No one thinks MKI is a liability? The poster who just posted before you, i.e.,
@Hydra, lol
Anyways, I am not talking about Super Sukhoi upgrade(it was always a marketing term given for MKI MLU).
I am talking about our current plane, i.e., SU-30MKI and calling it super flanker. Su27 was flanker while old SU27M i.e., old SU35 was termed super flanker. Later SU37 was presented as tech demonstrator. Our MKI is like twin seat version of SU37 terminator, hence called super flanker(by fanboys I must add

We have won multiple wars with
Russian weapons. And MKI has serious Indian content inside which is increasing with time. You can diss it all you want, but when the balloon goes up, MKI is still our enemy's biggest headache.