A better comparison would be the modified Israeli F-35s, the price of which is unknown.
The Swiss may be fine with a vanilla F-35, but we won't be. Naturally the same rule applies to the Rafale.
Europe uses NATO compatible systems, so it's plug and play, India doesn't. So we need modifications. Our S-400s too have been extensively modified for integration with the Indian IADS. It's been combined with Indian and Israeli radars for example. That costs money. Similarly, the Israelis have modified F-35s for their own use.
Noteworthy while in the first deal, Israel paid $125 million per plane for 19 F-35s in total, in the second deal, the price went down to $112 million per plane for 14 jets. Now Israel expects the price to drop below $90 million per plane for the additional 17 F-35Is.![]()
The Israeli government has signed the necessary paperwork for a follow-on order to purchase 17 F-35I Adir fighters for the IAFtheaviationgeekclub.com
Israeli F-35 deals have been severely criticized because the aircraft are more expensive than those purchased by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) since they feature several unique (and indigenous) systems to satisfy IAF operational requirements.
That's a pretty high average. That's $109.46 per jet, average for 50.
Funny how the rules change when apples are compared with apples.
by all means compare apples to apples all you please the F-35A is still not as costly. We can debate about weather the Rafale is worth what it costs but the price is the price and I do not see how we can have an 8 billion dollar F-35 with the germans and call it obscenely expensive and then look at 8 billion dollars for Rafales and call it a wonderful bargain.
it is like watching ugly women fight over who is more hideous
and in comparing apples to apples the F-35Is modifications are not for compatibility "plug and play" sake, but for the improvement in combat capabilities. It sounds like India payed a lot of additional money for Rafales that are the same as the vanilla French Rafales but will be able to play nicely with S-400. you didn't pay for additional capability, you payed extra for plug and play basics. nice job! and surely all along everyone here would have assured me that the "vanilla" rafale avionics were so good and plug and play already that silly additional costs would be unneeded. Funny with F-35 everyone is on the lookout for "additional costs" that the Rafale "doesn't need" and yet here we are.
so much of this thread my friend is "F-35 additional costs bad!" and then "Rafale additional costs good!" it is mindnumbing that buying over 30 fighters can hit over 8 billion dollars for both F-35 and the Rafale but the last brain cell insists that one 8 billion dollar expenditure is hyper expensive, but another 8 billion dollar fighter is just right, and even cheap really. and its scary to think that we can not even name the fighters and have the same debate. A is B and B is A. we should make a game of it
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