Sukhoi Su-30MKI

I know it's the in thing to do HAL bashing and it's so called slow production rate, but would just like to point out, HAL is unmatched when it comes to manufacturing, once it's lines matures, it churns out a/c's at a pretty rapid rate, At peak production we churned out 49 Mig21's in a year; also ALH was delivered before schedule, and not one or two but 30 Helis were built before schedule for the Army and the IAF. Once LCA line is setup and adequate VSA;s happen, production volume will more than double for HAL.

NEW DELHI: With India and Pakistan sabre-rattling over cross-border skirmishes, a distressing fact about India’s premier fighter jets has come to light. According to sources, over 20 SU-30 MKI fighters, the backbone of the Indian Air Force, are lying with Hindustan Aeronautics for overhaul and are not available for combat.

While HAL has 15 overhauling lines, it could service only 10 aircraft last year. MoD sources highlighted the problem and said that “assuming the massive effect of the problem, remedial measures have been taken.”

“The delay is of three years. While the HAL had 15 overhauling/serving lines and it was not able to complete the task, Air Force’s Base Repair Depots have set up 10 additional lines to make up for the loss of time,” added the sources.

HAL sources said the aim is to bring the time period for overhauling/serving to 22 months in the next two years and then the BRD will assist in bringing it down to 15 months.

Every IAF fighter aircraft goes to HAL for major overhauling and servicing. In case of Sukhois, they are due for overhauling after completing 1,200 hours of flying time. The minor overhauling of the IAF aircraft and helicopters is done at the unit level.

Initially, the schedule to complete the overhauling was 14 months but HAL wanted the time raised to 22 months. However, HAL has not been able to meet even this target as it takes around 27 months to overhaul/service one SU 30 MKI. This delay has caused a number of Sukhois to be non-operational.

The matter assumes significance in the light of losses of fighters in recent months. This year, the number of fighter squadrons is down to 30 against the authorised strength of 42.

Servicing delays ground India’s best fighter jets SU-30 MKI

This is very bad.:( Good that we have BRD to compare with !
Servicing delays ground India’s best fighter jets SU-30 MKI

This is very bad.:( Good that we have BRD to compare with !

11 BRD just started overhauling last year while HAL in 2015. I think BRD did 2 overhauls in the first year, not sure.
It was negotiated with Russia to overhaul Su-30mki after 1,500 flying hours or 14 years from earlier 1200 hours as reported in the article. At present its 12 Su-30/year for HAL and will do 25 in future while BRD 10 so 35/year in total. Present infra will be used for repair & overhauls after production ends.
BRD's work ethics is far superior to the one in HAL for obvious reasons.

Overhauling has began ar a slow rate, but upgradation no news ?

What happened to plan of upgrading while overhauling ?

Btw Derby i ER bought by india ?
Su 30 mki AAM ~ does it have Israeli missiles ?
Overhauling has began ar a slow rate, but upgradation no news ?

What happened to plan of upgrading while overhauling ?

Btw Derby i ER bought by india ?
Su 30 mki AAM ~ does it have Israeli missiles ?

Upgrade stuck.
Derby ER for tejas not russian radar.
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i think we should get new derby for MKI as they promised 80% meteor performance at one third of cost. Meteor anyways not coming for MKI

Derby cannot be integrated on the MKI for the same reason why Meteor couldn't. Israelis won't integrate it with the Russian radar.

Only next-gen Russian AAMs can replace the current R-77/R-73/R-27s on MKI. Or ofcourse, Indian missiles.
Astra Mk2 is coming up, and SFDR will follow. There's also the K-77M, which is in the same category as Astra Mk2 and i-Derby ER.
But when? long range BVR are needed now, to tip air balance in our favor, right now its too much closely contested for comfort. Infact all different types of planes IAF operates needs a urgent updated longer range air-to-air missiles, wont like to talk of full/super updates, like that for MKI its is like a egg which never hatches, as no hen yet arrived to sit on it & doesn't want to either to start the must do process.
But when? long range BVR are needed now, to tip air balance in our favor, right now its too much closely contested for comfort. Infact all different types of planes IAF operates needs a urgent updated longer range air-to-air missiles, wont like to talk of full/super updates, like that for MKI its is like a egg which never hatches, as no hen yet arrived to sit on it & doesn't want to either to start the must do process.

In a few months we will get Meteor on Rafales. And Astra Mk1 deliveries will also start this year, this one is equivalent to the AMRAAM C5 in range. We are pretty good on the long range BVR aspect.
In a few months we will get Meteor on Rafales. And Astra Mk1 deliveries will also start this year, this one is equivalent to the AMRAAM C5 in range. We are pretty good on the long range BVR aspect.
What about the integration of ASTRA on Rafale? it was said some years ago...
Derby cannot be integrated on the MKI for the same reason why Meteor couldn't. Israelis won't integrate it with the Russian radar.

Only next-gen Russian AAMs can replace the current R-77/R-73/R-27s on MKI. Or ofcourse, Indian missiles.
You have to integrate RBE2 AESA with a bigger antenna on super Sukhoi and Meteor...
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Outgunned By Pak F-16s, IAF Plans To Re-Arm Its Sukhois With Israeli Missiles

@randomradio ; @vstol Jockey

Excerpt from the article -

IAF sources told NDTV, ''The Astra is in development. We have ordered fifty (missiles) of the limited series production.'' Ultimately, though, the air force wants an extended-range variant of the missile. ''It will take ten years to get the Astra Mk2 in our inventory," say sources, a reason why integration of the I-Derby is being seen as a priority.

10 years to develop the Astra Mk2??