Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Lol, no.

Not really, India doesn't have friends or enemies due to the way it plays the game.

We have enemies. And our enemies have friends. The West was a friend to both our enemies at one point. So, no, you don't know what you're talking about.

They've always fought against Russian equipment, with Russian money propelling it.

The SU were their enemies. In Russia's case, it makes more sense for them to work with the Arabs, that's all.

Errr.... no. They benefits net exporters and hurt net importers.

When importers go into a recession, it hurts their exports. And it increases the prices of their imports.

The 'pro-China' party is only slightly more pro-China. Neither party seriously wants to join because people tend to not want to throw away their rights.

I'm not entirely sure about that. Some of the KMT proponents are quite pro-China. It's why China's holding on hope for a unification, or even a Hong Kong style system.

There are basically three groups. One group is similar to DPP, but want to hand over the strait to China. The second group is pro-China and prefers diplomacy over military deterrence to maintain sovereignty. The third group consists of OG KMT members, they want full reunification, although they are the least popular. The second one is most popular, but very dangerous to Taiwan's military capabilities.

You're contradicting yourself again.

It's 'cause you are failing to understand the issues. Russia doesn't care as much as you think about Israel, but are happy that the West is distracted. But at the same time, the Russians and Israelis cooperate when dealing with terrorism 'cause it's of mutual benefit. They also have a shared goal of kicking Iran out of Syria, which is why they allow Israeli airstrikes into Syria targeting Iran and its proxies.
We have enemies. And our enemies have friends. The West was a friend to both our enemies at one point. So, no, you don't know what you're talking about.
Are you seriously saying the west was a friend to China? Only pre-Revolution.
The SU were their enemies. In Russia's case, it makes more sense for them to work with the Arabs, that's all.
Against Israel.
When importers go into a recession, it hurts their exports. And it increases the prices of their imports.
Prices haven't reached that point though. Exporters prefer $80-90 rather than $60-70. It's only at $120 that it starts becoming concerning.
I'm not entirely sure about that. Some of the KMT proponents are quite pro-China. It's why China's holding on hope for a unification, or even a Hong Kong style system.
That will never happen after seeing what happened in HK. No one will vote to lose their civil rights. 'Pro-China' simply means trying to work wit China more, not joining them.
There are basically three groups. One group is similar to DPP, but want to hand over the strait to China. The second group is pro-China and prefers diplomacy over military deterrence to maintain sovereignty. The third group consists of OG KMT members, they want full reunification, although they are the least popular. The second one is most popular, but very dangerous to Taiwan's military capabilities.
Exactly, least popular.
It's 'cause you are failing to understand the issues. Russia doesn't care as much as you think about Israel, but are happy that the West is distracted.
Russia doesn't care about anyone period, but yes they use Israel as a punch bag because the other punch bags will hit back harder. That still makes them enemies though.
But at the same time, the Russians and Israelis cooperate when dealing with terrorism 'cause it's of mutual benefit.
Not in the case of Hamas or Hezbollah.
They also have a shared goal of kicking Iran out of Syria, which is why they allow Israeli airstrikes into Syria targeting Iran and its proxies.
You just made those words up.
Are you seriously saying the west was a friend to China? Only pre-Revolution.

From 1969 to 1989.

It's what allowed China to open up its economy and receive a lot of military technology. For example, America transferred FBW tech, Israel transferred radar and missile tech, along with other tech related to Lavi. The PL-8 is basically Israel's Python 3 missile. The J-10 uses an Israeli radar called EL/M-2035. Grumman was involved in developing the J-10's airframe and control laws. Sweden provided AIP tech for submarines. Germany provided diesel engine tech, most of their ships still have German diesel engines. Americans also provided jet engine tech, which is how they developed the WS-10. We actually do not know the extent of technology provided by the West to China during this period.

The West did it with the hopes that China will become a democracy. But after the massacre in 1989, military cooperation ended. And lessons learned then were applied on India, so the US prevented significant tech transfers for over 30 years to India.

Prices haven't reached that point though. Exporters prefer $80-90 rather than $60-70. It's only at $120 that it starts becoming concerning.

A war will boost prices to 250.

That will never happen after seeing what happened in HK. No one will vote to lose their civil rights. 'Pro-China' simply means trying to work wit China more, not joining them.

We don't know that.

Exactly, least popular.

The others groups aren't any better. KMT is overall more pro-China than necessary.

Russia doesn't care about anyone period, but yes they use Israel as a punch bag because the other punch bags will hit back harder. That still makes them enemies though.

No. Just friends of Israel's enemies.

Not in the case of Hamas or Hezbollah.

Against Hamas, they don't care. Against Hezbollah, they do. Particularly the ones in Syria.

You just made those words up.

Nope. Everybody knows this.
'Cause they have no intention of doing that, they want a slow grind 'cause it minimizes casualties on their side and the UAF's tactics are so harebrained that it's working in Russia's favor. It's all 'cause Ukraine is pushing a lot of troops towards Russia's offensives. And the West is draining money as well.
Literally the opposite of reality. Russia is the one with constant meatwave assaults. They don't give a shit about minimizing their own casualties. When an assault fails, instead of letting their assault troops retreat to try again later, they kill their own troops with barrier troops. And no, that's not just the prisoners who are treated like this. Anyone can be sent to a Storm-Z battalion, for any arbitrary reason. Even well-trained specialists.

The truth:
It's funny how few people have any reading comprehension. When Zaluzhny said according to NATO standards Ukraine should have reached Crimea in four month, that was to point out that he cannot follow NATO standards (America was too busy denying F-16 and ATACMS until long after the counter-offensive had stalled).
Literally the opposite of reality. Russia is the one with constant meatwave assaults. They don't give a shit about minimizing their own casualties. When an assault fails, instead of letting their assault troops retreat to try again later, they kill their own troops with barrier troops. And no, that's not just the prisoners who are treated like this. Anyone can be sent to a Storm-Z battalion, for any arbitrary reason. Even well-trained specialists.

The idea behind Storm-Z is they act as stormtroopers. And the idea behind stormtroopers is they are supposed to be the best of the best in the ground forces. And they are also supposed to take the heaviest casualties. That's about it. Those barrier troops story is not common. It's much more frequent in the UAF.

It's funny how few people have any reading comprehension. When Zaluzhny said according to NATO standards Ukraine should have reached Crimea in four month, that was to point out that he cannot follow NATO standards (America was too busy denying F-16 and ATACMS until long after the counter-offensive had stalled).

Read it yourself.

Political words.

What happens when Western weapons stop flowing into Ukraine? And what happens when Russia's MIC has caught up with the demands of an offensive? Difficult answers for the Ukrainians and the West to consume. A stalemate is only his assumption.

Anyway, I'm anticipating the arrival of the F-16s. I do hope they have BVR. Would definitely like to see how they perform so comparisons can be drawn between India and Pak against the Flanker and the S-400.
From 1969 to 1989.

No. In 1969 China was still arming the NVA. After that they gave them some support against local Soviet proxies in the late '70s and '80s but it was limited and never friendship.
It's what allowed China to open up its economy and receive a lot of military technology. For example, America transferred FBW tech, Israel transferred radar and missile tech, along with other tech related to Lavi. The PL-8 is basically Israel's Python 3 missile. The J-10 uses an Israeli radar called EL/M-2035. Grumman was involved in developing the J-10's airframe and control laws. Sweden provided AIP tech for submarines. Germany provided diesel engine tech, most of their ships still have German diesel engines. Americans also provided jet engine tech, which is how they developed the WS-10. We actually do not know the extent of technology provided by the West to China during this period.

The West did it with the hopes that China will become a democracy. But after the massacre in 1989, military cooperation ended. And lessons learned then were applied on India, so the US prevented significant tech transfers for over 30 years to India.
China did a lot itself that India never did.
A war will boost prices to 250.
It wouldn't, a global recession would happen long before that.
We don't know that.
We do. There's more chance of India unifying under Pakistan.
The others groups aren't any better. KMT is overall more pro-China than necessary.
The others are just looking for economic angles.
No. Just friends of Israel's enemies.
Same difference when you're friends with that many of them. That something India has never understood fully.
Against Hamas, they don't care. Against Hezbollah, they do. Particularly the ones in Syria.
Hezbollah are on Assad's side in Syria, same as Russians. Russia supports both.
Nope. Everybody knows this.
Nah, you just made it up.
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  • Haha
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This is one of the dumbest things I have come across lately. It is unsurprisingly being spread on pro-Russian and Russo-neutral sources.​
Doesn't Ukraine only have a limited number of these western equipment especially tanks? (14 Challengers here 30 Abrams there)​
According to pro-Russian sources the limited number and the slow pace at which Ukraine receives western equipment never allows them to have a major impact on the war.​
So a limited number and a slow pace means Ukraine only needs a few people to operate them and can constantly replace the crews, which btw have a impressive survival rate when compared to old soviet stuff, the latest destroyed Leopards and Bradleys but even those destroyed during the start of summer offensive are enough evidence for that.​
This bs that Ukraine has no soldiers left has been going on since the start of the war now. Then who is doing all the fighting? Why can't Russia just steamroll Ukraine but instead keeps building up and reinforcing their defensive lines?​
Ukraine only lacks a serious number of western equipment at once to have a much bigger impact on this war...for the little stuff they have been given, they have done a much better job than most expected.​
Thats a western media not russian , you should ask the boys & girls in whitehouse on whats going on.
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The casualties are lopsided. Now even women are being drafted, that's a big clue.

'Cause they have no intention of doing that, they want a slow grind 'cause it minimizes casualties on their side and the UAF's tactics are so harebrained that it's working in Russia's favor. It's all 'cause Ukraine is pushing a lot of troops towards Russia's offensives. And the West is draining money as well.

The truth:

The Russians should end it by the end of next year though.
this if from western propaganda mouth piece

No. In 1969 China was still arming the NVA. After that they gave them some support against local Soviet proxies in the late '70s and '80s but it was limited and never friendship.

In 1969 China officially became enemies with the SU. So India signed a Friendship Treaty with the SU in 1971 and China followed that with a similar treaty in 1973, and opened up its economy to the West in 1974.

China did a lot itself that India never did.

Nope. They bought a stole a lot. India doesn't steal and wasn't allowed to buy.

It wouldn't, a global recession would happen long before that.

Prices will climb up and then a recession will happen, 'cause prices will climb up in a matter of weeks.

Hezbollah are on Assad's side in Syria, same as Russians. Russia supports both.


Nah, you just made it up.

Your ignorance isn't my problem.
this if from western propaganda mouth piece

Anybody with a bit of gray cells knew the offensive was gonna fail. They should have done it with 2x the numbers and 2x the firepower. A squadron of F-15Cs would have helped.
Thats a western media not russian , you should ask the boys & girls in whitehouse on whats going on.
Half of American media are pro-russian... And contrarily to russia, the medias in the West are not controlled by the government and can say whatever they want, including bullshit.

Claiming the problem is that Ukraine doesn't have enough personnel to use the 10 or so tanks it has been oh so generously given is self-evidently bullshit. If the West wanted the offensive to be successful, wanted Ukraine to reach Crimea in four month, then they should have given thousands of armored vehicles, as well as hundreds of combat aircraft. This is obvious to anyone who uses their brain instead of shutting it off and letting russian propaganda do the thinking for them.

America has been very vocal about promising a ton of stuff, and then finding excuses to not actually deliver. Which isn't surprising when you know that the entire GOP is vehemently pro-russia.

Meanwhile, russia still sucks:
100 billion rubles were spent to build a ten-meter railway that's not connected to anything.
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In 1969 China officially became enemies with the SU. So India signed a Friendship Treaty with the SU in 1971 and China followed that with a similar treaty in 1973, and opened up its economy to the West in 1974.
US was still enemies with both of them, but Soviet expansionism was the biggest problem at the time. India enjoyed shooting itself in the foot.
Nope. They bought a stole a lot. India doesn't steal and wasn't allowed to buy.
They did a lot for themselves too. 6G etc.
Prices will climb up and then a recession will happen, 'cause prices will climb up in a matter of weeks.
The price of oil will never reach $250.
Fact. Russia supports all trouble-makers in the region and elsewhere.
Your ignorance isn't my problem.
You making sh1t up isn't my problem. This is why many of you are disliked on Twitter, you try and muddy the water with made up garbage that doesn't exist outside your own mind, plus mass false equivalency.

Israel knows.

Half of American media are pro-russian... And contrarily to russia, the medias in the West are not controlled by the government and can say whatever they want, including bullshit.

Claiming the problem is that Ukraine doesn't have enough personnel to use the 10 or so tanks it has been oh so generously given is self-evidently bullshit. If the West wanted the offensive to be successful, wanted Ukraine to reach Crimea in four month, then they should have given thousands of armored vehicles, as well as hundreds of combat aircraft. This is obvious to anyone who uses their brain instead of shutting it off and letting russian propaganda do the thinking for them.

America has been very vocal about promising a ton of stuff, and then finding excuses to not actually deliver. Which isn't surprising when you know that the entire GOP is vehemently pro-russia.

Meanwhile, russia still sucks:
100 billion rubles were spent to build a ten-meter railway that's not connected to anything.
Bet that golden spike is long gone though.:ROFLMAO:
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Things continue to go according to plan for Nazi Russia:

The Russian authorities are expanding military recruitment to cover migrants, debtors, former mercenaries, private security guards, the unemployed, convicted criminals, ex-convicts and those under investigation for crimes.​
Important Stories reports that the continuing need for manpower has prompted the Russian government's Office of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative to issue a plan to recruit socially vulnerable sections of society into the Russian army.​
The plan is set out in a letter to the administration of the Central Federal District, which covers Moscow and most of the western part of European Russia. It requires the CFD to provide weekly information on the region's government bodies to recruit individuals for the army.​
Among the categories set out in an attached table are:​
  • Reservists, including those demobilised in 2022 and 2023
  • Citizens subject to conscription
  • Persons under investigation for "crimes of minor or moderate gravity"
  • Current and ex-convicts
  • Former mercenaries
  • Debtors and bankrupt people
  • Unemployed people
  • People who have recently acquired Russian citizenship
  • Foreigners who have applied for Russian citizenship
  • Foreigners subject to expulsion or deportation
  • Employees of businesses which have made provision for them to sign a militray contract
  • Employees of private security companies (PSC)
  • Voluntary recruits
The table gives responsibility to various government departments for recruiting people from each category.​
Although signing a contract is meant to be voluntary – as opposed to mobilisation, which is compulsory – the Russian authorities have many ways of applying pressure, as Sergei Krivenko of the pressure group "Citizen. Army. Right" notes.​
"For example, migration legislation is very unclear and complex. People could come and submit documents, but nothing has been done to them yet. Or the deadlines were missed. And you can either expel this person, his family, or say that we will quickly register you, we will give citizenship to your family, and you will go to fight."​
There have been many incidents previously of migrants being rounded up and coerced into joining the army. According to a military official in an army recruitment office, coercion is also taking place across a much wider swathe of society.​
He says that government officials are bringing in "people who are drunk, homeless people, people with obvious mental health issues, drug addicts who have just been released from prison. It feels like they're getting rid of a marginalised layer of society. They don't care at all about the quality of the army. 'They'll be digging trenches,' they say. They don't care what will happen to the families [of the recruits] after they send them there, but they promise them mountains of gold, of course.​
"There was one migrant who hardly even spoke Russian. When I ask them if they came voluntarily, they all say they did. Although I could see that the representative of the administration, who brought the man, was showing with his facial expressions that he should say that."​
The government officials themselves are also under pressure to meet quotas, which has led to disputes between districts over who should be credited for bringing people to recruitment offices.​
"For example, a person lived in one district, they persuaded him there, they bring him here [to the military unit], and he turns out to have a residence permit of another district. A representative of that district starts to attack [another official]: 'You stole a man from us!'"​
"Some people cry outright that they will be fired if they fail to fulfil the plan, and they have mortgages and children. Or that if they don't find people in time, they will have to give up their employees or go themselves."​
As the military official notes, "When their career is on the line, they know how to work quickly. And in order to stay at their feeding trough, they are ready to push a lot of people into the firebox. These government officials are now in such fear and treat people [who are recruited for contracts] as a means of survival."​
Krivenko comments that this recruitment activity is meant to contribute towards the target of 305,000 new contract soldiers set earlier this year by Dmitry Medvedev, the Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council.​
"One of the channels for replenishing the army is conscripts. While in the barracks, they are subjected to intense pressure. Many are deceived and a contract is signed for them ... The second point is that people from private military companies and [Luhansk & Donetsk 'People's Republic'] formations were transferred under the control of the Ministry of Defence, and they were also forced to sign contracts."​
A third channel is the recruitment of civilians, of whom Krivenko suggests around 50-70,000 have been signed contracts. The military official comments that about half have come voluntarily, while the other half have been brought in by government officials.​

Half of American media are pro-russian... And contrarily to russia, the medias in the West are not controlled by the government and can say whatever they want, including bullshit.
when US govt sings , its media dances. 🤣
Only half brained morons will believe that media in west is free. There might be some small motley crowd who might go against the flow other than them rest of them are nothing but puppets.

I will not delve into it detail whether it is correct or not, bcos due to fog of war only ppl on the ground will know what the situation is. Point is when western media itself no lesser than Time magazine starts singing these sad songs , things are not looking good. We can certainly debate on how worse or good is things are that would make a good discussion nothing more than that..
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