Sukhoi Su-30MKI

are you saying smoothing of the structure is also the part of upgrade plan, in that case we would end up changing lot of exposed structure with composites which is good but then cost?

I don't have the details obviously. If I did, I wouldn't be on this forum.
Yes, it is. The F-35's SDR currently lacks video functions, while the one we are buying does. Heaven and hell difference between the two considering the kind of bitrates you need for video. So obviously you can infer a lot of other ways it can be superior, like the transfer of real time maps.

All SDR Comms of US Forces are basically Link 16. and they can support multiple Video feeds. F 35 goes to the extent of having augumented reality feeds, video and other real time data juxtaposed, layered and dispaleyd in one continious dispaly. With helmet display system, it is isn in self has 360 Awareness of the battle field. Compared to that a Video capable SDR is like Inventing the television, while Others are on Microsoft Hololens.
All SDR Comms of US Forces are basically Link 16. and they can support multiple Video feeds. F 35 goes to the extent of having augumented reality feeds, video and other real time data juxtaposed, layered and dispaleyd in one continious dispaly. With helmet display system, it is isn in self has 360 Awareness of the battle field. Compared to that a Video capable SDR is like Inventing the television, while Others are on Microsoft Hololens.

The F-35's SDR doesn't support video feed while the Israeli one does. As for user interface, that's an entirely different thing.

That's also why LM is now contracting a company to enable live video feed as a future upgrade.
The F-35's SDR doesn't support video feed while the Israeli one does. As for user interface, that's an entirely different thing.

That's also why LM is now contracting a company to enable live video feed as a future upgrade.

F35 is literally using space age comms and you are saying that SDR of CNI Suite of F35 that has commissioned capacity of High speed broadband connectivity doesnn't have video feed/visual comms. The only thing that the F35 lacks is an effing warp drive.
F35 is literally using space age comms and you are saying that SDR of CNI Suite of F35 that has commissioned capacity of High speed broadband connectivity doesnn't have video feed/visual comms. The only thing that the F35 lacks is an effing warp drive.

There are a lot of things on the F-35 which are previous generation compared to what's been released now.

For example, the IRST is outdated by today's standards. It's back on the upgrade list. Obviously the radar is now outdated with the stuff that's coming out. Even the cheapest of modern radars are GaN now. For example, the Italians have released a new GaN radar under the Grifo family.

And, as I pointed out before, the SDR of the F-35 lacks a live video feature, which is also part of the upgrade list. It lacks a rover capability.

They are yet to develop the capability. The Link 16 is incapable of handling this function.

Otoh, we have decided to use the Rafael BNET, which, unlike the F-35, is backward compatible with old radios and interfaces also. So not only live video feed, but full interconnectivity throughout our entire fleet. And while the F-35 development is still incomplete, our BNET order is already being implemented.

AFAIK, the Israelis will be using their own SDR in the F-35I, as part of their customised order.

Indian Air Force will be participating in its biggest joint air exercise of 2019, with the French Air Force (IAF) in France from 01-14 July 19. The IAF contingent will set course for the exercise tomorrow.