I have seen some Indian claiming Pakistani army/infantry is better equipped than the Indian counterpart , which looks like a 3rd world country.
Any experts opinion where we are exactly standing in terms of modernization cycle when it comes to these two nation and of course the mother Russia
Thanks in advance
*Not an expert ;Overview based on my observation :
Yes,Pakistani army gear,small weapons,border infrastructure has been better than India in most cases.It is mostly because Pakistani army is the main power center ,it result in better financial allotment ,spending and decision making.Their military procurement is more efficient due to this,however it is also marred by corruption and abuse of power.Pakistan does not have a big economy like India,despite of this they do make good utilization of the resources in hand,as far as military procurement is concerned.

However,in recent time Indian army has made significant gains in weapons ,gear and infrastructure which is an ongoing process.New helmets,BPJ,rifles have been procured whereas new plate carriers,boots,combat fatigue,bags are in line,similarly the border infrastructure has got a big boost in form of anti infiltration grid ,cameras sensor and radars .If the modernization continues at a brisk pace they might soon takeover Pakistan in terms of gear,weapons and infrastructure.On the other hand the modernization in Pakistani army has either become slow or stagnant due to fund crunch .Bad economy has adversely affected there procurement plans and all the major upgrade have been put on hold due to lack of money.Bottom line is both the armies are undergoing the process of modernization,how effectively it is done only time will tell,maybe around ten years from now.
None the less,I feel we should set higher standard than the Pakistan army when looking for modernization .Of course it is not practically viable to compete with US army in term of fund and resources spend on each soldier ,however it is possible to develop cheaper,made in India alternatives to various gear used by them,albeit at a slightly lower quality.I find no reason on why we can't leapfrog our modernization at a fraction of cost .
When we talk about modernization leapfrog is a key word.We should not look towards the present standard but the futuristic,upcoming technologies. For example take the case of new ballistic helmet of Indian army,I am disappointed with it,we should have aimed toward better design,better modularity,better protection with it,instead of going with old PASGAT style.For example here is the new US army helmet :

One thing I sincerely wish to see standardized in our armed forces is some kind of ear protection,whether it is ear plug or muff.One hazard a soldier is constantly exposed to is high decibel sounds ,a constant exposure to them adversely affect the ear drums,ear protection have been overlooked and undermined till now in Indian army.A domestic ,cheaper alternative to peltor with hearing protection,enhanced listening and hands free two way communication is something a soldier should have.