People's Liberation Army Air Force : News & Discussions

There are lot of hindus in Russia too, hindu doesn't means that an Indian. I beleive you are a Russian guy working for some Russian weapon industry.

There is nothing wrong in revealing your true identity if you are foreign national & part of a firm (directly or indirectly ).

@Picdelamirand-oil every body in this forum except some American /British guys respect him from our heart. He didn't come here as an indian and advertising for french weapons, thats the courage you need to have.
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By the way what you mean by sanatani.
Sanatan= Eternal. Those who follow the path of Eternal Lord.
He doesn't even understand 'Rajput' or 'Sanatan' and thinks I am Russian🤦‍♂️.

Having said that I always had a liking of Russian girls, always found them hot😍, lol.
That's a good point you make . As usual the Americans learn little from their own rich war time history . The F-4 introduced minus internal cannons is another good case in point. The US thought with the advent of missiles , cannons were a relic of the past as was close range dogfighting , yada yada till the VietCong made the American pilots think of JC every time they crossed paths with them in the skies.

A few phantoms phantommed by VietCong braves using archaic FA's like the Frescos & Farmers ie MiG -17 & MiG-19 & the US was scrambling to retro fit in a cannon . Earlier the aptly named Fagot trumped the US FAs in the Korean war till the Sabres rushed there by the US stemmed the haemorrhaging somewhat .

Bunch of trailer park clowns assigned for project management & battlefield tactics . Isn't it sweetie ? @Innominate

6 decades on , the same thinking persists . No dogfighting , first see first shoot , home safe & dry . As if the Chinese or the Russians discovered air warfare yesterday morning .
It is just their supremacy feelings. They find it hard to swallow that the best European fighter got clobbered by our Su-30 in both WVR and BVR. Thus claim that dogfighting is dead.

And yet even their super duper stealth F-35 carries an internal gun too, lol. Such hypocrisy.
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Sanatan= Eternal. Those who follow the path of Eternal Lord.

He doesn't even understand 'Rajput' or 'Sanatan' and thinks I am Russian🤦‍♂️.

Having said that I always had a liking of Russian girls, always found them hot😍, lol.
The "put" in your name representing "putin". "Raj" ofcourse is used to confuse us.
It's starting to get old and boring hearing about how this fighter is sooo super duper maneuverable that its dog fighting capabilities is unrivaled as if we're still living in the 90's. Dogfighting really is dead in todays air combat. WVR and dogfighting are not the same thing. If for some stupid reason you get into a WVR fight in todays air combat with latest avionics, missiles and HMD/JHMCS a turning fight will not be necessary. I don't know about Russian or Indian BVR missiles but modern US BVR missiles are all HOBS capable .

Funny that it's coming from you. The reality is it was the Mig-29 that taught this to the USAF firsthand after the Cold War. German Mig-29s made mincemeat out of both the F-15 and F-16 with Archers, and it signalled the end of traditional dogfighting that the USAF oh so relied on and proudly trained for. The lessons learned were incorporated by the USAF in later modernisations of both jets in the 2000s, like the JHMCS and AIM-9X. It was the USAF that was late to the party.

In the meantime, the Russians incorporated TVC with its excellent nose-pointing capabilities that further enhanced the HMDS + HOBS capability.

All RF BVR missiles are HOBS capable. If the seeker can reposition itself, that's HOBS. I am not aware of any BVR missile with a fixed RF seeker.
Could be a low band escort jammer like SAP-14??!! Not too sure.
neither am i. it's a FLIR pylon we see on the pic (CHW-13/YINGS II). i'd bet for targeting pod, (YINGS-III/Type 390?)

+ SAP-14 is deployed in a centerline pod:
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