Sukhoi Su-30MKI

Go to the Israelis and take their help in integrating missiles, or an AESA; let Russia do or say what it wants
I think we seem to be fast approaching such a situation. As it is, I don't see the prospect of another FA of Russian lineage in our Air Force soon except the Su 57 & that's a big if too. They will raise their objections and be shrill about it too given their loss in revenue. It's up to us to get decisive & put our foot down when necessary. Brandish at them a few billion dollars worth of a deal in any of the other segments and threaten to give it to some other vendor if they aren't accommodative.

I personally think there a lot of ways we can get them around, if we want to. I fear the problem is more within in that we still haven't decided what we want as part of the upgrade and from whom we want it from.
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Why not go in for an Elta AESA? Where's the harm in it, assuming the Russians don't object to it?

Apart from the Americans objecting to it, we prefer to give contracts to the OEM first. It's only when OEM can't deliver that we look for other sources. But the Americans will most definitely object to using any American tech on a Russian aircraft. ELTA's AESA is not ITAR free. If the Russians fail, a better option than the Israelis would be our own Uttam.

But I'd prefer the Russians since there's the possibility of integrating the S-400 with the MKI. That will make it completely unmatched.
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Apart from the Americans objecting to it, we prefer to give contracts to the OEM first. It's only when OEM can't deliver that we look for other sources. But the Americans will most definitely object to using any American tech on a Russian aircraft. ELTA's AESA is not ITAR free. If the Russians fail, a better option than the Israelis would be our own Uttam.

But I'd prefer the Russians since there's the possibility of integrating the S-400 with the MKI. That will make it completely unmatched.
Uttam is a good 4-6 years away. Might as well go with the Russians.
Apart from the Americans objecting to it, we prefer to give contracts to the OEM first. It's only when OEM can't deliver that we look for other sources. But the Americans will most definitely object to using any American tech on a Russian aircraft. ELTA's AESA is not ITAR free. If the Russians fail, a better option than the Israelis would be our own Uttam.

But I'd prefer the Russians since there's the possibility of integrating the S-400 with the MKI. That will make it completely unmatched.
Uttam is already in testing on Tejas LSP2. How long it will take to make Uttam large enough to fit in Sukhoi 30 mki?
Uttam is already in testing on Tejas LSP2. How long it will take to make Uttam large enough to fit in Sukhoi 30 mki?

For Tejas only they are not able to make in time for mk1A,

while mk1A timeline itself not officially known.

Like that test pilot said, let us start using Uttam whenever it gets ready..

Uttam in Super Su will gives us awesome weapons package though..
I think we seem to be fast approaching such a situation. As it is, I don't see the prospect of another FA of Russian lineage in our Air Force soon except the Su 57 & that's a big if too. They will raise their objections and be shrill about it too given their loss in revenue. It's up to us to get decisive & put our foot down when necessary. Brandish at them a few billion dollars worth of a deal in any of the other segments and threaten to give it to some other vendor if they aren't accommodative.

I personally think there a lot of ways we can get them around, if we want to. I fear the problem is more within in that we still haven't decided what we want as part of the upgrade and from whom we want it from.

Long back aashish mentioned taking Israeli consultancy for the Su upgrade package, possible involvement of private sector TaTa too..
Ta Ta too?

1. The Super Su 30 Upgrade will have Israel as a technology consultant cum guide for all the whole project for upgrade.

2. A Indian private sector company will be part of this upgrade plan and will partner HAL for MKI Upgrade.

Its expected to have a certain highest possible technology access from a American Major Raytheon among some other entities for Avionics and with Israeli Companies for major systems/subsystems and French portions too.

perhaps Tata may be offered a role as the pvt sector company in MKI upgrade
@vstol Jockey, I have seen many su30s (or even other aircrafts for that matter) using rudder simultaneously with front steering and maybe even unequal thrust on twin engines to turn.

While I have seen some explanations about using rudder on ground, I am not fully convinced.

What is SOP for armed forces to turn an aircraft while taxiing?
For Tejas only they are not able to make in time for mk1A,

while mk1A timeline itself not officially known.

Like that test pilot said, let us start using Uttam whenever it gets ready..

Uttam in Super Su will gives us awesome weapons package though..

Uttam is customized for Tejas MK 2

The Dimensions , Weight , Number of TRM s
All are For a Medium size and Weight Fighter

For Scaling it up for Su 30, will take a lot of time

We cannot wait till then

Either Russian Aesa or Ibris
More than Anything Else we must invest in
Capabilities for Suppression and Destruction of Enemy Air Defences

If we have to fight only a One Day war , it is
Better to knock out all their Radars
Uttam is a good 4-6 years away. Might as well go with the Russians.

We don't know how many years Bars AESA may take either.

Uttam is for Tejas MK 2

That is 2028 , for FOC

We should Not be surprised to see Elta AESA in MK 2 Prototypes and LSP aircraft

Uttam will be fighter ready by 2022. It only needs to be scaled up for MKI, which will take a few years though.

The point I'm making is, it's either Russian AESA or Indian AESA or back to Bars/Irbis.
1. The Super Su 30 Upgrade will have Israel as a technology consultant cum guide for all the whole project for upgrade.

2. A Indian private sector company will be part of this upgrade plan and will partner HAL for MKI Upgrade.

Its expected to have a certain highest possible technology access from a American Major Raytheon among some other entities for Avionics and with Israeli Companies for major systems/subsystems and French portions too.

perhaps Tata may be offered a role as the pvt sector company in MKI upgrade

The Israelis are involved in India in pretty much everything to do with electronics.
More than Anything Else we must invest in
Capabilities for Suppression and Destruction of Enemy Air Defences

If we have to fight only a One Day war , it is
Better to knock out all their Radars

Rafale will take care of that, along with MKIs with standoff ARMs like the KH-31P.
We don't know how many years Bars AESA may take either.

Uttam will be fighter ready by 2022. It only needs to be scaled up for MKI, which will take a few years though.

The point I'm making is, it's either Russian AESA or Indian AESA or back to Bars/Irbis.
What about RBE2? With the size of the MKI nose the performance would be impressive.