Ukraine - Russia Conflict

An incendiary party of two analog guns: TOS and a tank burned in the hangar​

Footage of the impact of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" on the British 155-mm self-propelled gun AS-90 of the Ukrainian army. In total, Ukraine received 32 artillery installations of this type. These are the first frames where the destruction of the AS-90 self-propelled gun is clearly visible. After the drone hit the AS-90 self-propelled gun, the a fire that completely destroyed the combat vehicle.Judging by the video, three of the four crew members managed to leave the combat vehicle.


Russian telegram is going nuts about this attack but I'm not buying it that it was ATACMS. How would he know... and ATACMS are not in Ukraine yet. This was likely a massive stormshadow/scalp attack.
Hrim-2? Or just another drone that hit some munitions? Berdyansk it seems - helicopter base. So now the Avdiivka offensive has no helicopter support.

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Hrim-2? Or just another drone that hit some munitions? Berdyansk it seems - helicopter base. So now the Avdiivka offensive has no helicopter support.

Well he says that aviation took a huge hit unlike ever seen before (paraphrasing of course) I don't think Russians would keep a huge ammo depot near their attack choppers. Ukraine likely took out ammo depot but at the same time took out handful of helicopters which I don't know if using a cruise missile on a single chopper is a good idea.

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Yo dawg, I heard you like Russian corruption so I put Russian corruption in your Russian corruption so you can take bribe money while taking bribe money:
TL;DR: the guy in charge of bribing Ukrainian officials to get them to defect largely kept the bribe money for himself, so there were a lot less traitors than what Russia counted on.

Russia allegedly lost nine helicopters, plus other stuff, in the Berdyansk strike.

And your daily reminder that there is no difference in morality between Russia and Hamas. They're the same. Russia is just bigger.
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And that's not even 5% of land liberated from Russia. So, IMO yes, The Counteroffensive isn't going well.
Yeah, it's going to take a long time, Russia had the advantage of the sucker punch when they started the war. Russia is on the offensive now and has achieved absolutely nothing, so their offensive is going even worse. Everything is moving in Ukraine's favour, albeit slowly, so Russia is left with the choice of continuing to lose slowly and suffering great losses on the way like last night, or to simply GTFO.

The Russian offensive:


ATACMS tis was... I was wrong

Yanks snuck a handful of them in for a test run. Well.... Russian airbases in range are now shtting in their underwearski.
An airfield in Luhansk was hit too. I think Sevastopol docks needs cluster-bombing too and any freight trains going over the Kerch bridge.

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