,” Wittman said. “That is by any measure unacceptable.”

No B4.
"In 2021, the program office added 3 years to its Block 4 schedule and now expects to extend Block 4 development and delivery into fiscal year 2029, in part, due to the addition of new capabilities," the GAO said in its annual report on the F-35.

The F-35 is still WIP and will remain so until 2029. It's not myself or the French claiming it.

And it's not marketing either. It's the US govt making these claims, not CNN.

Still no rebuttal to these points, the actual issues plaguing the F-35. No amount of cheerleading will fix these problems.
I only give you actual and certified by US gov prices. Not your elucubration based on virtual world comprehension.
Again you make up your own numbers, quoting things out of context, that you don't understand.
As we have discussed before. It is lot 15-17, $70m plus the engine for the F-35A.
F-35A with engine, $78 million for Lot 14.

"For the airframe and mission equipment only, the Lot 15-17 cost of F-35s ranges “from $70.2 million to $69.9 million for the F-35A, $80.9 million to $78.3 million for the F-35B, and $90 to $89.3 million for the F-35C,” a Lockheed spokesperson said"
"For the airframe and mission equipment only, the Lot 15-17 cost of F-35s ranges “from $70.2 million to $69.9 million for the F-35A, $80.9 million to $78.3 million for the F-35B, and $90 to $89.3 million for the F-35C,” a Lockheed spokesperson said"
That's LM virtual prices not actual and certified US gvt prices.
That's LM virtual prices not actual and certified US gvt prices.
your number averaged all. A, B and C. Where does it say that the 32.5m doesn't include engine? You also say this includes spares. As i said you are quoting things you don't understand.

You can't even divide $32.5 m by 382. that number is $85.07m and that price is a combined A, B and C model with spares. The 70m and 11m for the engine will have the A at $81m
"382 machines to be delivered with a few spares for $32.5 billion.
129 for lot 15 without TR3 (N0001920C0009 P00016)
127 for lot 16 with TR3 (N0001920C0009 P00019)
126 for lot 17 with TR3 (N0001920C0009 P00026)

The actual price of the F-35 in LRIPs 15, 16 and 17 is $84 million without engines:"
Last edited:
Yes, on this point I agree with you.

Well There are two separates contacts.
N0001920C0009 with LM and N0001920C0011 with Raytheon.
LOL. you crack me up. You are taking an average 382/$32.5 that i agree with....ignoring it and quoting contracts you don't understand to conclude it has spares but not an engine...Funny as.
Using your maths. The F-35 was lot 14 $79m with engine and now block 15 is about $84m plus $11m for an enngine. $95m
Do you really think it went up $16m in one year?
LOL. you crack me up. You are taking an average 382/$32.5..ignoring it and quoting contracts you don't understand
LOL. Then know explain me how LM can give "$70.2 million to $69.9 million for the F-35A, $80.9 million to $78.3 million for the F-35B, and $90 to $89.3 million for the F-35C" with an average certified price at $84 million , when 60 % of all F-35 are A => DO the math That's simply a lie from LM spokesman.
LOL. Then know explain me how LM can give "$70.2 million to $69.9 million for the F-35A, $80.9 million to $78.3 million for the F-35B, and $90 to $89.3 million for the F-35C" with an average certified price at $84 million , when 60 % of all F-35 are A => DO the math That's simply a lie from LM spokesman.
It is so funny to watch you. have you got a link to where 60% of lot 15.16,17 will be A? Also their is a typo, the C is cheaper than the B. ...TBH, I originally stopped reading after A.

Of course you are right, the F-35 went from $79m to $95m, including engine, in one year.
LOL. Then know explain me how LM can give "$70.2 million to $69.9 million for the F-35A, $80.9 million to $78.3 million for the F-35B, and $90 to $89.3 million for the F-35C" with an average certified price at $84 million , when 60 % of all F-35 are A => DO the math That's simply a lie from LM spokesman.
If the LM price is wrong and the Government price is correct then just use the government price my friend. In the end you would much prefer to talk about F-35 costs than Rafale costs and we both know why.
Do you know you haven't provided any rebuttal to my posts? Just LM marketing and personal attacks...
I posted a giant rebuttal that you just qouted my friend while saying I didn't post a rebuttal! how difficult things are for you LOL. Allow me to explain what is happening, brother. ad I do not mean to personal attacks.

The French here know the F-35 beats them in nearly every area. The French are very insecure people. for as much as they tell us they are "happy" with the Rafale they still obsess over the F-35 which is why they are in here all the time trying to make 3 +7 = 15.

The reason you keep seeing such visceral french reactions to the F-35 is their last bastion of defense is "sure the F-35 is good on paper but it doesn't work!"

If the F-35 works they have nothing and they know it. "F-35 spends all its time in the garage! if it can't fly it can't fight!" That is the glue that holds the arguement together and why your friend and master Pickleoil and herciv must be in this thread at all times chanting into your ears that the F-35 doesn't work! Why even the US government says so!!!

But then Russia Invades Ukraine and guess what happens? Watch:

On Friday, Feb. 11, 2022, the 34th Fighter Squadron received its initial warning call. An official go-ahead the next day, Feb. 12, set their plans in motion.

On Sunday, as Super Bowl LVI blared from a television at the squadron bar, airmen plotted the 5,100-mile trek to Germany. The next day — Valentine’s Day — F-35 pilots said goodbye to loved ones and began to deploy. By Wednesday, Feb. 16, the 34th Fighter Squadron was gone.

I thought the F-35 couldn't deploy? But then they deployed a whole squadron in 5 days 5,100 miles??

"the GAO said in its annual report on the F-35."

"As the FY22 Annual DOT&E Report indicates – the F-35 combat coded fleet achieved its 65% target for monthly average availability for the combined twelve months ending in September 2022. Still, readiness challenges remain, as indicated in multiple GAO findings"

DOT&E acknowledged the F-35 hit its readiness goal for 12 months. Note the word AVERAGE though. more on that in a second.

not saying its perfect but its not "in the garage" as much as the French try to spin it. and those numbers are beating France's Readiness numbers for the Rafale.

'While the overall mission capable (MC) rate of the Lockheed Martin [LMT] F-35 is around 60 percent, forward military detachments have seen MC rates of more than 80 percent, including more than 87 percent in Europe over the past SIX MONTHS,"

I thought the F-35 when encountering a "real war" wouldn't be able to fly? 80-87 percent? that exceeds the Rafale. The F-35 can surge and 6 months straight?!

F-35 has better readiness rates than the Super Hornet!!!

The F-35 in Eastern Europe has proven itself And pickleoil and others know this. They have to actually attempt to ignore it. They sent the F-35 to eastern Europe for a reason, but its now blown a hole in their entire arguement that in a real world situation the F-35 can't play. but instead its hitting 87 percent readiness in Europe.

pickleoil and herciv are using averages because they are taking the entire F-35 fleet across all types and then taking low hour training and test units plus high flying hour squadrons and AVERAGEing the amount. this degrades the readiness numbers of real combat units. If the French Connection only look at the combat units the game is over. and what is worse they know it. if they told you the truth or reported things on an equal footing they could not yell politique! and pretend nothing is wrong.

The problem for the French here is they have to keep spinning something everyone in Europe is witnessing, which is why the avalanche of F-35s has picked up after the Russian invasion. Reports are nice, just make sure you actually look at the whole report my friend! Don't stop reading when you hear what you want.

My friend you are not French. You do not need to bring their inferiority complex and baggage here. You are your own person, your own country, your own culture, your own air force that has Rafales-- but has other aircraft too and in greater number I understand the "Rafale only" propoganda from the French but they don't own you. You can like the Rafale without believing every lie for everything else. I don't know why its so hard to acknowledge there is more to the F-35 story other than the fear of losing face and disappointing those who are obscuring basic evidences. You are not beholden to France or the French. My favorite fighter is Gripen. my favorite American aircraft is the C-130 Hercules. I am not married to the F-35. but my friend some of this stuff is just too ridiculous to ignore anymore. plus I took great offense at pickleoil telling me that that Gripen E was 6th generation and when I agreed and said "yes and the Gripen E even does some things better than the Rafale" he sheepishly withdrew his endoresement because the French can not concede even a millimeter. even if it means openly lying.
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Anyway, the paper F-35's costs are cheaper than the Rafale's. We know the Rafale's costs already 'cause it's established. But we don't yet have information on the F-35's real world costs.

we don't know what F-35 cost but we know they are too expensive? :ROFLMAO:

The F-35's cost also doesn't take into account that some of the more serious air forces within the F-35 ecosystem have to also spend money on alternative capabilities, like GCAP, TFX, KFX etc. For the French, just one type is enough to perform all missions.

FCAS is just a scam then? Even the French are still using Mirage 2000s and your own air force uses many other aircraft itself. and of course the Rafale can't perform all missions like SEAD/DEAD as an example. If the Rafale is as good as you say, as cheap as you say, as wonderful as you say. why do you have 36 instead of the original 126? Why hasn't everything else been retired in pursuit of this perfect Rafale solution?
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I thought the F-35 when encountering a "real war" wouldn't be able to fly? 80-87 percent? that exceeds the Rafale. The F-35 can surge and 6 months straight?!
Except that in France we do not have the notion of mission capable (MC) but only the notion of Full Mission Capable (FMC) because it is very easy to have a "Mission Capable" aircraft, it is enough that he can fulfill a mission! That is to say that it is enough that he can fly, indeed in this case he will be able to fulfill the mission of conveying! So in France we talk about availability, but it's always implied FMC, while in the US we talk about availability but it's always implied MC. And besides, we haven't used our planes for a long time as specialized planes, our doctrines would be dangerous if our planes didn't have all their capabilities at the start of the mission, it makes no sense to have an Omnirole aircraft that can only complete one mission.
I only give you actual and certified by US gov prices.
35 F-35 10 billions euros (Germany)

35 F-35 $8.8 billiion for Germany

36 Rafale $8.7 billion for India

Got em! :ROFLMAO:

Germany includes weapons, the UAE deal didn't go through. Canada contract includes bases and billons in defense/ base/ NORAD upgradez

Swiss $6.6 billion for 36 F-35A
Poland $4.6 biilion for 32 F-35A
Finland 9.4 billion for 64 F-35A
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