Sukhoi Su-30MKI

This picture tells the true story. Su-30MKI are flying clean while Rafale are flying with two D/Ts each. Long back I had written about how people have mislead Indians regarding the Range and weapons load capability of Rafale w.r.t SU-30MKI.
1) It is a french AF standard config.
2) Su30 is refuelling ! not the Rafale.
3) Comparing a low medium fighter with a heavy one is unfair.
The DAC also accorded approval for undertaking Design and Development of the Long Range Dual Band Infrared Imaging Search and Track System (IRST) for SU-30 MKI aircraft under ‘Make II’ sub category and subsequently, for procurement of at least 100 IRSTs under ‘Buy (Indian–IDDM) category. The system will be able to operate in day and night conditions and will substantially enhance the capabilities of the aircraft.

DAC approves procurement of equipment for Defence Forces

Basically, IRST in making for AMCA
  • Informative
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Russia Sees Red Over India Putting British Missile On Su-30
We had reported in January, as part of our newsbreak, that the Indian Air Force’s move to sling British ASRAAM air combat missiles onto its Russian Su-30 fighters was unlikely to go down well with Moscow. And now it’s official — Russia isn’t pleased at all.

“No country would allow this,” said Vladimir Drozhzhov, deputy director of Russia’s Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC). “This is mostly out of concern for the security of the technology. We are concerned about a foreign manufacturer invited to integrate anything on our equipment.”

Drozhzhov, who was taking questions from a group of visiting Indian journalists at the Rosoboronexport offices in Moscow also indicated that Russia usually informed its customers that liabilities and after-sales support on supplied equipment stood jeopardised if the customer embarked on “any conrtact, modernisation or upgrade” that didn’t involve the “participation of the OEM.”

“It’s a universal practice, not just in Russia,” Drozhzhov said, also confirming that Russia had received no formal word from the Indian Air Force about the move. With IAF chief Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa in Moscow this week on an official visit, it is possible that Russia will record its concerns on the issue. The IAF, on its part, is looking at the ASRAAM integration as a rare break from history — an attempt to standardise a weapon across its combat aircraft fleets to tap into attendant doctrinal and commercial economies.

Russia’s misgivings go deeper than just concerns over technology security or being kept ostensibly out of the IAF’s re-weaponisation drive on a Russian fighter. As Livefist reported, the IAF is looking to fully replace the Su-30 MKI’s current close combat missile — the Russian-built Vympel R-73 — with the ASRAAM in phases, and then standardise the ASRAAM across its fleet of combat aircraft.

While the India-Pakistan air skirmish over Jammu & Kashmir on February 27 gave the R-73 missile a new glow — with the IAF quickly ordering fresh stocks of this and the RVV-AE medium-range missile for its MiG and Su-30 fleets — the order was more by way of topping up reserves. What Russia will actually deem as jeopardised by the ASRAAM-Su-30 integration effort is an ongoing pitch to sell a newer generation version of the R-73 to India — the RVV-MD, along with longer range variants.

Unlike a radar-guided missile, the heat-seeking ASRAAM doesn’t require complex modifications — the IAF, as Livefist reported, has already modified the software on a pair of Su-30s to deploy the ASRAAM. A first test could take place later this year. The ASRAAM, already integrated on IAF Jaguars, will see test firings begin this year, with a move to arm a limited number of Hawk trainers to move forward too.

It is unclear if Russia’s concerns over the ASRAAM integration will escalate into any kind of flashpoint. The trajectory of the India-Russia relationship on the Su-30 suggests India is using its heft to exercise weapons flexibility. Russia has supplied 222 Su-30 kits to India for assembly at HAL’s license-building facility in Maharashtra. The Indian Air Force has formally asked Russia for 18 more, which will cement India’s already significant place as the world’s largest — by far — operator of the Su-30 type. Add the pipeline proposal to upgrade at least 84 Su-30s to the ‘Super 30’ standard, and you have a slice of the defence pie that won’t stop giving any time soon.

Russia is expectedly indignant about being kept out of the loop on the ASRAAM integration, but it could be a minor fold in the larger circumstances. Russia is executing Indian armament contracts worth $14 billion in total at this time and continues to be one of India’s most sustained suppliers of military equipment.
What is the final tally of Su 30 MKI going to be? How many in active service & how many have been ordered? This is getting most confusing.Every other time, we seem to see different nos being peddled.PKS claims it'd be between 350 - 375 nos.How true is his guesstimate.

Finally, I was under the impression that all our Su 30 MKI's will be upgraded to Super Sukhoi standards. Is it only 84 nos?
What is the final tally of Su 30 MKI going to be? How many in active service & how many have been ordered? This is getting most confusing.Every other time, we seem to see different nos being peddled.PKS claims it'd be between 350 - 375 nos.How true is his guesstimate.

Finally, I was under the impression that all our Su 30 MKI's will be upgraded to Super Sukhoi standards. Is it only 84 nos?
The current number is 272. With a possible 'request process' in for 18 more. Super Sukhoi program does not exist as of now. Russian side offered an upgrade with advancements from Su-35 developments 6-7 years ago. Things did not go ahead because of obvious reasons.

Buying more and more MKI's in 2004 configuration does not make sense anymore. Most of the systems are already out of date. (Get a MAWS for god sake!.) Also, we already have too many heavy fighters. You cant compensate light/medium numbers with heavy MKI's.
The current number is 272. With a possible 'request process' in for 18 more. Super Sukhoi program does not exist as of now. Russian side offered an upgrade with advancements from Su-35 developments 6-7 years ago. Things did not go ahead because of obvious reasons.

Buying more and more MKI's in 2004 configuration does not make sense anymore. Most of the systems are already out of date. (Get a MAWS for god sake!.) Also, we already have too many heavy fighters. You cant compensate light/medium numbers with heavy MKI's.
That's all very fine. But if I'm not mistaken post 272, there was a tranche of 18 ordered pending delivery which was supposed to be expedited by 2021.Then comes this bit of news that we are going in for an additional 18 nos.

Besides, we will go in for the Super Sukhoi upgrade sooner rather than later . My question is what's the no going to be? All of them or partially?
That's all very fine. But if I'm not mistaken post 272, there was a tranche of 18 ordered pending delivery which was supposed to be expedited by 2021.Then comes this bit of news that we are going in for an additional 18 nos.

Besides, we will go in for the Super Sukhoi upgrade sooner rather than later . My question is what's the no going to be? All of them or partially?
Only +18. IMO its also unnecessary. IAF is so desperate to fill numbers. Anyone claiming 40+ does not have any idea of IAF force structure and requirements. (i know many fanboys will go :mad: here)

Besides, we will go in for the Super Sukhoi upgrade sooner rather than later . My question is what's the no going to be? All of them or partially?
Russian airframe life is not good. Probably, 25-30 years at best. The oldest one is already 15 years old so, it may not make sense to upgrade those.
Getting complicated..

We pay MKI development but didn't get IPR,
Development is used in other fighters,

Now we want to integrate other OEM weapons, but not allowed.

18 mki is for replacement & attrition.

I am guessing this 18 mki & 20 mig 29 will be lined up after Kamov helicopter deal..
We ll never buy.
Only +18. IMO its also unnecessary. IAF is so desperate to fill numbers. Anyone claiming 40+ does not have any idea of IAF force structure and requirements. (i know many fanboys will go :mad: here)

Russian airframe life is not good. Probably, 25-30 years at best. The oldest one is already 15 years old so, it may not make sense to upgrade those.

So not even a new full sqd. Only attrition replacement.

So not even a new full sqd. Only attrition replacement.

I believe this is some new Variant

Russia is also upgrading its Su30 SM

They might have offered that to us

There was a news that Su 30 SM and MKI
Will have a common upgrade programme

Russia’s Su-30SM Upgrade plans likely to breathe in new life into IAF’s Su-30MKI fighter jet – Indian Defence Research Wing

Rafales will not be Fully Operational for 2 years at least ie till 2021

And we need more Airframes , there is no doubt about it

And we also need to upgrade existing fleet
Of Su 30

So fleet Upgradation and Accretion will happen in parallel