Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Same West which supplied arms & ammunition while siphoning the natural resources, be it middle East, Africa or Asia.

Here is one example of Congo even in current times.

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Pffft, BS. Africa is Africa. They make their own problems and blame it on others.
Many of you seem to getting twisted in understanding what happened with 2nd A50.
Explain to me how a SAM operator in Mariupol thinks a large aircraft circling over Krasnodar, in the opposite direction to the front, is Ukrainian? Aside from the IFF. It's impossible, sorry.
Yeah, so he's dredging up crap from the Nixon administration 50+ years ago, but TBH India's human rights record over that period isn't great either, so Nixon supported the NATO-aligned side whose territory was under threat in spite of their actions. You keep using ancient history as an excuse for present day wrongs.
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What are you talking about exactly?
Are you saying Western world didn't or doesn't look after its interests at all times and always prefers international norms & democracies instead of autocratic military regimes?
Yeah, so he's dredging up crap from the Nixon administration 50+ years ago, but TBH India's human rights record over that period isn't great either, so Nixon supported the NATO-aligned side whose territory was under threat in spite of their actions. You keep using ancient history as an excuse for present day wrongs.
West supported pak blindly for Pakistan being torch bearer of human rights in the region?
Are you saying Western world didn't or doesn't look after its interests at all times and always prefers international norms & democracies instead of autocratic military regimes?
It always prefers but you don't always get what you prefer. And when the west acts to remove dictatorships people bitch anyway, so either way they bitch.
Pffft, BS. Africa is Africa. They make their own problems and blame it on others.
West is so good at white washing their criminal acts, that global South doesn't need to do anything at all!
West is so good at white washing their criminal acts, that global South doesn't need to do anything at all!
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Is focusing on stability and developmental gains that bad. I know we've been criticised for causing failed states when we've acted against dictators elsewhere, so like I said, people will bitch anyway. The last 2 years have shown that weak democracies in Africa simply get overran and bummed by Wagner/Russia/China in coups anyway.
Explain to me how a SAM operator in Mariupol thinks a large aircraft circling over Krasnodar, in the opposite direction to the front, is Ukrainian? Aside from the IFF. It's impossible, sorry.
It's so simple.

Ukraine sent drone to harras the A50 in the kill zone of Russian SAM. Russia fell for the bait and thought A50 was getting attacked violently. It tried to rescue the A50 by launching SAM towards the Drone. Missile hit the A50 due to huge size.

As I said earlier, we haven't seen Russian inaptitude or say lack of clear headed decision making in current tribal warfare and both Russian & Ukrainian people continue to get crushed in this ugly war.
A Russian plane, presumably an A-50U, official media reported about an unknown aircraft, crashed near the Trudovaya Armenia farm in the Kanevsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. The wreckage of the plane was found by local residents. There is no official information about the type of aircraft yet. Ukrainian media reported that the A-50 plane was shot down by Ukrainian air defense, but this is unlikely, since the nearest point of the front line is from 210 to 265 kilometers, and the firing range of the Patriot air defense system is 160 kilometers. It is worth noting that local residents filmed the flight of the plane; the video shows the plane shooting at a heat trap; this is done when the plane detected a missile launch or radar radiation. Also, one of the local residents recorded the launch of an unknown missile during the flight of the plane. It is also possible that a sabotage group equipped with MANPADS penetrated into the Krasnodar region.

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Yeah, so he's dredging up crap from the Nixon administration 50+ years ago, but TBH India's human rights record over that period isn't great either, so Nixon supported the NATO-aligned side whose territory was under threat in spite of their actions. You keep using ancient history as an excuse for present day wrongs.
Fact is Europe never felt ashamed for supporting military & junta regimes against democratic nations including when it suited them, don't come lecturing if you find India looking after our own interests.

We don't want war anywhere, period. If it happens, all efforts must be made for diplomatic peaceful resolution and to end the war immediate basis. We don't wish ill will towards neither Ukrainian nor Russian people.
Footage of the use in Ukraine, by Russian Su-35 aircraft, presumably of Kh-35U missiles. Despite the fact that the Kh-35 missile is considered anti-ship, a modified version of the Kh-35U, equipped with a Gran-K seeker, can also hit ground-based radars at a range of up to 260 kilometers. The missile has a warhead of 145 kilograms and flies at an altitude of 20–50 meters, skirting the earth's surface. The video shows a Kh-35U missile hitting the Ukrainian P-18 all-round radar station, which was put into service in 1970 and designed to detect air targets.

It always prefers but you don't always get what you prefer. And when the west acts to remove dictatorships people bitch anyway, so either way they bitch.
Millions of Congolese had to die as Western world had fetish for Congolese resources which it extracted by propping a dictatorship next door in Rawanda.

I have genuinely shocked that you all don't read history in Europe or what exactly? Not even the recent ones? Even Google is blocked in Europe?
Is focusing on stability and developmental gains that bad. I know we've been criticised for causing failed states when we've acted against dictators elsewhere, so like I said, people will bitch anyway. The last 2 years have shown that weak democracies in Africa simply get overran and bummed by Wagner/Russia/China in coups anyway.
Focusing on stability & development is good, but not when it's directing at harrassing the neighbouring countries with war, terrorisms knowingly.