Sukhoi Su-30MKI

Mind numbingly more effective than the Meteor.

The basic range of the S-400 from ground is just 20-40Km against terrain hugging targets. With the MKI, the same will increase to more than 150Km against small targets. S-400s batteries will be able to fire their weapons much earlier and will have no real blindspots. Just 1 MKI will saturate an entire sector.

I don't think only Mki can do that, surely we would want to integrate with every platform especially AWACS..
I don't think only Mki can do that, surely we would want to integrate with every platform especially AWACS..

Only Russian radars can do it because we don't have all the ToT necessary to do it ourselves. And it's not like the Russians will allow it anyway. The S-400 is alreay mated to Russian AWACS.

But we can do it to our own SAMs sometime in the future, when we actually develop those SAMs. Then we can mate our SAMs to the MWF and our own AWACS.
Thanks, long story.

Anyways; maybe, maybe not, but it's hard to tell with them. They object to all sorts of basic requests from us, yet hardly raise a protest at much worse transgressions by others. They seem more concerned with India requesting to integrate a foreign missile on Su-30's than by China stealing entire designs.

This is not how someone treats a declared "friend" and massive, routine arms customer. So I don't know what we can get out of the Russians anymore. I'd personally like to see India just doing what it feels like to an extent now. Go to the Israelis and take their help in integrating missiles, or an AESA; let Russia do or say what it wants.

As a general rule, if whatever we're doing is likely to drive us away from Western partnerships (or antagonize/stagnate our relations with those countries), then Russians won't object. As this will ensure India has limited options when looking for solutions in future, and therefore be forced to come to Russia again.

If what we're doing is effectively nullifying Russian influence or market access in a particular field, then they won't stand for it.

Pretty standard procedure for them. Although, in the case of ASRAAM there is a bigger issue. We'd have to slave a Western-sourced missile with the Russian Sura HMD. The integration will not be allowed for obvious reasons. Unless we first replace the Sura with an Israeli TARGO, but of course that requires Russian approval as well. However it's likely easier to get (i.e. slaving Russian R-73 to LCA's TARGO wasn't a problem).
greater than 130 km

Wow, that's good then, due to online sources I was confused and thought that R-27's were only Medium Range ~ 50 km or so. I think Pakistani AIM-120C's max out around 100 km. I also found out after posting my question that apparently we did in fact order certain other missiles a while back (after the skirmish) - including BVR R-77's as well as potentially some "AWACS-Killer" X-31s (I am curious whether India has had AWACS killers before this or not).

Just hope our guys are told "weapons free" next time.
Horrible purchase.Why the hell would you buy obsolete r-27s with semi active seeker?Idiots should have bought R-77-1 if K-77 is not available.They went cheap and again got a very inferior product.R-27 is absolutely no match for AMRAAM.
Horrible purchase.Why the hell would you buy obsolete r-27s with semi active seeker?Idiots should have bought R-77-1 if K-77 is not available.They went cheap and again got a very inferior product.R-27 is absolutely no match for AMRAAM.
It is for war wastage reserves. The numbers count too in case a real war breaks out...
The amount of work HAL, NAL, DARE and some private companies are putting into modifying the Su-30MKI, is mind boggling. Just keeping track of CFDs, FEMs, among other simulations are hard to keep up with.

Let me see if I can compile some of the planned upgrades. Before that here is a break up of "who makes what" of the Su-30MKI :

DARE designed under-wing pylon interference beam with both forward and backward looking MAWS aperture :

CFD analysis of the same has been completed. It is now being readied for flight testing.
Screenshot (389).png

Of course this needs no introduction. As AM R. Nambiar said in an interview recently, the Brahmos AL will be inducted within months.
Screenshot (392).png
Screenshot (393).png

Plenty of inlet distortion studies done to optimise combat tactics and to improve aerodynamic performance during low speed-low altitude defensive combat maneuvers :
Screenshot (394).png

This was the original plan for the distributed aperture MAWS/RWS and EW system :
EW suite installation on Super Su-30MKI.jpg

One part of that plan has already been put to work
Screenshot (390).png
Screenshot (391).png

This photo is from Aero India 2019. Notice the little green thing on the flap ? That is probably a RWS sensor, one of the many put all around the aircraft.

continued below..............
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The DCMAWS probably hasn't been certified yet. It will be soon enough :


Of course there are new pods of all kinds :

Wing end EW pods :

SIVA targeting pod :

Elta ELL-8251 escort jammer :

Of course this isn't new, Rafael LITENING G4 targeting pod :


Other updates include :


Prasun K. Sengupta says : "The SEAD-optimised and DEAD-optimized Super Su-30MKIs will also be equipped with EADS/Cassidian’s Ariel Mk3 towed RF-decoys."

On the counter measures front we have the new BDL made flare dispenser and HEMRL made flares :


Chaff from Chemring :

Some EW control units :

EW technique :
EW Technique.jpg

In short, plenty of Indian systems going in, plenty of new weapons coming in a few years. Problem areas remain engines, primary radar and IRST. Although there has been a interest(and some step taken) in making our IRST, its too early to judge where that is going.

Edit : Oh and HAL unveiled this :
Advanced cockpit system for sensor fusion development. The Jaguar MAX cockpit is based on this. Who knows Su-30 MKI might get one too. Still just a prototype though.
HAL-Developed Advanced Cockpit System for Sensor-Fusion Development-2.jpg
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Horrible purchase.Why the hell would you buy obsolete r-27s with semi active seeker?Idiots should have bought R-77-1 if K-77 is not available.They went cheap and again got a very inferior product.R-27 is absolutely no match for AMRAAM.

As per wiki
R-27EA: up to 130 km
R-27EM: up to 170 km[1][2]

  • R-27EA, active radar homing with 9B-1103K active seeker, range of >130 km.[2]
On the counter measures front we have the new BDL made flare dispenser and HEMRL made flares :
View attachment 8634View attachment 8635
View attachment 8636

Chaff from Chemring :
View attachment 8637

Some EW control units :
View attachment 8638View attachment 8639

EW technique :
View attachment 8640

In short, plenty of Indian systems going in, plenty of new weapons coming in a few years. Problem areas remain engines, primary radar and IRST. Although there has been a interest(and some step taken) in making our IRST, its too early to judge where that is going.

Edit : Oh and HAL unveiled this :
Advanced cockpit system for sensor fusion development. The Jaguar MAX cockpit is based on this. Who knows Su-30 MKI might get one too. Still just a prototype though.
View attachment 8641
We should ask only the new engines for MKI to Russia and other upgrades do indigenously. :)
We should ask only the new engines for MKI to Russia and other upgrades do indigenously. :)
I doubt the Russians will allow us to integrate a non-Russian radar and IRST. Maybe we can squeak out the IRST if we can make one ourselves, but the radar is out of the question. If the radar turns out to be non-Russian they they will suffer a huge loss of market. The Russian influence over future purchase radar guided weaponry would be lost. With the introduction of Astra MK1, upcoming MK2 and future SFDR, their influence in that department is already waning.
Best case scenario, we get to put our own IRST in the MKI along with Russian radar and engines. That is more or less what we are aiming at right now.
I doubt the Russians will allow us to integrate a non-Russian radar and IRST. Maybe we can squeak out the IRST if we can make one ourselves, but the radar is out of the question. If the radar turns out to be non-Russian they they will suffer a huge loss of market. The Russian influence over future purchase radar guided weaponry would be lost. With the introduction of Astra MK1, upcoming MK2 and future SFDR, their influence in that department is already waning.
Best case scenario, we get to put our own IRST in the MKI along with Russian radar and engines. That is more or less what we are aiming at right now.

Bhramos, SfDR are JV
Hope we could also do JV for aesa radar.. With necessary Codes.. To integrate our own choice of weapons.

We cannot lag behind in weaponry to neighbor s..
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Horrible purchase.Why the hell would you buy obsolete r-27s with semi active seeker?Idiots should have bought R-77-1 if K-77 is not available.They went cheap and again got a very inferior product.R-27 is absolutely no match for AMRAAM.

We bought R-27 to replinish stocks as an emergency purchase. It doesn't define future capability.

Plus both the semi-active version and IR version are kickass on the MKI. You fire both, the chances of survival is very low for the enemy.
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