Pakistan AirForce : Updates & Discussions

Excellency - Mirages are being pulled in to cannibalize for spares. Not even half of them will ever become airworthy and that is being optimistic.

You can go for the J-10Cs. By all means please do so. The Chinese have been looking to acquire some sea side property. May be you could work out a CPEC extension deal with a Land for Arms swap.
Yes..kaamal ka excercise by PAF
Rafale sorted out at Egypt
S 400 sorted out recently in China..
Yes..kaamal ka excercise by PAF
Rafale sorted out at Egypt
S 400 sorted out recently in China..

I was an NCC cadet in school. We too visited IAF stations, saw hangers and workshops where engines were going through maintenance. Not one of us ever became an expert on them. It is very silly of these guys to think that a few hours of controlled exposure makes them immune to a system.
Paf,Navy,army everyone is nothing.we want to be treated as enemies lol.

Why do you think we aren't fighting right now?

What India did in Kashmir was good enough for Pakistan to have attacked India. It took less than that for Kargil War to have happened.

Mirage 5 is confirmed.yes Americans have blocked delivery of helicopters.during recent Shaheen exercise,our pilots look interested in j-10c.i think that could be an option.

The Mirage Vs were delivered between 1975 and 1983. The youngest jet is already 36 years old while the oldest is 44 years old. So all you can expect from the jets is spare parts in order to keep the remaining Mirages in PAF flying for a few more years until the JF-17 is bought in enough numbers to retire it.

And the J-10C is sh!t, no matter how well it's sugar-coated in the Chinese and Pakistani media. I'll give you a clue, look at any pic of the J-10, you will see that it only has 4 usable hardpoints where weapons are actually carried, like air to air missiles. That's no different from what JF-17 already does. So you will end up paying as much as you would pay for an F-16 and get only half the capability of the F-16. Even with an AESA radar, all it can do is just fire 2 BVR missiles, which the JF-17 already does. And the JF-17's radar is almost the same size anyway. The JF-17 B3 could actually end up being better, especially if you get Italian electronics for it along with an uprated engine.
The Americans have blocked delivery of attack helicopters to Pakistan, both AH-1Z and T-129.


It so repeatedly reported thT mirage 5 has RC400 radars..
Isn't the same we have for Mirages 2005 upgrade?

RDY 400 or RC400 both same?
That's no different from what JF-17 already does. So you will end up paying as much as you would pay for an F-16 and get only half the capability of the F-16. Even with an AESA radar, all it can do is just fire 2 BVR missiles,

Can AIM120 be fitted on j10? I think not. But after the humiliation on 27th there are chances that they will try to upgrade j17 and j10s for aim120.
Can AIM120 be fitted on j10? I think not. But after the humiliation on 27th there are chances that they will try to upgrade j17 and j10s for aim120.

No chance of that happening. It's an American missile, it can't be integrated on a Chinese jet.

And with the introduction of Astra, any advantage the Aim-120C5 had is no longer relevant. And introduction of I-Derby ER/K-77M and Meteor will make the Aim-120C an obsolete missile.
No chance of that happening. It's an American missile, it can't be integrated on a Chinese jet.

And with the introduction of Astra, any advantage the Aim-120C5 had is no longer relevant. And introduction of I-Derby ER/K-77M and Meteor will make the Aim-120C an obsolete missile.
Sir can we equip j-10 with pl-15 or even new pl-21? Does it bring any advantage?
Wat are those conditions under which Pakistan was given this equipment? If any idea? Is it one of the conditions that it will not be integrated with the Chinese or any other system.?

The conditions are simple but laughable. That the Aim-120s cannot be used in offensive operations against India, so that was a failure.

But the main point is the Pakistanis do not have access to the source codes that will allow its integration on any other jet. Only the Americans can integrate the Aim-120 on a Chinese jet, or vice versa, but it requires sharing of source codes by one country to the other. So you can see how impossible that really is. The Americans will reject it anyway.

And, even though it will fail, if China and Pakistan attempt to integrate the Aim-120 on a Chinese jet on their own, the Americans will slap sanctions on the PAF's F-16 fleet.

What I read somewhere that Pakistan follows air to air defence doctrine like NATO if ASTRA deployment makes their weapon systems obsolete which I doubt, then they will be right now also procuring the Chinese HQ9.

They can procure whatever they want from China, we can't stop it anyway. But we do not want Pakistan buying Western systems, we have some influence there.

The Chinese sell only export grade stuff to Pakistan, so it's sh1t anyway. Kinda like what the Soviet Union used to do. The Pakistanis are free to buy the HQ9 and waste more money, it's good for us.
The conditions are simple but laughable. That the Aim-120s cannot be used in offensive operations against India, so that was a failure.

But the main point is the Pakistanis do not have access to the source codes that will allow its integration on any other jet. Only the Americans can integrate the Aim-120 on a Chinese jet, or vice versa, but it requires sharing of source codes by one country to the other. So you can see how impossible that really is. The Americans will reject it anyway.

And, even though it will fail, if China and Pakistan attempt to integrate the Aim-120 on a Chinese jet on their own, the Americans will slap sanctions on the PAF's F-16 fleet.

They can procure whatever they want from China, we can't stop it anyway. But we do not want Pakistan buying Western systems, we have some influence there.

The Chinese sell only export grade stuff to Pakistan, so it's sh1t anyway. Kinda like what the Soviet Union used to do. The Pakistanis are free to buy the HQ9 and waste more money, it's good for us.
China and turkey are the only market for pakistan.i think China has started making decent weapons.i saw j-10c picture and I think you are right,only 4 hard points but it can carry pl-15 and range of pl-15 is much better than derby or Astra.i think we have integrated it on jf-17 also so what are your thoughts on pl-15? Do you think it's real deal or just another Chinese junk?
Sir can we equip j-10 with pl-15 or even new pl-21? Does it bring any advantage?

China and turkey are the only market for pakistan.i think China has started making decent weapons.i saw j-10c picture and I think you are right,only 4 hard points but it can carry pl-15 and range of pl-15 is much better than derby or Astra.i think we have integrated it on jf-17 also so what are your thoughts on pl-15? Do you think it's real deal or just another Chinese junk?

There are only speculations about PL-15 and PL-21 right now. And we are yet to see if these missiles will actually be exported.

PL-15 will bring parity with I-Derby ER class missile, but we need to see if the fighter jet firing it will be capable of actually using it to its full potential.

PL-21 is supposed to be an AWACS killer, so it's not going to help a lot against a fighter jet.
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We received these missiles during Pak India Feb conflict.i am sure it's for block 2 and 3.there were many rumors at that time,even on PDF.we all believe we have received pl-15 from China.

It's unlikely for Pakistan to have received PL-15 because it's still a very new missile for the Chinese themselves. They have to make an export grade missile before it comes to Pakistan. And it will also be reported in the media.
It so repeatedly reported thT mirage 5 has RC400 radars..
Isn't the same we have for Mirages 2005 upgrade?

RDY 400 or RC400 both same?
There is no RDY 400.
There is RDY, RDY2 (with a bigger antenna thanks to an electronic units improvement) and RC400.

I don't know if RDY and the recent version RDY2 are already on production.
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There is no RDY 400.
There is RDY, RDY2 (with a bigger antenna thanks to an electronic units improvement) and RC400.

I don't know if RDY and the recent version RDY2 are already on production.

Halloweene post in mirage2000 thread..

Some details about indian M2K modernization : Radar RDY400, EMTI (Rafale calculator, 50 times moer powerful than previous one and evolutive)) and brand new self protection suite, ICMS MKIV (as an example, ICMS from Mirage 2000N was a nightmare for F-15 during Red Flag 1996, with only 8 aircrafts engaged, 2k won 4 of the 9 trophies (called "oscars" as Hollywood prizes)..
re : Le corps de l’armement, un atout pour la France
Halloweene post in mirage2000 thread..

Some details about indian M2K modernization : Radar RDY400, EMTI (Rafale calculator, 50 times moer powerful than previous one and evolutive)) and brand new self protection suite, ICMS MKIV (as an example, ICMS from Mirage 2000N was a nightmare for F-15 during Red Flag 1996, with only 8 aircrafts engaged, 2k won 4 of the 9 trophies (called "oscars" as Hollywood prizes)..
re : Le corps de l’armement, un atout pour la France