Yes. It’s substantial if we look holistically. But the poster was proposing J11 type of indigenisation, which IMO is not possible under current set up.Indian….. helmet, targeting pod, IRST, IFF/CIT, the full EW suite, cockpit etc. Many of them are official projects.
BTW how an AESA radar (Uttam mk 2 as mentioned in some reports) which is based on western mil std will talk to a plane with Russian avionics having Russian GOST data bus. Or we planning to rewrite the whole avionics suite for MKI ? Which is next to impossible imo.
Some Indian private company [Tonbo ?] is involved I believe. So it’s good news.
EW suite:
DR118 RWR | Defence Research and Development Organisation - DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India
The Electronic Warfare scenario is changing very rapidly. With advances in technology, the radar systems have become more and more sophisticated. The duty cycles of the signals are ever increasing and power levels are coming down. Intra-pulse characteristics of the pulses are making them
What kind of EWS (internal I assume) are they going to use ? Is it a distributed antenna system (DAS) ?And yes, the MKI will use podded jammer. The IAF doesn't want major changes in the airframe. The podded jammer is under flight testing.
Podded SPJs are convenient and provides mission flexibility. So no
Uttam should be fitted in LCA without waiting for GAN or Vivaldi TRM development. We need to tailor its backend processing which will need a lot of operational data and time. Upscaling it by adding few TRMs, increasing cooling power or by using GAN modules will not be that big of headache.![]()
DRDO ASPJ One Step Closer - Desi Pod | Alpha Defense
One of the most anticipated systems under the Indian Defence EW umbrella suite has been the Airborne Self Protection Jamming Pod (ASPJ)
Uttam radar development is complete. Now it's only about adding in more advanced tech or scaling it up. A GaN version will begin testing next year. Regardless of whether it's chosen or not for the MKI, at least the option exists now.
Plenty of non-Russians weapons are being integrated on the MKI. The latest one was the MICA IR. Derby ER is coming up next along with ASRAAM.
All three are Heat seeking/IR/EO homing WVRAAMs with no communication with the Radar of the jet.SPICE integration has already completed. Two WVR missiles, one BVR missile and a family of glide bombs, that's already plenty.
Even those Spice and Popeye use separate modules to function.
Nirbhay/ITCM will be enough for MKI as we already have SCALP on Rafale for the time being till we have our own longer range alternative.The only thing left is a Western stealth cruise missile, but one hasn't been chosen yet, pending an Indian option.