Pakistan AirForce : Updates & Discussions

How many J 31 were built & inducted as of today? ?

Just searched google.. Not getting any straight answers.
How many JF17s were built & inducted by Chinese before PAF placed the order. Forget about past, how many were inducted in to chinese airforce as on today? I know you won't know the answer, take Google's help.
How many J 31 were built & inducted as of today? ?

Just searched google.. Not getting any straight answers.
PLAAF may or may not induct it ever as it lost the competition to J-20. However, PLAN may induct its naval variant aka J-35.

PAF would become this plane's very first customer(not just export).

Anyways, this move of PAF could do wonders for us as IAF may now seriously consider getting Su-57M or its India specific derivative along with expediting AMCA.
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The J-31 is being developed for the PLAN as a carrier borne jet. The PLAAF hasn't expressed interest in it yet. I don't think the Pakistanis would want to foot the bill for creating a land based version.

The Chinese could build an export version for Pak but there won't be too many buyers beyond that. It won't exactly be cheap even by Chinese standards. Most low-income countries that have been Chinese clients would probably be happy with a decent 3.5/4G fighter.

Let's wait for the PAF to make an official announcement.
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I hope this actually happens. Would love to see the response from the MoD

It shouldn't matter. The IAF has to prepare for the J-20 as well, not just J-31. And as per noises elsewhere, passive stealth is losing its shine quickly.

This is just a knee-jerk reaction to the IAF buying the Rafale.
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Any idea of Jf 17 block 3 numbers ordered?
How many more of J10 will Pakistan buy?

We read news about Pak request to roll over of Chinese loans, request of more IMF loans..
all to avoid bankruptcy..

Yet they are going ahead with FC31.

Can we expect J 31 in PAF colors in 3-4 years time frame, By the time Amca prototype makes flight? Or could it be even earlier..?

@Rajput Lion @randomradio

50 ordered. The second squadron of the type has been raised. They have bought at least 2 squadrons of J-10Cs.

Considering all the noise being made in terms of pilot training, in case it's not a bluff, the J-31 could very well be inducted next year. The only problem being the Pakistanis lie a lot.

All these purchases are not destabilizing to the IAF though. Rafale and our latest SAMs are more than competitive with the J-31.

The PAF is in a pretty desperate spot after Swift Retreat. They don't want a repeat of that, which explains these knee-jerk purchases. Plus a large number of their jets are ready for retirement, including most of the F-16s. The JF-17 won't cut it. There are rumors that they will buy more J-10Cs, enough to replace all the F-16s.

As for how they are financing it, my guess is the Chinese are subsidizing a lot of it. This is something I've been warning about for many years. That also means the PAF is forced to buy whatever the Chinese believe is adequate for them. This can be a pretty humiliating experience for the Pakistanis.

In any case, it's a good purchase for this decade, but it's insufficient for the coming decade. By the end of the decade, we are planning to deploy a massive satellite-based surveillance system, passive, optical, thermal, SAR/ISAR. Something I had pointed out in favor of the SH in order to access the upcoming US system, but we are developing one of our own. Post that, we will be deploying LiDAR satellites as well, not to mention a GPS-class system.

So we are quickly entering a phase where countries like Pakistan cannot fight larger countries like India outside an alliance system. The same with the army and navy, extremely expensive, extremely destabilizing technologies are being developed at a tremendous rate. This is why Pakistan is being pushed out of India's security calculus when it comes to modernization. And AMCA (and MRFA) is central to such a network for the IAF. This is also why a knee-jerk response like buying Su-57M, F-35A or NGAD will be a temporary silver bullet solution that will only serve to bridge a gap for a short time before it becomes useless.
The J-31 is being developed for the PLAN as a carrier borne jet. The PLAAF hasn't expressed interest in it yet. I don't think the Pakistanis would want to foot the bill for creating a land based version.

The Chinese could build an export version for Pak but there won't be too many buyers beyond that. It won't exactly be cheap even by Chinese standards. Most low-income countries that have been Chinese clients would probably be happy with a decent 3.5/4G fighter.

Let's wait for the PAF to make an official announcement.

The Chinese may want to develop an F-35 equivalent single-engine jet using the WS-15 for commonality with the J-20, similar to the WS-10 being common to the J-10 and J11B/J-16.
They'll get J-31 because they know what these 36 Rafales of IAF are capable of. Their current J-10Cs and F-16s would get walloped badly by our F3Rs.
How could Pakistan just get something if they know what Rafales are capable of. Even I know what Rafales are capable of, will I also get J31s?
How could Pakistan just get something if they know what Rafales are capable of. Even I know what Rafales are capable of, will I also get J31s?
Do you need to fight and defend against Meteors fired by IAF Rafales? If yes, then contact Shenyang🤣
The Chinese may want to develop an F-35 equivalent single-engine jet using the WS-15 for commonality with the J-20, similar to the WS-10 being common to the J-10 and J11B/J-16.
Chinese UAVs are selling like hot cakes. As far as combat ac go, they have had only a few successes like the K8 and F7, both older gen ac.

I see brighter export prospects for the Yak130 derived L15 than any stealth fighter from China's stable. Even the Iranians chose the Su-35 over Chinese jets and they have deep ties with China's MIC.
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Why would I need to fight? "They'll get J-31 because they know what these 36 Rafales of IAF are capable of". I am simply extrapolating what you said.
PAF keeps a very keen eye on IAF's assets cause that's what they will face in real life war. They do regular exercises with other countries like China(to counter our MKIs) and with UAE(to understand Rafale's) capabilities.

The fact that they ordered 36 J-10Cs immediately after our Rafale acquisition and still are in process of acquiring J-31 speaks volumes about their perceived threat of IAF Rafales.

Happy now!
PAF keeps a very keen eye on IAF's assets cause that's what they will face in real life war. They do regular exercises with other countries like China(to counter our MKIs) and with UAE(to understand Rafale's) capabilities.

The fact that they ordered 36 J-10Cs immediately after our Rafale acquisition and still are in process of acquiring J-31 speaks volumes about their perceived threat of IAF Rafales.

Happy now!

I don't think Pakistan will be able to foot the bill of development of Airforce version of J31 ..

Incase they hitch hike Chinese naval version, we need to worry more, we ll have to even make our navy and coastal areas prepared for that.

Whether Chinese will provide them with missiles and bombs of latest generation that can go into internal weapon bay also needs to be seen.
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I don't think Pakistan will be able to foot the bill of development of Airforce version of J31 ..

Incase they hitch hike Chinese naval version, we need to worry more, we ll have to even make our navy and coastal areas prepared for that.

Whether Chinese will provide them with missiles and bombs of latest generation that can go into internal weapon bay also needs to be seen.
Only a matter of time before PAF turns into PLAAF part-2, lol. It's not about what Pak can afford or not when both USA & China are willing to help them as much as possible both financially and militarily(to contain India).

About latest weapons, well Chinese did give them export variant of their number 1 missile PL-15, so the answer is yes.
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Only a matter of time before PAF turns into PLAAF part-2, lol. It's not about what Pak can afford or not when both USA & China are willing to help them as much as possible both financially and militarily(to contain India).

About latest weapons, well Chinese did give them export variant of their number 1 missile PL-15, so the answer is yes.
Oh.. Just read PL15 can launched from IWB..
I have no knowledge about Chinese missiles & bombs.. Considering how mass manufacturing china does, there won't be any shortages of stocks.

Seems the limiting factor will be only the Pakistans affordability.

How IMF is funding Pakistan, despite knowing it's defense expenditure..

Time to shove Pak back into black zone of FATF.

Will J31 be able to use Saab Awacs?
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If J-31 is actually happening soon. You have to marvel at the dysfunction of the Pakistani state. In recent history, nothing really changed with respect to power balance against the IAF. Indian Air Force is actually at a number disadvantage if you consider the new assets PLAN introduced in the region. At the same time, the Pakistani economy actually tanked so hard that there is constant instability. At this juncture how can you purchase a band new expensive toy. It will not be a characteristic of a rational functional institution.
Oh.. Just read PL15 can launched from IWB..
I have no knowledge about Chinese missiles & bombs.. Considering how mass manufacturing china does, there won't be any shortages of stocks.

Seems the limiting factor will be only the Pakistans affordability.

How IMF is funding Pakistan, despite knowing it's defense expenditure..

Time to shove Pak back into black zone of FATF.

Will J31 be able to use Saab Awacs?
PL-15 was specifically designed to be carried in IWB of J-20. PAF logic is simple. They bought 500 AIM-120C5s in late 2000s to outstick IAF MKI + R-77 combo. But their equation went haywire when IAF Rafale F3R-I became operational with Meteor. They tried to counter that with J-10C + PL-15 combo. But the problem for them is that Meteor still outsticks PL-15 and Rafale's RCS is lower than J-10C. So what they did now?

They are going with J-31. Thanks to its stealth, J-31 would detect Rafale before being detected and that would increase the PK of PL-15 while eroding Meteor's long range/kinematic advantage.

They just don't want to lose the BVR advantage against IAF, period. What is our counter? Only one answer: Su-57M.
If J-31 is actually happening soon. You have to marvel at the dysfunction of the Pakistani state. In recent history, nothing really changed with respect to power balance against the IAF. Indian Air Force is actually at a number disadvantage if you consider the new assets PLAN introduced in the region. At the same time, the Pakistani economy actually tanked so hard that there is constant instability. At this juncture how can you purchase a band new expensive toy. It will not be a characteristic of a rational functional institution.
Janab hum ghass khayenge per atom bomb banayenge(eat grass but make atom bomb). You can call it dysfunction. I just call it religious fanaticism and jealousy. They just can't tolerate a superior India at any cost.
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