It has DDM-NG which Dassault claim can act like EODAS but their is no evidence of actually using it for an OTS shootdown and yes, it's far from 360deg, either as a more advanced A2A sensor or as a MAWS. The Rafale has 2 sensors trying to cover everything, EODAS has 6+1 (EOTS).Yes. The Rafale does have EODAS, has been operational since 2013. Although there are sensor coverage limitations due to the positioning of the sensors, but it's not a deal-breaker.
EODAS is simply MAWS + LWS. Although the F-35 started design phase with this tech right from the start and ended up in marketing brochures, but due to development delays most other aircraft have caught up. So today, pretty much all advanced aircraft post 2010 have this tech. Su-35S, Typhoon and Rafale are among them.
DDM-NG has been designed to provide the Rafale fighter self-protection system (SPECTRA) with an advanced Missile Warning System covering most of the sphere around the aircraft. In particular, it provides the capability to detect MANPAD missiles by detecting their burning
The Su-35 practically matches the F-35 now.
View attachment 20049
Right now, the Su-57's EO sensors are the technology to beat, not the F-35.
View attachment 20050
We are yet to see what upgrade and coverage the Rafale F4.2 gets.
Su-57's sensors are better??? Based on what exactly? The F-35's system components have been upgraded very recently.

F-35′s X-Ray Vision System Is Getting An Upgrade, But Will It Actually Save Money?
Lockheed Martin and Raytheon say the update will improve the jet's capability and save money, but it could exacerbate existing sustainment issues.

And don't forget that EOTS has TGP-like magnification too, which means it will whoop any DDM-NG/Su-57 system across it's region of coverage. The Su-57's systems are also clearly non-stealthy, like the plane as a whole.
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