Probably not 100%.the French wanted to make 100% of the Rafale's engine and airframe in India during MMRCA
For exemple I don't think possible and affordable to produce M88 crystal blades in India.
Same for some electronic core sub systems.
Probably not 100%.the French wanted to make 100% of the Rafale's engine and airframe in India during MMRCA
YOU ARE DEEPLY WRONG ABOUT RAFALE.MKI was a badly negotiated deal and this world you don't get what you deserve but what you negotiate. Stop putting the blame on other side for your incompetence. Now Russians are ready to provide 100% technology which I bet France will never provide.
I don't know from where did you get this information but it is not true. FHC of Rafale is $45000 whereas in case of mig 35 it is $35000.
And yes there will be a stealth LCA
No. It can engage 64 targets and 32 groud targets .Radar is excellent and can simultaneously engage 16 aerial targets and 4 ground targets far more than Rafale.
In defence products sir cost always exceeds the expectations performance not so often.YOU ARE DEEPLY WRONG ABOUT RAFALE.
French Senate report calculate it to 14000 Euros if I remember well.
Yeah and you are a dopeNo. It can engage 64 targets and 32 groud targets .![]()
In the Rafale case it's not an appealing marketing data from Dassault, but the real cost calculated by French govt.In defence products sir cost always exceeds the expectations performance not so often.
So what?? Just because government is involved it doesn't mean expenses will be in control. In real world governments are more notorious for cost overruns. F22 is a classic example.In the Rafale case it's not an appealing marketing data from Dassault, but the real cost calculated by French govt.
The Rafale programme has shown that we do not save money by making a cooperative programme.That's what I said:
"Hence all the joint risk-sharing & cost-sharing partnerships in Europe "
It was from a yearly report on defense expenditures, how much money was actually spent for real and where.So what?? Just because government is involved it doesn't mean expenses will be in control. In real world governments are more notorious for cost overruns. F22 is a classic example.
Probably not 100%.
For exemple I don't think possible and affordable to produce M88 crystal blades in India.
Same for some electronic core sub systems.
The Rafale programme has shown that we do not save money by making a cooperative programme.
Normally, cooperation makes it possible to share development costs and benefit from reduced production costs due to the larger volume to be produced. But in fact the increase in cost due to technocracy more than compensates for these advantages.
BreakFCAS may tell us whether it's a make or break.
Spanish defense contractors are itching to get a piece of FCAS
I have no confidence in Germany for such a program. Dassault wants subcontractors to be selected on the basis of merit, and Germany will require that this be on a pro rata basis. And so we will select inefficient companies which will increase costs.So you have no confidence in the program at all?
I have no confidence in Germany for such a program. Dassault wants subcontractors to be selected on the basis of merit, and Germany will require that this be on a pro rata basis. And so we will select inefficient companies which will increase costs.
Taiwan already has base, training, simulator, maintenance program everything. .
Cost comes to 120 million $ a pop even after that.
Not exactly cheaper.
I have full confidence that any European-led collaborative defense program will be over budget, behind schedule and underwhelming... looking at you NH90. It's a theme. The more nations you put on a program the more program requirements you have to full-full and meet for each nation's national defence requirements. This is by no means a European problem, in fact it's rather common.
Like usual I want Norway to have nothing to do with the rest of Europe outside of the Nordic Bloc and Russia and that includes the FCAS program.
So if I'm reading you correctly, you're saying that Pakistan isn't buying 24 new F-16s for 150 million $.
In any event the F-21 is a turd, and while I do respect the capabilities of the F-16 Block 70 for nations already using and the F-16 with an active industrial base and support infrastructure, it's a joke of an aircraft as far as India is concerned. Sexy, but a joke.
There are différents générations of crystal blades...That's how it was during MMRCA. Now, it's up to profitability.
But I think if we are to make K10 with new SCBs, which will be made in India if the deal works out, then the same thing can become part of the Rafale production also.
As for electronics, ToT will be significantly less there. I was talking only about airframe and engine.
Not in the Neuron case. The sole and only solution is to have a sole ans strong technical leader.The Rafale programme has shown that we do not save money by making a cooperative programme.
Normally, cooperation makes it possible to share development costs and benefit from reduced production costs due to the larger volume to be produced. But in fact the increase in cost due to technocracy more than compensates for these advantages.