MMRCA 2.0 - Updates and Discussions

What is your favorite for MMRCA 2.0 ?

  • F-35 Blk 4

    Votes: 32 13.4%
  • Rafale F4

    Votes: 187 78.2%
  • Eurofighter Typhoon T3

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • Gripen E/F

    Votes: 6 2.5%
  • F-16 B70

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • F-18 SH

    Votes: 9 3.8%
  • F-15EX

    Votes: 9 3.8%
  • Mig-35

    Votes: 1 0.4%

  • Total voters
LOL they do need to wake up, they are working with Reliance,, actually the wrong one

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Training: accompanying our Indian partners

For the Indian government, Skill India, i.e. local education, is a necessary challenge for the country's economic development. For us and for the success of Make in India, it is therefore essential to accompany our customer by an adapted training.

Bruno Penot, head of the DGSM's training department, explains that "this programme could involve setting up an aeronautics department within an existing local school, the Governement Industrial Technical Institute (ITI), located in the Nagpur region, to train companions and technicians.

Today, the new challenge for our company is to develop an aeronautical professional baccalaureate program, to provide the DRAL joint venture with qualified and quality personnel. This ambitious project is perfectly in line with our client's industrial policy.
Its not a Bla bla but a known fact
Dassault had signed the RFP which did mention that HAL would be the lead and thus Dassault had to work with HAL and Dassault had signed that document to be part of RFP .. FACT
After Dassault was decalared L1 they started questioning the ability of HAL, were they not aware of HALs ability and since they were they should have given their actual RFP based on facts known to them and that would have made sure that Dassault was not going to be L1.. So Dassaul kept quiet and made sure it was L1 and then started to have objections about things that it had agreed in RFP earlier.. this is fact.
Actually all the costs that were then put in front of AK Anthony, he was sure that it would be a scam and there would be no chance for UPA then to win election for next two decades. So AK Anthony decided to just keep quiet, Of course he had lot of time to sign the deal, what stopped him then?
When NDA came to power and became aware of this hot potato, they too were faced with same questions as AK Anthony, if they signed the deal in that form., it would be too expensive touching almost 40+ billion only for planes and the lines. Thus they thought it would be better to either go for more Su-30 MKI which IAF chief Raha was against saying like a spoilt brat.. " .. there is no plan B" having such compromised guys as IAF chief the best course of action became to just go for the minimal 36 planes thats all. Thus ensuring win win situation for GoI. and face saver for France,. Also they made it a G2G deal thus in a way ensuring that there are less chances of kickbacks involved. At least the GoI was not party to it.
So Dassault managed a situation where They should have lost, in a situation where they sold 36 Rafale and they have chances to sell over 200 in all. Finally I admire their commercial ability. :love::love::D
LOL they do need to wake up, they are working with Reliance,, actually the wrong one
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Produire en Inde
Nous développons une filière industrielle aéronautique en Inde pour fabriquer au meilleur coût, avec les exigences de qualité attendues par nos clients civils et militaires, nos Falcons 2000 ainsi que des sous ensembles et des emports Rafale (pylones, réservoirs pendulaires).

Usine dédiée.

Un parc aéronautique, le Dhirubhai Ambani Aerospace parc, localisé sur l'aéroport international de nagpur, va désormais accueillir, sur un site de 25 hectares, Dassault Reliance Aerospace Limited (DRAL) mais aussi tous nos partenaires, dont des PME françaises venues accompagner le développement de cette filière industrielle.
La nouvelle usine commencera par assembler le Falcon 2000. Les pièces primaires, composants de ces assemblages, seront, elles, sous-traitées dans l'industrie Indienne.

Etapes du projet

Les transferts de fabrication sont organisés en quatre étapes.
L'étape initiale concerne l'assemblage du tronçon T1 du Falcon 2000 et de ses sous ensembles, ainsi que des sous ensembles d'éléments mobiles du Rafale, comme les portes-moteurs et les gouvernes.

Une première équipe Indienne de quatre managers de production a été initiée à nos méthodes, à Biarritz, durant six mois. Une douzaine de compagnons ont également reçu une formation intensive aux procédés d'assemblage, dispensée, en France, par la société CODIFOR.

Au deuxième trimestre 2019, un bâtiment beaucoup plus grand permettra l'assemblage des tronçons T1 et T2, puis le jonctionnement du T12.

Au troisième trimestre, la production des gouvernes du Rafale démarrera à Nagpur.

L'étape suivante est prévue fin 2019 avec l'assemblage du plan horizontal, d'un tronçon supplémentaire du Falcon 2000 et des pare-brise et verrières du Rafale.

Fin 2020, la troisième étape débutera. Elle portera sur la jonction des tronçons de fuselage, l'aménagement (montage matelas, étanchéité cabine montage des circuits fluides et électriques) et le montage général, la piste et la mise en vol depuis Nagpur.

Enfin, la dernière étape commencera en 2022 avec l'assemblage robotisé des voilures et l'assemblage de tronçons incluant des réservoirs de pétrole.

La monté en charge du site de Nagpur verra la construction de nouveaux batiments, en particulier une installation d'essais kérosene, des installations de peinture et une aire de point fixe.


Produce in India

We are developing an aeronautical industrial sector in India to manufacture at the best cost, with the quality requirements expected by our civil and military customers, our Falcons 2000 as well as Rafale subassemblies and payload (pylons, pendular tanks).

Dedicated factory.

An aeronautical park, the Dhirubhai Ambani Aerospace park, located on the international airport of nagpur, will now host, on a site of 25 hectares, Dassault Reliance Aerospace Limited (DRAL) but also all our partners, including French SMEs which come to accompany the development of this industrial sector.
The new plant will start by assembling the Falcon 2000. The primary parts, components of these assemblies, will be subcontracted to Indian industry.

Stages of the project

Manufacturing transfers are organized in four stages.

The initial stage involves the assembly of the T1 section of the Falcon 2000 and its sub-assemblies, as well as sub-assemblies of the Rafale's moving parts, such as engine housings and control surfaces.

An initial Indian team of four production managers was trained in our methods in Biarritz for six months. A dozen companions have also received intensive training in assembly processes, provided in France by CODIFOR.

In the second quarter of 2019, a much larger building will allow the assembly of the T1 and T2 sections, then the splicing of the T12.
In the third quarter, production of the Rafale control surfaces will start in Nagpur.

The next stage is scheduled for the end of 2019 with the assembly of the horizontal plane, an additional section of the Falcon 2000 and the windscreens and skylights of the Rafale.

At the end of 2020, the third stage will begin. It will cover the junction of the fuselage sections, the layout (mattress assembly, cabin sealing, fluid and electrical circuit assembly) and the general assembly, the runway and the take off from Nagpur.

Finally, the last stage will begin in 2022 with the robotic assembly of the wings and the assembly of sections including oil tanks.
The Nagpur site ramp-up will see the construction of new buildings, in particular a kerosene test facility, paint facilities and a run-up area.

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Thats good and that is part of its obligations to offsets.,
Having this does not mean that it automatically qualfies to get orders.
Boeing already has several tie ups including those with HAL and Mahindra that puts them in much more better position than that of DRAL
HAL has experience to build planes, Mahindra is the private partner, and Boeing is one of the top companies in cutting edge technology.

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Produce in India

We are developing an aeronautical industrial sector in India to manufacture at the best cost, with the quality requirements expected by our civil and military customers, our Falcons 2000 as well as Rafale subassemblies and payload (pylons, pendular tanks).

Dedicated factory.

An aeronautical park, the Dhirubhai Ambani Aerospace park, located on the international airport of nagpur, will now host, on a site of 25 hectares, Dassault Reliance Aerospace Limited (DRAL) but also all our partners, including French SMEs which come to accompany the development of this industrial sector.
The new plant will start by assembling the Falcon 2000. The primary parts, components of these assemblies, will be subcontracted to Indian industry.

Stages of the project

Manufacturing transfers are organized in four stages.

The initial stage involves the assembly of the T1 section of the Falcon 2000 and its sub-assemblies, as well as sub-assemblies of the Rafale's moving parts, such as engine housings and control surfaces.

An initial Indian team of four production managers was trained in our methods in Biarritz for six months. A dozen companions have also received intensive training in assembly processes, provided in France by CODIFOR.

In the second quarter of 2019, a much larger building will allow the assembly of the T1 and T2 sections, then the splicing of the T12.
In the third quarter, production of the Rafale control surfaces will start in Nagpur.

The next stage is scheduled for the end of 2019 with the assembly of the horizontal plane, an additional section of the Falcon 2000 and the windscreens and skylights of the Rafale.

At the end of 2020, the third stage will begin. It will cover the junction of the fuselage sections, the layout (mattress assembly, cabin sealing, fluid and electrical circuit assembly) and the general assembly, the runway and the launch from Nagpur.

Finally, the last stage will begin in 2022 with the robotic assembly of the wings and the assembly of sections including oil tanks.
The Nagpur site ramp-up will see the construction of new buildings, in particular a kerosene test facility, paint facilities and a run-up area.

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Partenaires sous traitant locaux
En parallèle, la qualification des premiers fournisseurs indiens a été initiée par les directions générales des achats et de la qualité totale (DGA et DGQT). Plusieyrs sociétés, comme Mahindra, LMW, Maini et TAL, vont réaliser des pièces métalliques protégées et peintes, quiseront ensuite assemblées à Nagpur. Des recherches de nouveaux partenaires se poursuivent pour élargir ce réseau.

Les premiers outillages d'assemblage sont également en cours de fabrication chez des sous traitants indiens tels que Hemkund, TAL, Alpha Tocol ou Assystem India.

Essentielle à la réussite de notre projet, la formation des compagnons a commencé en France pour qu'ils renforce leur compétence aéronautique. Un partenaria avec les institutions académiques indiennes est également à l'étude.

Enfin, le système d'information de DRAL sera conforme à nos standards. Les données techniques seront gérées avec les logiciels de Dassault systèmes, comme 3DExpérience, et seront exploités avec SAP.


Local subcontracting partners

In parallel, the qualification of the first Indian suppliers was initiated by the purchasing and total quality departments (DGA and DGQT). Several companies, such as Mahindra, LMW, Maini and TAL, will produce protected and painted metal parts , which will then be assembled in Nagpur. New partners are being sought to expand this network.

The first assembly tools are also being manufactured by Indian subcontractors such as Hemkund, TAL, Alpha Tocol or Assystem India.
Essential to the success of our project, the training of companions began in France to strengthen their aeronautical skills. A partnership with Indian academic institutions is also under study.

Finally, DRAL's information system will comply with our standards. The technical data will be managed with Dassault systems software, such as 3DExperience, and will be operated with SAP.
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Filière emports spécifiques
Une filière industrielle spécifique aux payloads se développe en coopération avec la société DEFSYS, basée à Gurgaon, près de New Delhi.

En 2018, elle assemblera le pylone CRB 201 et l'adaptateur ADP 170, pour les emports respectifs de réservoir de 2000 litres et de missiles d'interception et de combat aérien MICA sous la voilure du Rafale, à partir de kits fournis par Dassault Aviation, avant de les produire entièrement, dès 2019, avec des pièces primaires réalisées par des entreprises indiennes.

De nouveaux transferts de fabrication de réservoirs pendulaires largables sont en cours d'implémentation, avec le soutien actif de la société française AEds.

Specific payloads branch

A specific industrial sector for payloads is developing in cooperation with the company DEFSYS, based in Gurgaon, near New Delhi.

In 2018, it will assemble the CRB 201 pylon and the ADP 170 adapter for the respective payloads of 2000-litre tank and MICA intercept and air combat missiles under the Rafale wing, using kits supplied by Dassault Aviation, before producing them entirely, from 2019, with primary parts made by Indian companies.

New transfers for the manufacture of drop tanks are being implemented, with the active support of the French company AEds.
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Nos directions générales, les directions de programme et la direction juridique et assurance sont mobilisées. Elle concourent à la réussite du projet, en coopération avec la direction générale des opérations industrielles, pilote industriel Société du Make in India, avec pour objectif le premier décollage du Falcon 2000 de Nagpur et, un jour, celui du premier Rafale fabriqué en Inde.
Our Directorates-General, the Programme Directorates and the Legal and Insurance Directorates are mobilised. They contribute to the success of the project, in cooperation with the general management of industrial operations, Company industrial pilot of the Make in India, with the aim of the first take-off of the Falcon 2000 from Nagpur and, one day, that of the first Rafale manufactured in India.
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Depuis longtemps, l'Inde est reconnue comme un centre de hautes compétences en matière de développement informatique. Dans le cadre du Make in India, une partie de la sous traitance de développement, habituellement attribuée à des sociétés françaises, a été confiée aux Indiens.
Comme pour les développements logiciels, certains travaux d'ingéniérie traditionnels seront réalisés par des sociétés indiennes.
Un centre d'ingéniérie est à l'étude . Il aura pour mission d'assurer localement des développements, comme la conception d'éléments structuraux, le support aux activités de production ou le développement des systèmes de soutien.

Le defi pour la DGSI consiste à mettre l'ensemble des outils et des référentiels Société à disposition des sous traitants indiens et des personnels Dassault Aviation chargé de les encadrer, dans un environnement contrôlé et sécurisé par nos soins.

La possibilité de travailler en mode collaboratif en Inde, comme si le centre d'ingénierie se trouvait à Saint-Cloud, marquera la réussite de ce projet. Elle implique la mise en place d'un réseau maillé France-Inde dédié et performant, avec une infrastructure gérée depuis Saint-Cloud.


India has long been recognized as a centre of high competence in IT development. As part of Make in India, part of the development sub-contracting, usually awarded to French companies, has been entrusted to the Indians.
As with software development, some traditional engineering work will be carried out by Indian companies.
An engineering centre is under study. Its mission will be to ensure local developments, such as the design of structural elements, support for production activities or the development of support systems.

The challenge for the DGSI consists in making all the tools and Company reference systems available to Indian subcontractors and Dassault Aviation personnel in charge of supervising them, in an environment controlled and secured by us.

The possibility of working in collaborative mode in India, as if the engineering centre were in Saint-Cloud, will mark the success of this project. It involves the establishment of a dedicated and efficient France-India gridded network, with an infrastructure managed from Saint-Cloud.
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Enfin l'objectif est de livrer aux clients des avions ainsi que des produits vérifiés et totalement conformes à leurs spécifications.
Pour les directions de programmes cela se traduit par quatre enjeux majeurs.
  • Utiliser l'execution du contrat des 36 Rafale Indiens pour promouvoir des scénarios de transfert dans les domaines de la production, mais également du soutien logistique et des études afin d'atteindre les taux de transferts en fabrication locale nécessaires pour décrocher les futurs contrats.
  • Associer Dassault Aviation, ses sous traitants et ses partenaires indiens au travers de démarches de transferts méthodologiques formelles et rigoureuses.
  • Respecter les délais dans ce nouvel environnement lointain.
  • Maîtriser les coûts, en cherchant des gains de compétivité pour obtenir un retour sur les investissements importants effectués.
Des moyens sont mis en oeuvre pour piloter le nouveau contexte franco-indien et en maîtriser les risques.
L'expérience acquise nous permettra de mettre en oeuvre les attendus du Make in India des futurs contrats Rafale Indiens.
Finally, the objective is to deliver verified aircraft and products to customers that fully comply with their specifications.
For the programme directorates, this translates into four major challenges.
  • Use the execution of the 36 Rafale Indiens contract to promote transfer scenarios in the fields of production, but also logistical support and studies in order to achieve the local manufacturing transfer rates necessary to obtain future contracts.
  • To associate Dassault Aviation, its subcontractors and its Indian partners through formal and rigorous processes of methodological transfers.
  • Meet deadlines in this new remote environment.
  • Controlling costs, seeking competitive gains to obtain a return on the major investments made.
Means are implemented to manage the new Franco-Indian context and control the risks.
The experience gained will enable us to implement the expectations of the Make in India of future Indian Rafale contracts.
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DeepL misses on some subtleties of the French language here. It's the démarches (processes) that are formal and rigorous, but that word entirely disappeared from the translation.
  • To associate Dassault Aviation, its subcontractors and its Indian partners through formal and rigorous processes of methodological transfers.
Also it failed to translate 36 Rafales indiens into 36 Indian Rafales, heh.
DeepL misses on some subtleties of the French language here. It's the démarches (processes) that are formal and rigorous, but that word entirely disappeared from the translation.
  • To associate Dassault Aviation, its subcontractors and its Indian partners through formal and rigorous processes of methodological transfers.
Also it failed to translate 36 Rafales indiens into 36 Indian Rafales, heh.
Thanks for the correction
Its not a Bla bla but a known fact
Dassault had signed the RFP which did mention that HAL would be the lead and thus Dassault had to work with HAL and Dassault had signed that document to be part of RFP .. FACT
After Dassault was decalared L1 they started questioning the ability of HAL, were they not aware of HALs ability and since they were they should have given their actual RFP based on facts known to them and that would have made sure that Dassault was not going to be L1.. So Dassaul kept quiet and made sure it was L1 and then started to have objections about things that it had agreed in RFP earlier.. this is fact.
Actually all the costs that were then put in front of AK Anthony, he was sure that it would be a scam and there would be no chance for UPA then to win election for next two decades. So AK Anthony decided to just keep quiet, Of course he had lot of time to sign the deal, what stopped him then?
When NDA came to power and became aware of this hot potato, they too were faced with same questions as AK Anthony, if they signed the deal in that form., it would be too expensive touching almost 40+ billion only for planes and the lines. Thus they thought it would be better to either go for more Su-30 MKI which IAF chief Raha was against saying like a spoilt brat.. " .. there is no plan B" having such compromised guys as IAF chief the best course of action became to just go for the minimal 36 planes thats all. Thus ensuring win win situation for GoI. and face saver for France,. Also they made it a G2G deal thus in a way ensuring that there are less chances of kickbacks involved. At least the GoI was not party to it.
There was no mention in the RFP of the fact that the winner has to take the full responsability of the quality of the planes made by HAL, without the possibility of intervening inside HAL ...
whichever who win L1, (Boeing, SAAB, EF, mig...) the answer would have always been the same : NO ! too risky. Specially with HAL.
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To Save Time Govt May Bypass Field Trials in MMRCA 2.0

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is working on formulating a set of QRs (qualitative requirements) against which it is likely to benchmark the bids submitted by six major aircraft manufacturers for supply of 110 fighter jets, instead of going through the tortuous process of field trials and evaluation, as was done in the previous such competition, more popularly known as the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) tender, which underwent a long process for eight years.

The latest competition, announced in April, was open to both single and twin engine combat jets like last time. The deadline to submit the bids was 6 July. All the six competitors–American firms Boeing and Lockheed Martin, Russian Aircraft Corporation, Dassault of France, Swedish manufacturer Saab and European consortium, Eurofighter GmbH–had also participated in the earlier tender for supply of 126 fighters which was eventually withdrawn before India decided to buy 36 Rafale jets from the French under a G-to-G (government to government) deal signed in September 2016.

Having tested the six aircraft in contention during the extensive field trials in the earlier competition, the IAF more or less knows the capabilities that each of the aircraft bring to the table. The Request for Information (RFI), put out in April had a detailed questionnaire for all competitors, seeking details of upgrades that the aircraft fielded for the latest tender would have undergone in the intervening years since the fields trials under MMRCA took place. The aircraft are: four twin-engine fighters–the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Block III, Eurofighter Typhoon, MiG-35 and Rafale and two single-engine jets– F-16 Block 70 and Gripen E.

The IAF’s acquisition branch is now scrutinising all the six bids, running into thousands of pages. The exercise is likely to take at least three-four months before all the six documents are placed in a common matrix and then evaluated against the set of QRs that are being prepared separately. The next step, according to informed sources, will be to shortlist two or three aircraft that meet the air force requirement. “Another round of field trials is not necessary given that we already know the capability of each of the aircraft. Since our fighter squadron strength is now in a precarious position, we need to close this deal as fast as possible,” explained a defence official familiar with the process.

Once the shortlist is ready, the IAF will take the matter to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and seek directions on the next steps. The government will have to decide quickly on how to make the final selection.

Top decision makers in the government have pointed out that none of India’s fighter jet acquisitions in the past have come through a competitive bidding. The only time it was tried was in the MMRCA tender. Finally though the process had to be scrapped and the Rafales bought through a G-to-G deal because of differences in calculating the cost of manufacturing. So, a repeat of that process in MMRCA 2.0 looks unlikely. Although there is merit in this approach, the final decision will depend on how the government wants to use this huge purchase order to its advantage and what the strategic environment is when the time to make the choice comes which, by all indications, will be after the next general elections at the earliest.
A good news for Rafale.
It's the preferred bird of IAF.

