Tejas Mk2 (Medium Weight Fighter) - News and discussions

Unnecessary comparison with Rafale.

Like Tejas MK1A is good enough in technology, range, payload, weapons to replace the Mig21/23/27 capabilities, similarly Tejas MK2 needs to be good enough a replacement for Mig29UPG, Mirage 2000I and Jaguar DARIN III.

That's itself a very formidable aircraft capable of doing so. But no need to compare it with Rafale.
I have seen this type of comparison before wheree people really try to force compo between single/twin engine jets, always thought its down to people just seeing a fighter jet as a jet, not considering important characteristic like obvious single or twin engine factors. No way a twin engine is comparable anywheree with a single engine jet of same generation.
I have seen this type of comparison before wheree people really try to force compo between single/twin engine jets, always thought its down to people just seeing a fighter jet as a jet, not considering important characteristic like obvious single or twin engine factors. No way a twin engine is comparable anywheree with a single engine jet of same generation.
Mig 29 has lesser payload capacity than the tejas mk1 forget mk2.
Really? I thought it was like on par for ground missions, 5-6 bombs of 500kg as payload. Mk1 is 3.5T so should be almost on par?
Mk1 has the same payload capacity as the Gripen C 5.3 tons. Mk1 in essence is a Gripen C equivalent with the only problem being a lower top speed and slightly inferior radar and lack of meteor integration and anti-ship missiles. Which can all be fixed except for the top speed which is essentially a non-issue considering all air-combat happens in the mach 1.2-1.4 regime.
inferior radar
Mk1 hybrid MMR is the best operational non AESA/PESA radar in the world. A lot of work has went there. Gripen has better airframe. That's it. We are better than SAAB in radars since like a decade now. All types of radars.
Range on internal fuel will be a sticking point in CAP or strike missions for LCA as compared to say Mig23 or Mig27.

Its would need to carry fuel tanks and a external SPJ pod. That takes away pylons.
Something positive. I hope most subsystems are ready, and getting flight tested. The canard config jet itself will take some time to formally be air-worthy.