Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The problems is arms training and fighting experience, guns too.
EU armed police alone represent a sizeable force.
They haven't deployed enough air defenses and the Ukrainians have enough for saturation attacks. Another problem is lack of defensive infrastructure in air bases and such. The Russians would rather lose "expendable" men than expensive materials like SAMs, which is necessary in case of a bigger war.
What about expensive materials like Ka-52 attack helicopters at the airbase?

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Putin's three day war... Cleanup of the ex-mobiki in #Avdiivka. Flagged due to images of deceased Russians.

They haven't deployed enough air defenses and the Ukrainians have enough for saturation attacks. Another problem is lack of defensive infrastructure in air bases and such. The Russians would rather lose "expendable" men than expensive materials like SAMs, which is necessary in case of a bigger war.
Get real. S-400 SAMs cost more than 24 helicopters??

Get real. S-400 SAMs cost more than 24 helicopters??

S-400s are strategically more important. The same with other air defenses like Pantsir, Tor and Buk. We don't see much Russian air defenses around after all.

Chalk this loss up to poor preparation. The weapons the UAF used would never have gone through hardened defenses.
Footage of the Russian Terminator combat vehicle in combat work in Ukraine is rare. There are constantly rumors that they were destroyed, but this is not so, several Terminator combat vehicles are now working in the Donetsk direction. The car, one might say, is being hunted by Ukrainian units, because any destruction of this car is a significant event and a cash bonus for Ukrainian soldiers. One of its crew members spoke about the work of the Terminator BMPT.

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Can't compare that to actual combat experience.
SWAT generally train with special forces, in fact they teach special forces on certain elements of urban warfare like building clearance.
Yeah, pretty dumb to leave them exposed. They should have built hardened shelters by now.
Now an oil refinery too.


300km version arriving in January. Looks like Saky, Sevastopol and Fedosia will be getting cluster bombed, maybe even Novorossiysk.

Meanwhile, in Russia: a crowd of people invading an airport while searching for Jews to lynch.

Russia spent a lot of time trying to convince everyone the Ukrainians were Nazis. As always with Russia, that was projection. Whenever Russia accuses someone, they're charging them with the crimes committed by Russia.
To be fair, this is merely a consequence of Russia being a diverse, multicultural country with a lot of Muslims in it.
Special police forces fought alongside the regular army units in the Croatian Homeland War, and were actually used for high-difficulty tasks along with special tasks army forces all the way to and including 1995 Operation Storm.

Sure, police units do fight in wars, one of the first separatists units in Donbas were police, but that's beside the point. When Nazi troopers from Ukraine start attacking, say, a concert in Berlin, you can't expect the Berlin police to fight these highly trained and motivated Nazis on equal footing, can you? What about British police or the Slovakian one? None of these guys have actual fighting experience vs the Nazis with years and years of it.

SWAT units are trained to deal with hostage situations inside buildings and other such places, they lose their experience in street fighting over the years if they have had previous solider training. SWAT units are not the first point of contact as well, it's your regular old beat cop with a pistol who will have to fight these Nazis first. And after many civilians are dead, you need to bring in special forces to take them out, not SWAT, unless they are holed up in a building.

The point I'm making is the Nazis need to lose their morale first before they run out of weapons. If they run out of weapons first, then their high morale will turn towards the EU 'cause they are gonna feel betrayed. And your local police cannot absorb that anger without casualties first.
Meanwhile, in Russia: a crowd of people invading an airport while searching for Jews to lynch.

Russia spent a lot of time trying to convince everyone the Ukrainians were Nazis. As always with Russia, that was projection. Whenever Russia accuses someone, they're charging them with the crimes committed by Russia.

They are actually Muslims, the Dagestanis. Chechens are their neighbors.

And there are plenty of Jews being threatened in the West as well. Many Jewish students are being evacuated by police from universities in the US, UK etc.



There's even the opposite: Black Hebrew Israelites.

And then, the UK is figuring our new excuses to throw immigrants out.

This is my point, the Russians and the West are all the same.