Rafale DH/EH of Indian Air Force : News and Discussions

What I know from IN guys flying Mig-29K is that it has out performed nearly every aircraft of IAF. The Mig-29K has far more powerful engines with 92KN engines and that makes it a beast.

Really? Then what about the news from a couple years ago that the IN didn't like the MiG 29K and didn't want any more of them?
You are only saying this because of your hatred of the left. The fact is left saved the country. Right is runing it. Not only have they royally f**ked up the economy but their further f ups are gonna start.

You wanna know the REAL reason why Modi is supporting the Ambanis and Adanis? sAparrently he went to Korea and was very impressed. So after grand demonetization experiment he has started the next disaster - 'Indian Chaebol' system. Give the country off to a handful of Industrial families and in 5 years India will be South Korea. Of course Gujju families will be a good part of his 'list'. And to achieve this he ha started to 'divert' as many big contracts as possible to chaebolize the economy.

If not for me, then at least For the love of 250 crores in FD, please don't let this lunatic run loose. Apart from the fact that Korea is like half the size of TN, Koreans and every other country in the world calls the chaelbol system plain stupid and anti- competitive. Modi is a one term PM, the best we can have is him doing least damage before he buggers off.

Demonetization and GST brought companies to the book.

There will be before and after demonetization in auditor terms.

There cannot be cash on hand that can be misused . Because all cash had to be deposited at demonetization.
What I know from IN guys flying Mig-29K is that it has out performed nearly every aircraft of IAF. The Mig-29K has far more powerful engines with 92KN engines and that makes it a beast.

Can we buy Mig 29 k again , let IAF use it for few years until MMRCA gets inducted / next carrier gets ready ... Then transfer it to Navy ?
Can we buy Mig 29 k again , let IAF use it for few years until MMRCA gets inducted / next carrier gets ready ... Then transfer it to Navy ?
These are 3.5-4th Gen aircraft and we must not look to operate them beyond 2035. Mig-29K life reduces with every deck landing. Right now we must concentrate on maintaining a minimum acceptable force level. in that regard this purchase is good for short term mitigation of fleet size requirements. We are set to induct seven squadrons of aircraft in next three years. Two Su-30MKI sqns, two Rafale sqns, two LCA sqns and one Mig-29 if this deal goes thru.
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Demonetization and GST brought companies to the book.

There will be before and after demonetization in auditor terms.

There cannot be cash on hand that can be misused . Because all cash had to be deposited at demonetization.

Yes I agree. Demonetization curbed black money significantly. I know because I was purchaisng a house and the real estate market had been depressed because black money was sucked out.
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Yes I agree. Demonetization curbed black money significantly. I know because I was purchaisng a house and the real estate market had been depressed because black money was sucked out.
In less than three years, black money in circulation is back to pre demo levels. So what benefit did we get? We need to remove 2000 rupee notes from circulation asap.
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In less than three years, black money in circulation is back to pre demo levels. So what benefit did we get? We need to remove 2000 rupee notes from circulation asap.

A Month before elections would be perfect time to announce.
Can curb money for vote too.

If possible 500 ₹ too later on to promote digital payments.

Up to 200 ₹ note will be enough for basic daily requirements.
In less than three years, black money in circulation is back to pre demo levels. So what benefit did we get? We need to remove 2000 rupee notes from circulation asap.

well some black money may have come back but the systemic shock made people realize after decades that government will no longer take a 'chalta hai' attitude. This kind of radical action may be unlikely but not impossible. I think there is fundamental change in the kind of behavior among a lot of people.
In less than three years, black money in circulation is back to pre demo levels. So what benefit did we get? We need to remove 2000 rupee notes from circulation asap.
Coming from mumbai, I can tell you that the black money component has been reduced to less than 5℅ on all property deals. In fact prominent builders have completely stopped the practise. The same is true for the real estate scenario in Pune. That's a significant improvement. Prior to demonetization, it used to vary between 10-25% on all such deals.

You ought to look at gold purchases too. Frankly, up until 2014, nearly 90% of such transactions used to be cash based with hardly any invoiced. It's a sea change compared to the past today.
What I know from IN guys flying Mig-29K is that it has out performed nearly every aircraft of IAF. The Mig-29K has far more powerful engines with 92KN engines and that makes it a beast.

Nothing surprising there. But its current avionics build is inferior to the IAF's Mig-29UPG, so it definitely needs modernisation.
China already has over 20 J-20 in service. By the time we are done inducting 36 Rafale, they will have 50 or more.

Rafale is not a match for the J-20. It might not be a match to the Su-35's or the AESA equipped Su-27 clones either which mass in the 100's.

If Paakis get the new J-31 then we risk being out-gunned on both fronts.

The only solution is to buy F-35 despite all the strings attached.
China already has over 20 J-20 in service. By the time we are done inducting 36 Rafale, they will have 50 or more.

Rafale is not a match for the J-20. It might not be a match to the Su-35's or the AESA equipped Su-27 clones either which mass in the 100's.

If Paakis get the new J-31 then we risk being out-gunned on both fronts.

The only solution is to buy F-35 despite all the strings attached.

The F-35 will face performance issues in our theatre. We need an air superiority fighter. We can absorb F-35Bs into the navy, but not the air force.

What we will need is the Rafale F4 at the minimum in order to counter the J-20. But PAK FA is more preferable.

The only advantage we have is even the J-20 will be constrained operating from Tibetan heights.
The F-35 will face performance issues in our theatre. We need an air superiority fighter. We can absorb F-35Bs into the navy, but not the air force.

What we will need is the Rafale F4 at the minimum in order to counter the J-20. But PAK FA is more preferable.

The only advantage we have is even the J-20 will be constrained operating from Tibetan heights.
One F-35 is equivalent to 20 F-15's so maybe over 40 Rafales'. That's performance for you. You need to once again update your knowledge base.......from 1980s to the 21st century. There is no performance shortfall for a 5th gen fighter that will stop it from crushing a 4th gen fighter at long ranges.