Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia instigated it, only country that benefits.

Russia benefits from any distraction, but no, it's very unlikely that Russia did it. Israel is not their enemy after all, and it makes no sense for Russia to make another nuclear power an enemy. Everything you see happening in their media is just distracting their public and justifying their own actions.

Otoh, Turkey and China benefit the most, with China taking top place. An America distracted in the ME would mean Taiwan is free for the taking, or at least weakens America's position. It might even encourage Taiwan to unify peacefully. Turkey too is gaining leverage in all this from the Muslim world. Azerbaijan needs Turkey for their oil exports to Israel too.
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Russia benefits from any distraction, but no, it's very unlikely that Russia did it. Israel is not their enemy after all
Only in your misguided opinion. All Israel's main enemies in the region are staunch Russian allies - Syria, Iran, Houthis. Look at the way Putin has whitewashed and externalised blame for attack on Jews in Russia lately. The way it refuses to condemn the October 7th attacks.
and it makes no sense for Russia to make another nuclear power an enemy. Everything you see happening in their media is just distracting their public and justifying their own actions.
It already is an enemy.
Otoh, Turkey and China benefit the most, with China taking top place. An America distracted in the ME would mean Taiwan is free for the taking, or at least weakens America's position.
China doesn't benefit from rising oil prices, neither does Turkey. Turkey actually cares about Palestinian civilians too, Russia does not.
It might even encourage Taiwan to unify peacefully.
:ROFLMAO: Some of the things you say to pervery reality.
Turkey too is gaining leverage in all this from the Muslim world. Azerbaijan needs Turkey for their oil exports to Israel too.

Look at who has tried to play the situation the most - Russia - it's used the toxic issue of Hamas to divide support for the West and hence Ukraine, to try and turn black and white into grey due to fncked up opinions on the terrorist status of Hamas and whether deliberately killing 1400 civilians and children is a terrorist act or not.
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Only in your misguided opinion. All Israel's main enemies in the region are staunch Russian allies - Syria, Iran, Houthis. Look at the way Putin has whitewashed and externalised blame for attack on Jews in Russia lately. The way it refuses to condemn the October 7th attacks.

Yes, they are. But that doesn't mean they share the same goals. US and Russia are enemies, but India is friends with both. Similarly India is friends with both Israel and Iran.

It already is an enemy.

Er, no. Hence the deep sense of betrayal in Israel for Russia's actions.

China doesn't benefit from rising oil prices, neither does Turkey. Turkey actually cares about Palestinian civilians too, Russia does not.

Oil prices will affect everyone equally.

:ROFLMAO: Some of the things you say to pervery reality.

It's an option for some of the KMT conservatives. There's an election in a few months. The pro-China party KMT is expected to win.


Look at who has tried to play the situation the most - Russia - it's used the toxic issue of Hamas to divide support for the West and hence Ukraine, to try and turn black and white into grey due to fncked up opinions on the terrorist status of Hamas and whether deliberately killing 1400 civilians and children is a terrorist act or not.

The Russians want to suck the West into a war in the ME, nothing more. They don't care about your views on Israel, nor do they care about Israel's views about itself. This was apparent since years to me. In fact, Russia and Israel share some of the threats concerning Islamic fundamentalism and have cooperated before.
Footage of the destruction of a Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 tank made in Germany. The Leopard 2A6 tank is equipped with additional protection and belonged to the 47th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Army; the tank was used in the Avdiivka direction. The Leopard 2A6 tank was reportedly destroyed by one of the Russian tanks, the model of the tank is not reported and it is not in the video, perhaps the shooting was carried out from afar. Judging by the footage, after the Leopard tank was hit, the fuel in it caught fire and the tank’s crew abandoned the combat vehicle.

This is one of the dumbest things I have come across lately. It is unsurprisingly being spread on pro-Russian and Russo-neutral sources.​
Doesn't Ukraine only have a limited number of these western equipment especially tanks? (14 Challengers here 30 Abrams there)​
According to pro-Russian sources the limited number and the slow pace at which Ukraine receives western equipment never allows them to have a major impact on the war.​
So a limited number and a slow pace means Ukraine only needs a few people to operate them and can constantly replace the crews, which btw have a impressive survival rate when compared to old soviet stuff, the latest destroyed Leopards and Bradleys but even those destroyed during the start of summer offensive are enough evidence for that.​
This bs that Ukraine has no soldiers left has been going on since the start of the war now. Then who is doing all the fighting? Why can't Russia just steamroll Ukraine but instead keeps building up and reinforcing their defensive lines?​
Ukraine only lacks a serious number of western equipment at once to have a much bigger impact on this war...for the little stuff they have been given, they have done a much better job than most expected.​
Yes, they are. But that doesn't mean they share the same goals.
It does.
US and Russia are enemies, but India is friends with both. Similarly India is friends with both Israel and Iran.
Not really, India doesn't have friends or enemies due to the way it plays the game.
Er, no. Hence the deep sense of betrayal in Israel for Russia's actions.
They've always fought against Russian equipment, with Russian money propelling it.
Oil prices will affect everyone equally.
Errr.... no. They benefits net exporters and hurt net importers.
It's an option for some of the KMT conservatives. There's an election in a few months. The pro-China party KMT is expected to win.
The 'pro-China' party is only slightly more pro-China. Neither party seriously wants to join because people tend to not want to throw away their rights.
The Russians want to suck the West into a war in the ME, nothing more. They don't care about your views on Israel, nor do they care about Israel's views about itself. This was apparent since years to me. In fact, Russia and Israel share some of the threats concerning Islamic fundamentalism and have cooperated before.
You're contradicting yourself again.
This is one of the dumbest things I have come across lately. It is unsurprisingly being spread on pro-Russian and Russo-neutral sources.​
Doesn't Ukraine only have a limited number of these western equipment especially tanks? (14 Challengers here 30 Abrams there)​
According to pro-Russian sources the limited number and the slow pace at which Ukraine receives western equipment never allows them to have a major impact on the war.​
So a limited number and a slow pace means Ukraine only needs a few people to operate them and can constantly replace the crews, which btw have a impressive survival rate when compared to old soviet stuff, the latest destroyed Leopards and Bradleys but even those destroyed during the start of summer offensive are enough evidence for that.​
This bs that Ukraine has no soldiers left has been going on since the start of the war now. Then who is doing all the fighting? Why can't Russia just steamroll Ukraine but instead keeps building up and reinforcing their defensive lines?​
Ukraine only lacks a serious number of western equipment at once to have a much bigger impact on this war...for the little stuff they have been given, they have done a much better job than most expected.​
If it was the case, why is the Russian offensive going backwards.
This bs that Ukraine has no soldiers left has been going on since the start of the war now. Then who is doing all the fighting?

The casualties are lopsided. Now even women are being drafted, that's a big clue.

Why can't Russia just steamroll Ukraine but instead keeps building up and reinforcing their defensive lines?

'Cause they have no intention of doing that, they want a slow grind 'cause it minimizes casualties on their side and the UAF's tactics are so harebrained that it's working in Russia's favor. It's all 'cause Ukraine is pushing a lot of troops towards Russia's offensives. And the West is draining money as well.

The truth:

The Russians should end it by the end of next year though.
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The casualties are lopsided. Now even women are being drafted, that's a big clue.
Quit your propaganda, even Russian frontline troops have admitted things are the other way round.
'Cause they have no intention of doing that, they want a slow grind 'cause it minimizes casualties on their side and the UAF's tactics are so harebrained that it's working in Russia's favor. It's all 'cause Ukraine is pushing a lot of troops towards Russia's offensives. And the West is draining money as well.
The casualties are massive on the Russian side. Fields full of dead Russian bodies fertilising crops. Russia doesn't have a clue how many soldiers it's even lost because most of the bodies are still rotting away somewhere in Ukraine. Ukraine now has more active artillery than Russia too and far more of it is guided. As regards hairbarined tactics, the Russians don't even use tactics, it's just repetitive meat assaults.
The truth:

The Russians should end it by the end of next year though.
The Russian offensive is going backward, look at the stats on deepstatemap. Sure Kyiv wants more firepower and they're getting it. And with Houthi firing Iranian cruise missiles and MRBMs derived from Russian ToT, it won't be long before factories inside Russia start getting hit mid-shift with similar weapons fired by Ukraine. Russia thought that getting its proxies to attack Israel would be a good idea, but it will only bring more firepower to their doorstep and past their doorstep. I wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine has Tomahawks and JASSM-ERs by the end of next year.
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