Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The Russians are making some excellent new weapons though via the Su-57.

We will see more than half the MKI fleet in the strike role. During Gagan Shakti, we used 100 for air combat and 135 for strike.
Su-57 is going to be bought. We have no choice. Mk2 is delayed. The Chinese have over 200 j-20's. We might even end up buying the f-35 considering the disparity.
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Su-57 is going to be bought. We have no choice. Mk2 is delayed. The Chinese have over 200 j-20's. We might even end up buying the f-35 considering the disparity.
I've posted a podcast video on the F-35 thread. Give it a look and then tell me, do you still want F-35 for IAF or not🤣
Su-57 is going to be bought. We have no choice. Mk2 is delayed. The Chinese have over 200 j-20's. We might even end up buying the f-35 considering the disparity.

The problem is the timeframe. The J-20 will become a problem very soon, probably in just 2-3 more years. But we will be far too busy dealing with MRFA to focus on the Su-57. And by the time MRFA is done, AMCA will also be somewhat ready. So if we are to buy Su-57 and AMCA in parallel, the jet's gonna have to be way more advanced in comparison. Or a deal must be signed by 2025-26 or so, before MRFA, and I don't see that happening.

America, it's NGAD or bust. The F-35 does nothing for India. But while the Su-57 could cost $50M, the NGAD could cost $500M.
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The problem is the timeframe. The J-20 will become a problem very soon, probably in just 2-3 more years. But we will be far too busy dealing with MRFA to focus on the Su-57. And by the time MRFA is done, AMCA will also be somewhat ready. So if we are to buy Su-57 and AMCA in parallel, the jet's gonna have to be way more advanced in comparison. Or a deal must be signed by 2025-26 or so, before MRFA, and I don't see that happening.

America, it's NGAD or bust. The F-35 does nothing for India. But while the Su-57 could cost $50M, the NGAD could cost $500M.
IAF was/is not interested in single seat Su-57. They always wanted the dual-seater version. UAC has just revealed this design now and Russia has offered to shift partial production to India and UAE. Let's just see how it all pans out.

AMCA Mk2 is only a reality post 2035, IMO. While Su-57 with Item-30/AL-51 is just coming online very soon.
IAF was/is not interested in single seat Su-57. They always wanted the dual-seater version. UAC has just revealed this design now and Russia has offered to shift partial production to India and UAE. Let's just see how it all pans out.

AMCA Mk2 is only a reality post 2035, IMO. While Su-57 with Item-30/AL-51 is just coming online very soon.

Even if AMCA Mk2 becomes ready in 2035, it could take 7+ years to get sufficient numbers operational and crews trained and major teething problems fixed. The Su-57 would already be a decade old by the time we get it.
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They don't need 100B for just 250k troops.
I think we've established from my earlier link that it's 617k troops, plus artillery, tanks, IFV, MLRS, helis, jets, bombers, many (so many) of which have been destroyed. Destroyed bridges, fuel depots, production plants, all the fires, trains, railway lines, all the munitions and missiles they've used.....
That doesn't matter. Nothing works 100%. Even with an underwhelming attack the first time the Patriot was deployed, there was still some sort of explosion around the site.
An underwhelming attacks involving around 60 missiles including 20+ 'unstoppable' hypersonic ones.... one Patriot missile failed on launch and caused an explosion, no enemy missiles got through.
@BMD the problem you and people from the western countries have, is that we no longer care for your opinion or your views. Like in Ukraine. Your problem, you sort it out. Don't expect us to. For Israel, we do. Why, its in our interests. You find one chap saying pro Palestine terrorists and they will be put under surveillance for anti terrorist intelligence. Except, Kerala. where its allowed, but they go under the surveillance bucket.

And no. Its not just BJP thing. The surveillance under Congress was equally pervasive. The reason why we see so many people dancing about BJP is that they are more open about it. And don't forget, the Congress was equally brutal in putting down the insurgency in Punjab.

So, take KoolAid. Now, let me give you another take. You think we are anti China? Guess what happens IF China decides to settle the border amicably and decides to concentrate on Taiwan?
@BMD the problem you and people from the western countries have, is that we no longer care for your opinion or your views. Like in Ukraine. Your problem, you sort it out. Don't expect us to. For Israel, we do. Why, its in our interests. You find one chap saying pro Palestine terrorists and they will be put under surveillance for anti terrorist intelligence. Except, Kerala. where its allowed, but they go under the surveillance bucket.

And no. Its not just BJP thing. The surveillance under Congress was equally pervasive. The reason why we see so many people dancing about BJP is that they are more open about it. And don't forget, the Congress was equally brutal in putting down the insurgency in Punjab.

So, take KoolAid. Now, let me give you another take. You think we are anti China? Guess what happens IF China decides to settle the border amicably and decides to concentrate on Taiwan?
It p*sses them off if we don't follow their line. India standing for itself is something they absolutely abhor it seems.
I think we've established from my earlier link that it's 617k troops, plus artillery, tanks, IFV, MLRS, helis, jets, bombers, many (so many) of which have been destroyed. Destroyed bridges, fuel depots, production plants, all the fires, trains, railway lines, all the munitions and missiles they've used.....


An underwhelming attacks involving around 60 missiles including 20+ 'unstoppable' hypersonic ones.... one Patriot missile failed on launch and caused an explosion, no enemy missiles got through.

Lol, 20? When they have only 10 jets capable of carrying such missiles? Reality: They used 6.
With over 600k soldiers ready, I won't be surprised if Russians again try to recapture Kiev. Now they have addressed their biggest achilles heel, i.e., lack of manpower.

@vstol Jockey, Sir where do you see this war now heading?
Christmas cancelle din Russia, Santa commits suicide.

“He fell hahaha”: “Father Frost” who fell from a high-rise building died in Russia​