Article by Mr. Shantanu K. Bansal Under the able leadership of General Bipin Rawat, the...
Ideally they should approach the issue in a step by step time-bound manner where the time for smooth integration shouldn't exceed 5 yrs after said commands are operationalized . In the interim , Western & Eastern Commands ought to have an Army Commander & an MTC a naval commander to pursue integration before command is thrown open to officers of all 3 forces on the basis of seniority.
Proposed theaterization also creates a confusing situation since Northern command is out of the theaterization process and it's roles are varied too . It's tasked with handling the LAC , tackling internal security in Kashmir & the LoC there thus overlapping with the WTC .
Ditto for the ETC which is tasked with internal security in the NE & the LAC thus overlapping with the Northern Command. One can sympathize with the IAF . All major commands are IA dominated with the largest Command in terms of geographical area going to the IN . Then certain para militaries under the MHA are expected to be under these theatre commands .
Frankly this is a large mix of duties all inter connected but which also calls for certain finesse & expertise in each individual domain. Not the ideal situation to be in as if the integration isn't handled professionally there are good chances of the whole process going awry for the ETC but especially for the Northern Command.
The ADC in the long run is untenable. No other nation with joint theatre command has an independent ADC . It's an integral feature of respective commands . This is being done only to assuage the IAF.
Ideally the Defence Aerospace Command ought to activated . Guess along with Defence Cyber & EW Command , Logistics Command & Special Operations Command as proposed by the author , these will be birthed after teething issues pertaining to the already proposed commands are sorted out . That still leaves out the SFC.