Rafale DH/EH of Indian Air Force : News and Discussions

I have full confidence that any European-led collaborative defense program will be over budget, behind schedule and underwhelming... looking at you NH90. It's a theme. The more nations you put on a program the more program requirements you have to full-fill and meet for each nation's national defence requirements and this in turn both complicates the development cycle and increases cost. This is by no means a European problem, in fact it's rather common.

Like usual I want Norway to have nothing to do with the rest of Europe outside of the Nordic Bloc and Russia and that includes the FCAS program.

So if I'm reading you correctly, you're saying that Pakistan isn't buying 24 new F-16s for 150 million $:ROFLMAO:.

In any event the F-21 is a turd, and while I do respect the capabilities of the F-16 Block 70 for nations already using the F-16 with an active industrial base and support infrastructure, it's a joke of an aircraft as far as India is concerned. Sexy, but a joke.


I think Pakistan over ruled the US conditions during 27 Feb attack..

And got to fly back after meeting the Trump & agreeing for more intrusive monitoring..

Off late Pakistan is worried more about the perception..

They ve been added to black list in Asia Pacific group, yet they are claiming massive diplomatic win..


If India has the capabilities to build the avionic systems , will likely do it alone.

Now we are dependent on others.. More of buyer than true partner.

We have huge requirements, we won't need to partner others for the sake of economic production scale. But others can utilize our requirements ..
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Is the rafale going to get a 2 way datalink for meteor in future?
Depends on whether any customer will require this capacity. So far, none (from French air force and navy, Egypt, Qatar, and Indian Air Force) have.
Also how good is the fso irst sensor in rafale compared to the long wave irst PIRATE in eurofighter?
It cannot possibly be worse than PIRATE.
Work is also underway to enhance the aircraft’s Passive Infrared Airborne Track Equipment (Pirate), the Typhoon’s infrared search and track sensor mounted just ahead of the cockpit. Typhoon operators have struggled with the system’s reliability, but Flynn says the team is taking a “fly-fix-fly” approach to improving the sensor’s “reliability and robustness,” with the upgrade introducing a passive nighttime detection capability.
So now you are eating your own words? Even this statement of yours too signifies that it was not Russian fault due to which we didn't get full tot of su30mki.

They have and they will. Due to US sanctions they are desperate for big defence deals that is why if they couldn't provide full tot then no one else too.
Regarding to your second part even our IAF chief said mig 35 is a totally new aircraft with new radar, sensors and avionics. Please recall 7 years ago mig 29m2 was rejected on this very basis of having old tech but Russians have improved much from then.
I agree SU 57 tech is interesting but since it is totally different fighter for totally different role there is no point in discussing it. Additionally I have doubt that Russians will provide us tech of this aircraft.

Sir the cost of airframe and engine renewal is something you have to incur once in a year or 2 but fly hour cost is something you have to bear daily that is why even if we accept your data as such still mig 35 is overall cheaper than Rafale.

I refrain from further arguing this point as everything will be clear in coming years.
Hay vstol fanboy. Educate yourself and be respectful to senior members. Your opinions and 'facts' are useless and they are taking up valuable storage space of the internet.

I-Derby ER is far less than K77-M.
Just like mega pixel in a camera spec, range is not the only parameter which matters for missile.

Who told you IN wants 200 fighters??
IN has a long term prospective plan document.

ase read my comment again
Had enough :cry:
Hay vstol fanboy. Educate yourself and be respectful to senior members. Your opinions and 'facts' are useless and they are taking up valuable storage space of the internet.

Just like mega pixel in a camera spec, range is not the only parameter which matters for missile.

IN has a long term prospective plan document.

Had enough :cry:
1- Kindly answer me when I was being disrespectful? On the other hand your barb surely comes in this category.
2- Other factors like AESA seeker etc are also most advance in k77-M that is why everyone is considering it the world's deadliest AAM. You can check yourself.
3- I already have conceded that point.
4- Then go and read comics😊😊😊😊
M53's SCB will not give K10 a high TWR though.
It's mainly a question of life time, more than thrust.
The real question is : how skilled is the ultra high range metallurgical process in India?
Producing concrete metal rods is one thing. A last gen crystal blade serial produced totally another one.
To be ready to produced on a industrial basis M53 like blades is already a nice achievement.

Question : is the steel used to built Indian Scorpene subs produced locally?
It's mainly a question of life time, more than thrust.
The real question is : how skilled is the ultra high range metallurgical process in India?
Producing concrete metal rods is one thing. A last gen crystal blade serial produced totally another one.
To be ready to produced on a industrial basis M53 like blades is already a nice achievement.

This is a govt release from a decade ago.
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is developing Kaveri engine for Light Comber Aircraft (LCA). The technologies / productions of Kaveri engine which attained maturity during the development process are given below:

(i) All major engine sub-assemblies have been tested for aerodynamic performance and structural integrity (life & safety) requirements from qualification point of view.

(ii) Critical sub-systems have been developed.

(iii) Full authority Kaveri Digital engine Control System (KADECS) has been designed and developed.

(iv) Various critical technologies in the fields of instrumentation/measurement, health monitoring, data acquisition, etc. have been developed.

(v) Twelve materials (Titanium, Steel and super alloys) have been developed and type certified.

(vi) Directionally Solidified (DS) casting technology and high temperature tip brazing technology for the High Pressure and Low Pressure turbine blades & vanes have been developed.

(vii) Adequate manufacturing technology base has been established.

The reasons for the delay in developing the said engine are as follows:-

(i) Non-availability of critical materials, viz., nickel and titanium based alloys in the country.

(ii) Low priority from foreign manufacturing agencies in view of the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) vis-à-vis the production order quantity from other engine houses.

(iii) Lack of manufacturing infrastructure for critical components.

(iv) Flying Test Bed (FTB) trials were not originally envisaged but included subsequently, based on the recommendations of Certification Agency and IAF.

(v) US sanctions imposed during 1998 affected the delivery of critical systems & components.

(vi) Lack of infrastructure of engine testing and component / system level testing within the country leading to dependency on foreign agencies.

Kaveri engine testing under simulated altitude and forward speed conditions during February 2010 has been successfully completed. Another engine has been integrated with IL-76 aircraft at Gromov Flight Research Institute (GFRI), Moscow for ground and flight test which is expected to complete by October 2010.


Since then we have progressed a lot.



The idea behind getting French ToT is to quickly get a working engine so we can use it on existing programs instead of importing engines. If this fails, then we are back to taking the long road.

As mentioned in the pics, these Indian SCBs are far more advanced than what's on the AL-31FP. And we produce AL-31FP's SCBs in India itself.
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1- Kindly answer me when I was being disrespectful? On the other hand your barb surely comes in this category.
2- Other factors like AESA seeker etc are also most advance in k77-M that is why everyone is considering it the world's deadliest AAM. You can check yourself.
3- I already have conceded that point.
4- Then go and read comics😊😊😊😊
1) So basically you do know know what you dont know
2) The Vympel is flying with AESA seeker only in your mystical land of BS.:LOL:
3) Because vstol said so
4) why when you are here.

It seems so sir. If giving a senior member some respect makes me a fanboy then I am okay with it.
cute :sleep:
1) So basically you do know know what you dont know
2) The Vympel is flying with AESA seeker only in your mystical land of BS.:LOL:
3) Because vstol said so
4) why when you are here.
1- Read again I have asked him what it is said by me that he found offensive.
And yeah I too have the right to convey my feelings for something said to me which I found offensive.
2- I am fed up arguing this point. Let us wait for the production of K77-M .
3- I just wanted to confirm it from multiple sources.
4- If you find my thoughts so useless then why did you even bother answering them?
No one can challenge your intellect sir. I was talking to your protege.
He is not my Protege. I do my best to answer everyone who asks for any information. K series missiles have been specially developed for Su-57 and K-77M has an AESA seeker. It was supposed to enter production in 2018 end after completing trials. But it is still not clear if it has actually entered production. If it is operationally available, it will be part of IAF inventory also. The only BVRAAM in production with AESA seeker today is Japanese AAM4B. The same seeker is now being modified to fit Meteor.
1- Read again I have asked him what it is said by me that he found offensive.
And yeah I too have the right to convey my feelings for something said to me which I found offensive.
2- I am fed up arguing this point. Let us wait for the production of K77-M .
3- I just wanted to confirm it from multiple sources.
4- If you find my thoughts so useless then why did you even bother answering them?
Not a place to discuss your feelings !. See how you ruined a good thread with your feelings.

He is not my Protege. I do my best to answer everyone who asks for any information. K series missiles have been specially developed for Su-57 and K-77M has an AESA seeker. It was supposed to enter production in 2018 end after completing trials. But it is still not clear if it has actually entered production. If it is operationally available, it will be part of IAF inventory also. The only BVRAAM in production with AESA seeker today is Japanese AAM4B. The same seeker is now being modified to fit Meteor.
This is common knowledge.
2- Other factors like AESA seeker etc are also most advance in k77-M that is why everyone is considering it the world's deadliest AAM.
I was answering to this. Calling yet to even 'test fire' missile best in the world. The original K77 was one of the worst BVR even the Russians didn't use it (Till recently). Even our CAG pointed it out when IN ordered the the missile.

Arrogantly making statements and questioning others without understanding basics is a behaviour we shouldn't encourage.
Not a place to discuss your feelings !. See how you ruined a good thread with your feelings.

This is common knowledge.

I was answering to this. Calling yet to even 'test fire' missile best in the world. The original K77 was one of the worst BVR even the Russians didn't use it (Till recently). Even our CAG pointed it out when IN ordered the the missile.

Arrogantly making statements and questioning others without understanding basics is a behaviour we shouldn't encourage.
1- So you are basically saying everyone has the right to say to point out to someone that he is offending him except me???? Even in this comment of yours you too get personal and expressed your ' feelings' towards me. Come on don't try to fool me
On the question of ruining the thread it maybe your perspective I just tried to gain more knowledge related to the topic and answered some very unnecessary barb.

3- Read again I didn't claim it is the world's best missile I was saying that there are some groups which consider it the deadliest which it may if it's advertised specs comes into reality.