*Continued from Norwegian Armed Forces
Fast forward 15 years and the Norwegian Army is still in Iraq, only this time around it's focus is on counter-terrorism and training and intelligence support. The shift in their gear over their time in Iraq is fun to track, but ironically they're still sporting green forest camo, which when they were first deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, was all they had. Even today, with modern desert camo, new rifles and vehicles and all the bells and whistles, they're still bringing the Norwegian forests to the Iraqi deserts.
Training Kurds.
And the Iraqi military.
And providing support in-field to Iraqi military and security forces.
Fast forward 15 years and the Norwegian Army is still in Iraq, only this time around it's focus is on counter-terrorism and training and intelligence support. The shift in their gear over their time in Iraq is fun to track, but ironically they're still sporting green forest camo, which when they were first deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, was all they had. Even today, with modern desert camo, new rifles and vehicles and all the bells and whistles, they're still bringing the Norwegian forests to the Iraqi deserts.
Training Kurds.

And the Iraqi military.

And providing support in-field to Iraqi military and security forces.