Sukhoi Su-30MKI

I am referring to IAF taking a million years to finalise Super Sukhoi package
While Forgetting the fact that its R 77 are out
Ranged by Amraam C5
That is because we are cheap and till use RVV AE, instead of RVV SD. There is also K77M Aesa in development and finally there is also the RVV BD options in the R37 flavor. Aim 120C5 outguns our wallets, not russian tech.

It can not even properly use R77 given its
Obsolete Radar
No Kopyo 3's can use RVV AE's pretty well.

PAF lost F 16 to a R73 and its AmraamsC 5
Missed their target
I have repeated this to over enthusiastic members here quite a few times, R73 is an outstanding missile in today's world and not going anywhere. No matter who the opposition is, if it has a glowing end and you shoot a r73 in that direction, it's going down.

MiG 21 wont play much of a Role next time
As long as they are flying, they have a role to play, evident by the fact that it brought down a F16.
PKS is of the opinion that I Derby ER will never be integrated with the MKI as Russia would never share the source code of BARS PESA Radar with the Israelis. Your opinion?
Derby already tested on MKI, @Vstoljockey can comment, the derby we got in Nashik was from the batch earmarked for the navy.
Claims. That's it.

Hmm. I might get more information once it enters service, or when DRDO starts showing off their upcoming missiles.

Anyway, I have a theory. Range changes drastically based on altitude.


AFAIK, the Astra's official range is 75Km. But they don't mention the altitude.

The officially claimed range and altitude for Astra is 44Km at 8Km altitude. From the above graph, at 8Km, we barely get something like 35Km. So Astra Mk1 most definitely outranges the R-77 by a decent margin. And do note that this was likely the target for development.

There's more. Livefist came out with this article.
the Astra roared through thin air over a steady cloud deck over 50 kilometers from the jet that fired it, finally smashing into a bright orange British-built BTT-3 Banshee target drone.

Notice that the Banshee was destroyed from a distance of over 50Km.

Now, the BTT Banshee has a max altitude of 7Km.

Even if the Banshee was flying at an altitude of 7Km, it goes to show that the missile actually has more range than the advertised 44Km at 8Km.

The Livefist article continues...
Later that day, the same Su-30 jet fired another missile, this time at a range much closer to the missile’s maximum range of 75 kilometers. This time too, the weapon blew effortlessly apart its target.

Here, the nature of the target is not mentioned, just that it's a drone. But if the same drone was used, then a 75Km range at 7Km altitude would be a real eye opener. The 50Km range alone comfortably outranges the R-77 by a very massive margin, let alone 75Km.

Basically, if the Astra comfortably managed a range of 50Km at 7Km, to the point where even the target was destroyed, then the missile is most definitely competitive with the Aim-120C5's range performance.
PKS is of the opinion that I Derby ER will never be integrated with the MKI as Russia would never share the source code of BARS PESA Radar with the Israelis. Your opinion?

We had no problems with integration of Astra on MKI, so that means we have the source code of the radar necessary for such integration.

So all we need is the source code of the Derby ER, which I'm sure the Israelis will have no problems giving to us. They are already giving us a whole lot more through the Barak program after all.

Stop reading PKS. Just read the brochures he posts, don't bother with anything else.
ASRAAM we are getting. That is the best thing out there in WVR (but it has much more decent range for a wvr missile). But with MBDA it will be hard for us to add it to our MKI or UPG fleet.

Our French fighters will have MICA, that too is really good, second only to ASRAAM i think.

But R73 is really an effective missile. Its cheap compared to others and gets the work done. Hopefully if we get some features of Python 5 on future R73 purchases , that would be great.

There's nothing which Pakistan or China will get even in next decade which will get anything close to us in WVR Heat seaking missiles.

For BVR engagement our French fighters will have MICA EM for regular fights and Meteor. Both world beaters. For LCA I Derby, again good enough. And then Astra will be cheap and efficient BVR produced in large numbers. For Su30MKI MLU we need to see what BVR Russia is offering. All in all we are good.

For Pakistan, their best BVR is AIM120 C5. It arms only 63 F16s (45 AM/BM version and 18 Block 52 , the ADF versions are literally 3rd hand fighters who cannot use these missiles). That is a real limited number of fighters.

Their next best thing is SD10, a chinese knock off of earlier version of R77 arming their JF17s.

Our oldest R77 in our inventory will perform better than those. That's it.
Sir. Agreed. But Astra Mk2 is still far from being a reality.
Not correct. Astra Mk2 is closer to reality than you think. All the main components are already tested and validated on mk1 and NGARM.
Major upgrades like laser proximity fuze (LPF) and dual-pulse solid rocket motor are part of the NGARM which was tested earlier this year.

That is because we are cheap and till use RVV AE, instead of RVV SD. There is also K77M Aesa in development and finally there is also the RVV BD options in the R37 flavor. Aim 120C5 outguns our wallets, not russian tech.

No Kopyo 3's can use RVV AE's pretty well.

I have repeated this to over enthusiastic members here quite a few times, R73 is an outstanding missile in today's world and not going anywhere. No matter who the opposition is, if it has a glowing end and you shoot a r73 in that direction, it's going down.

As long as they are flying, they have a role to play, evident by the fact that it brought down a F16.

You quoted my post after so many days that
I had to go back to read what I had written and why :LOL:

Any way , I think that next time Surgical Strike 3 .0 will be with Brahmos

Both on the Terror camp as well as Pakistani Radars and SAM sites
You quoted my post after so many days that
I had to go back to read what I had written and why :LOL:

Any way , I think that next time Surgical Strike 3 .0 will be with Brahmos

Both on the Terror camp as well as Pakistani Radars and SAM sites
Sorry, A seeker which can tranmit is also a receiver. Does that mean anything to you? And why are we going for only Ku/Ka band seekers?
Yes it can be but only for a few frequencies. But based on very accurate position feed, it can target any feature on ground.

What is the best way to Target SAM sites

US uses Tomahawk Salvos , Anti Radiation
Missiles Fired from Fighter Planes have limited Ranges

Next Time we will have to destroy their
Radars , before we can reach our Targets
What is the best way to Target SAM sites

US uses Tomahawk Salvos , Anti Radiation
Missiles Fired from Fighter Planes have limited Ranges

Next Time we will have to destroy their
Radars , before we can reach our Targets
The best way possible is to use embedded decoys. This will cause the enemy to switch on his radars and than these radars can be taken out by either anti-radiation missiles or by normal brahmos after geplocating their accurate positions thru intercepts or satellites.
The best way possible is to use embedded decoys. This will cause the enemy to switch on his radars and than these radars can be taken out by either anti-radiation missiles or by normal brahmos after geplocating their accurate positions thru intercepts or satellites.

What is the use of Satellites

We were told that Satellites can map out location of Everything

Whether a Radar is On or Off does not matter , once we know its location , it is enough

The Recent ELINT satellite was supposed
To SNIFF out Radars , why cant we use that
What is the use of Satellites

We were told that Satellites can map out location of Everything

Whether a Radar is On or Off does not matter , once we know its location , it is enough

The Recent ELINT satellite was supposed
To SNIFF out Radars , why cant we use that
Satellites cannot pick up a radar if it's not transmitting.
The Recent ELINT satellite was supposed
To SNIFF out Radars , why cant we use that
Satellites cannot pick up a radar if it's not transmitting.
Exactly, you need to have the radars transmitting to be able to pick it up and than pin point its location. It is for this reason I had mentioned decoys which will force the enemy to transmit and expose itself.
What is the best way to Target SAM sites

US uses Tomahawk Salvos , Anti Radiation
Missiles Fired from Fighter Planes have limited Ranges

Next Time we will have to destroy their
Radars , before we can reach our Targets
The cheapest way is rental holy warriors.